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February 26, 2014 Honorable Judi Bosworth Town Supervisor North He pstead Town Hall 220 !

lando e "oad #anhasset, New $or% 110&0 'ear Honorable #s( Bosworth, ) a writin* to you with re*ard to the i pendin* de olition o+ the ,lenwood -andin* power plant whi.h is owned by National ,rid( The residents o+ ,len Head, any o+ whi.h are y .onstituents as well as ,lenwood -andin* and Sea /li++ need to have their opinions heard( They o++er realisti. and viable solutions +or the de.o issioned power plant whi.h would +urther enhan.e its aestheti. appearan.e and support the viability o+ the .o unity( ) a en.losin* with this letter a .opy o+ the petition ) re.eived si*ned by 021 .o unity e bers( ) believe it provides all the in+or ation to assist you in haltin* the de olition o+ the buildin* pendin* +urther e2ploration o+ the re.o endations ade by the .o unity e bers( These re.o endations are ba.%ed by +a.tual data and re+eren.e si ilar su..ess+ul pro3e.ts( 4hile ) understand the position o+ National ,rid, their use o+ the land sans the de.o issioned buildin* .ontinues in earnest( 5s outlined in the openin* para*raph o+ the petition, the re ainin* use o+ the land ad3a.ent to the de.o issioned power plant renders the area as a paved over lot, unusable( But leave the buildin* with its ar.hite.ture and en*ineerin* desi*n it re ains a viable par.el to *enerate in.o e, 3ob *rowth, and ta2 revenue( /onsiderin* that appro2i ately 006 o+ this pro3e.t is in the Town o+ North He pstead, its ta2 and business potential is si*ni+i.ant to the town as well(

There+ore, ) re7uest that you review this issue with all ur*en.y and delay the de olition until all o+ these re.o endations have been +ully e2plored( Sin.erely,

#i.hael 5( #ontesano #e ber o+ 5sse bly 11th #e ber o+ 5sse bly b..8 Barbara S.hiraldi

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