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Nelson Mandela: The Freedom Maker

Process Paper

Camille El Ghaoui Briana Bazile Junior Division 2014 Group Website

Our NHD topi this !ear" Nelson #an$ela%s &ourne! to en$in' (parthei$" )as inspire$ b! #an$ela%s passin' this past !ear *201+,- .he event o/ his passin' )as a )orl$)i$e happenin'" an$ this 'ot me *Briana, intereste$" as 0 learne$ about his international importan e- Camille arrive$ in De ember an$ )as also intereste$ in this topi so )e then ollaborate$- Narro)in' our topi $o)n be'an )ith us loo1in' into the in$ivi$ual time perio$s o/ #an$ela%s li/e" then seein' )hi h perio$ )as pertinent to the theme this !ear o/ ri'hts an$ responsibilities- (/ter a pro ess o/ elimination" )e $e i$e$ to /o us on his li/etime be/ore an$ $urin' prison" investi'atin' his har$ships an$ )hat he /ou'ht /or- We laim that 2Nelson #an$ela3s )ill /or /ree$om an$ pea e lea$ him to &ail- 4et later" his 25 !ears in &ail 'reatl! in/luen e$ the abolition o/ the 6outh (/ri an (parthei$ be ause" as he trans/orme$ as a man" he too1 ontrol o/ his responsibilities an$ /ou'ht /or the ri'hts o/ his people-7 Earl! $e ember" )e be'an our resear h b! simpl! loo1in' out /or ne)s astin's relatin' to #an$ela%s li/e(/ter )e 'ot an overvie) o/ #an$ela%s li/e" )e 'athere$ spe i/i points )e )ante$ to investi'ate an$ too1 them to the librar!- We ma$e several trips to the librar! to e8plore various boo1s about Nelson #an$ela" su h as his autobio'raph!" 9on' Wal1 to :ree$om- We /o use$ on the perio$ o/ his li/e )here he )as an a tive (NC member" to )hen he )as onvi te$ to li/e in prison- We /oun$ various arti les" movies an$ )ebsites all $e$i ate$ to the li/e o/ the /amous 6outh (/ri an lea$er- We )at he$ the /ilm about #an$ela /rom his )i/e" Winnie%s point o/ vie)- We sa) the har$ships he en$ure$ $urin' his 25 !ears o/ aptivit!- Briana an$ 0 mana'e$ to /in$ man! ima'es o/ his !oun'er $a!s" /l!ers /or the (NC an$ other sour es su h as spee hes6in e last !ear ea h o/ us ha$ $one an e8hibit /or NHD" )e )ante$ to present our pro&e t $i//erentl! this timeWebsites are e8hibits )ithout printin'" an$ )e /in$ it more or'anize$- We separate$ our in/ormation throu'hout si8 main tabs" ea h relatin' to one sub laim- We in orporate$ a series o/ pi tures in ea h tab alon' )ith primar! sour es li1e vi$eo e8 erpts an$ au$io to /urther prove our thesisNelson #an$ela relates to the theme" ri'hts an$ responsibilities be ause $urin' the (parthei$" he ma$e it his responsibilit! to /i'ht /or the basi ri'hts o/ his people- Nelson #an$ela /ou'ht /or the ri'hts o/ the olore$ 6outh (/ri ans an$ /i'htin' this /i'ht ame )ith 'reat responsibilities- (s the ountr! )as stron'l! se're'ate$" bla 1s )ere 1ept /rom various privile'es hel$ b! the )hite population; the ri'hts o/ the people )ere separate$ as )hole- :in$in' this un&ust" Nelson #an$ela too1 the responsibilit! o/ overturnin' the (parthei$ 'overnment- #an$ela onvin e$ his people that he )as /i'htin' /or an important ause" imposin' the responsibilit! on them o/ bein' a)are its importan e be ause it a//e te$ the entire nation-

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