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Globetrotter Unit 1 Test

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points
Reading Strategies (25 points 5 each) The Death of Distance Public mail service has existed for centuries, but telecommunications technology is also surprisingly old. By the 1870s, the world was linked by the telegraph. London was the center for most of the worlds longdistance telegraphs, so English was the operating language. The invention of the telephone in 1876 made long-distance communication even more possible. However, cost was a major problem to longdistance calls. Since then the cost of communications has fallen dramatically. A three minute telephone call between London and New York cost the equivalent of about $730 in 1928, and about 45 cents in 1998. Prices have fallen mainly because of massive increases in demand and technological development. Today, undersea fiber-optic links can carry 600,000 simultaneous calls! The Internet, established in 1991, uses the same infrastructure as the telephone. There is now probably more data traffic than voice traffic in the developed world. The vast majority of Internet communications are in English. The system has its origins in the scientific community, where English is the international lingua franca.
(Adapted from Graddol, D. 1997. The Future of English? The British Council. From: Skyline 2 (p. 110) Simon Brewster; Paul Davies; Mickey Rogers Macmillan Heinemann, 2001)

Glossary death - morte / mail correio / linked - ligado / fallen - cado / mainly principalmente / increases - aumentos / carry - carregar 1. A alternativa correta de acordo com o texto : a) Muito do que aparece na internet em ingls, e isso no mudar por um bom tempo; b) Ingls era a lngua usada para a comunicao, pois Londres era o centro para o telgrafo; c) Uma ligao entre Londres e Nova York era muito cara em 1928, e ainda ; d) O correio j existe h sculos, mas a tecnologia de telecomunicao no muito antiga. 2. A palavra major (pargrafo 1) est sendo usada com o mesmo sentido no texto e na frase: a) He is a major in the military; b) She plans to major in mathematics at ITA; c) The United States is a major influence in the United Nations; d) This is a beautiful violin concerto in A major by Beethoven.
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3. De acordo com o texto, qual era o principal problema da telefonia internacional na primeira metade do sculo XX? a) o custo b) as barreiras de linguagem c) a infra-estrutura d) a internet 4. A palavra but destacada em ..., but telecommunications technology is also surprisingly old. no inicio do texto pode ser traduzida como: a) portanto b) porque c) exceto d) mas 5. O texto acima tem como foco principal: a) Provar que apesar do alto custo, a tecnologia muito necessria; b) Afirmar que o conhecimento bsico da lngua inglesa de extrema necessidade ao usar a Internet; c) Mostrar o motivo pelo qual a maioria da comunicao feita atravs da Internet e de outros meios de comunicao feita em ingls; d) Apresentar os meios de comunicao criados pelos ingleses. Word Study (25 points 5 each) Complete as frases com as palavras do quadro abaixo: 1. Canadians ______ English and French. a) translate b) summarize c) speak

2. My friend works for the government. She ________ documents from English to Portuguese. a) speaks b) learns c) checks d) translates 3. My teacher wants us to ____________ an entire book into three pages maximum. a) before b) summarize c) check d) write 4. What I really want to do when I graduate is to travel around the _________. a) world b) things c) power d) English 5. Stuarts ________ language is English. a) learn b) thing c) years Using Grammar (25 points 5 each) Escolha a resposta que melhor completa a orao: 1. I am an athlete. I exercise most _________ the day. a) on b) in c) of d) to d) first

2. See you tomorrow _________ 7 oclock! a) in b) of c) to d) at 3. ___________ like to read? a) Are you b) Do you c) You are d) You do

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4. Josh, what _____________ doing? a) are you b) do you c) you are 5. No, she ________ speaking English. Thats German. a) is b) does c) not d) is not Think and Write (25 points) Imagine friend.

d) you do

you are on vacation in a place in Brazil. Write a postcard to a Where are you? What are you doing? Whats the weather like?

Use this text as a model. Hi, Mnica! How are you? Im on vacation in Vermont. Right now, Im sitting in a restaurant at the ski lodge. My friends and parents are skiing. The weather is great sunny and cold. Theres a lot of snow. What about you? What are you doing? Whats the weather like at home? See you soon, Nick

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Reading Strategies 1. b A resposta est no primeiro pargrafo do texto. A primeira alternativa, apesar de parecer evidente que correta, no mencionada no texto. A alternativa c est falando exatamente o contrrio do texto, j que o mesmo menciona o preo alto das tarifas em 1928 e sua reduo significativa nos dias de hoje. A palavra-chave no texto para a ltima alternativa seria a palavra also = tambm; ou seja, o correio e a tecnologia de telecomunicao so muito antigos. 2. c Esta palavra no primeiro pargrafo do texto tem o sentido de maior/importante em portugus, e a nica alternativa que traz o mesmo significado a terceira. 3. a A resposta para esta pergunta est no segundo pargrafo do texto. A chave aqui o aluno identificar o ano 1928 como primeira metade do sculo XX, e ver que realmente o custo das ligaes era mais caro naquele ano do que em 1998. 4. d A conjuno adversativa mas a que melhor se enquadra, j que a primeira orao contrasta um fato j conhecido com outro surpreendente, na segunda orao. 5. c O texto est mostrando por que o ingls muito utilizado na Internet e em outros meios de comunicao, e refora esta idia no ltimo pargrafo. O texto no afirma que h uma extrema necessidade de usar o ingls a todo o momento quando navegamos na Internet; tambm no cita que os preos ainda esto caros, e s apresenta alguns meios de comunicao e no todos os criados pelos ingleses. Word Study 1. c 2. d Using Grammar 1. c 2. d 3. b 3. b 4. a 4. a 5. d 5. d

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