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Kristen Luse Skiing has many uses. Its a fun sport, and you can use it to get around too! Even sometimes the military uses it! According to history, skiing was originated in Northern Europe and Asia. When the very first skiers skied they used the bones of large animals for skies. Skies were also used in war, this was during the battle of Oslo, Norway (1220 ad). They used them (the Norwegian scouts) to spy on the Swedish enemies. A Norwegian Military ski company was established in 1747. The Norwegian Military Ski Companys first civilized ski race took place in 1843 in Tromso, Norway. Viking ruler King Harold Hadrade of Iceland Indulged in skiing for gambling and winning prizes during 1046-1066 approximately. In skiing history the major turning point was in the year 1868 when Sondre and his fellow skiers performed at the first National skiing competition held at Iverslokken, Christiana. Mathias Zdarsky of Austria introduced pushing one ski at an angle to fall line in order to control speed 1n 1896. The very first time skiing was held in the Winter Olympics was 1924! Sources:

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