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If I lose myself


The Precious Present by 1981, Doubleday, Spencer Johnson Broadway New or!, "S#

The precious present.

The precious present has nothin$ to do with wishin$.

%hen you ha&e the precious present, you are per'ectly content to be where you are.

ou already !now what the precious present is. ou already !now where to 'ind The richness is rare, The precious present is not it. #nd you already !now indeed, but ( the wealth so)ethin$ that so)eone how it can )a!e you o' the precious present $i&es you. *t is a $i't that happy. ou !now it best co)es only 'ro) itsel'. you $i&e yoursel'. when you were a s)all child. ou ha&e si)ply 'or$otten.



The precious has nothin$ to do with wishin$ ( %hen you ha&e the precious present you will be per'ectly content to be where you are ( The richness o' the precious present co)es 'ro) its own source ( The precious present is not so)ethin$ that so)eone $i&es to you (. *t is so)ethin$ you $i&e to yoursel' (. 1+

*t is wise 'or )e to thin! *t is also wise to thin! about the past and to learn about the 'uture and to #nd when * lose )y sel', * 'ro) )y past. But it is not prepare 'or )y 'uture. But lose what is )ost precious wise 'or )e to be in the it is not wise 'or )e to be to )e. past. 1or that is how * lose in the 'uture. 1or that, too, )y sel'. is how * lose )y sel'.




* !now that so)e people The present is what is. *t is choose to recei&e the precious. 3&en i' * do not precious present when they !now why. *t is already 4ust * can choose to be happy are youn$. 2thers in )iddle Pain is the di''erence the way it is supposed to b. now. 2r * can try to be a$e. #nd so)e when they between what is and what * when * see the present, happy when ( or i' ( are &ery old. So)e people, want it to be. accept the present, and sadly, ne&er do. * can e5perience the present. * choose the precious present a) well, and * a) happy. whene&er * want.





%hen * 'eel $uilty o&er )y i)per'ect past, or * a) 6y past was the present. an5ious o&er )y uncertain #nd )y 'uture will be the 'uture, * do not li&e in the present. The present present. Then, * e5perience )o)ent is the only reality * pain. * )a!e )ysel' ill. e&er e5perience. #nd * a) unhappy.

#s lon$ as * continue to stay in the present, * a) happy 'ore&er7 because 'ore&er is always the present.

The present is si)ply who * a) 4ust the way * a) ( ri$ht now. #nd it is precious.





The precious present is so)ethin$ precious * can * a) the precious present. $i&e to and recei&e 'ro) )ysel'. 1or * a) precious.

The precious present.





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