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CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC by Tracey Jackson Revisions by Kayla Alpert | Current revisions by | | Tim Firth May 29, 2007 Property of: Jerry Bruckheimer Films 1631 Tenth Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 BLACKSCREEN REBECCA (V.0.) When I was a teenager there was this magazine. INT. TEENAGE REBECCA'S BEDROOM, THE NINETIES - DAY A teenage magazine lands on a bed, followed by a TEENAGE REBECCA. REBECCA (V.0.) ‘seventeen’ or something. Anyway it had this page where they’d stop a girl on the sidewalk and do like a breakdown of all her clothes. ECU: a photo of a GIRL, all her clothes with arrows and labels, reading: REBECCA (V.0.) (puts on dramatic cool voice) “Kelly Brockstein, New York. Top, J crew. Skirt, Marc Jacobs. Shoes, sigerson”. (normal voice) I always hoped it would happen to me, but it never did. So I used to do it to myself. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY NINETIES MUSIC! The TEENAGE REBECCA rounds a corner of a suburban street, and STOPS DEAD, smiling. TRENAGE REBECCA (V.0.) “Becky Bloomwood, Hoboken. Which is NEARLY New York. Top, Miu Miu. Jeans, H&M. Socks, Marc Jacobs." JUMP CUT To: EXT. SUBURBAN STREZT - ANOTHER DAY MUSIC. The TEENAGE REBECCA rounds a different corner and stops dead, smiling. ‘TEENAGE "REBECCA (V<0-') “Becky Bloomwood. Dress: J Crew. Leggings, DENY. Boots, Banana Republic. JUMP CUT TO: EXT, SUBURBAN STREET ~ ANOTHER DAY MUSIC. The TEENAGE REBECCA rounds a corner, and stops dead, smiling. TEENAGE REBECCA (V.0.) ‘Becky Bloomwood. Sweater, Gap. Accessories, Diane Von Furstenb- URGH! The MAN following WALKS INTO HER and both go FLYING out of shot, him CURSING LIKE MAD. REBECCA (V.0.) Most girls stop doing this kind of thing when they’re teenagers. (beat) Tr-ragically not me EXT, MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY - PRESENT DAY | She made the Big Apple! A bright, attractive, white wine spritzer of a girl, REBECCA BLOOMWOOD carly twenties, turns onto Madison, midstream of workbound NEW YORKERS. A girl in her ABSOLUTE natural habitat! REBECCA (V.O.) "Rebecca Bloomwood. Twenty five. Magazine journalist, New York! Top, Missoni Sale. Jacket, Zara. Pants, Coach. She stops DEAD as if STUNNED BY LOVE. REBECCA (V.0.) But I mean it’s not like I haven‘t MATURED in this time, like T haven’t widened my HORIZONS. T mean moving to the city I met guys, and that kind of put things in perspective! It seems REBECCA has seen a cute guy in the street!

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