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Focus on: Protein

Nutrients: Energy Yiel ding or Not?

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Yes No
Carbohydrates 4 kcal/gram
Fats 9 kcal/gram
Protein 4 kcal/gram
Alcohol 7 kcal/gram
Over view
o roLeln declency ln Lhe uS ls rare
o 2/3 proLeln ln uS from meaL, poulLry, seafood,
eggs, dalry
o ueveloplng world relles on planL proLelns
o As a populauon's economlc sLaLus lmproves -
Lhere ls a consequenL ^ ln proporuon of
anlmal proLeln consumed
Rol es of Protein in the Body
Enzymes: chemical reaction catalysts
Hormones, antibodies & transport proteins
Maintains fluid & electrolyte balance
Maintains acid-base balance
Grow, maintain & repair body tissues
Provide energy (4 kcal/g)
Can provide glucose via gluconeogenesis
Amino Acids
o Amlno aclds are Lhe bulldlng blocks of proLelns
o Amlno aclds are llnked LogeLher by pepude
2 amlno aclds [olned = dlpepude
3 amlno aclds [olned = Lrlpepude
> 3 amlno aclds [olned = polypepude
Amino Acids
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Essential vs. Non-Essential AAs
Essential Amino Acids
Nonessential Amino Acids
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Conditional Amino Acids
Arginine Glycine
Cysteine Ornithine
Glutamine Proline
Tyrosine Serine
Using Protein for Energy
o When we do noL consume enough calorles Lo meeL
needs, body proLelns are broken down slnce amlno
aclds are noL sLored
o nlLrogen makes up abouL 16 of welghL of proLeln -
slmllar Lo Lhe earLh's aLmosphere
o 170 pound body conLalns 16 proLeln - abouL 27
pounds & waLer makes up 70 of Lhe resL of LhaL
o Palf of body's LoLal proLeln used Lo form skeleLal
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Using Protein for Energy
o ueamlnauon removes amlno group (nP
roduces urea whlch ls excreLed ln urlne
o Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen can be broken down
Lo produce A1 or used Lo make glucose or fauy
Dietar y Sources of Protein
Dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese
Animal flesh: poultry, fish, meat
Legumes, nuts, eggs
Grains usually incomplete proteins
Vegetables usually incomplete proteins
Soy is the only non-animal complete protein
Quinoa, buckwheat, hempseed, amaranth also complete
proteins but not 1.0 on the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino
Acid Score (PDCAAS) scale
Animal Sources of Protein
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1 cup of mllk = 8 g proLeln

1 egg = 6 g proLeln

3 oz meaL = 20+ g proLeln
Pl ant Sources of Protein
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1 sllce of bread = 2 g proLeln

x cup legumes = 6-10 g proLeln

x cup rlce, cereal, pasLa = 2-3 g proLeln

x cup nuLs, seeds = 3-10 g proLeln
Recommended Ser ving Sizes
o 2-3 ounces cooked lean meaL, poulLry, sh
o x cup cooked drled beans
o 1 egg
o 2 Lablespoons peanuL buuer
o 1 oz cheese
o 2-3 oz soy proLeln, soybeans or meaL alLernauves
Deter mining Protein Needs
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for Protein
10-35% total kcal intake should be from protein
Average Intake in United States
12-18% of calories from protein
4-JKA =:K=L-
Deter mining Protein Needs
Age Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Protein (g/kg)
0-6 months 1.52*
7-12 months 1.5
1-3 years 1.1
4-8 years 0.95
9-13 years 0.95
14-18 years 0.85
Adults 18+, non-pregnant 0.8
Pregnant women 1.1
Lactating women 1.3
Other Protein Recommendations
o Clder adulLs ln reslsLance Lralnlng: 1.0-1.3 g/kg
alLhough lndlvldual needs hlghly varlable"
accordlng Lo healLh & Lralnlng reglmen
o ALhleLes: 0.9-1.3 g/kg/day
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Other Protein Recommendations
o 8rlush ueparLmenL of PealLh & World Cancer
8esearch lund advlse:
Maxlmum lnLake of 2.3 ounces red meaL/day
no more Lhan 1 pound red meaL/week
o Who may need hlgher proLeln lnLakes?
o Who may need lower proLeln lnLakes?
Appl ication: Protein Needs
o A 30 year old male welghs 172 pounds (78.2
o uslng Lhe 8uA for proLeln, deLermlne how
many grams proLeln per day he should have
Appl ication: Sol ution
o 8uA for proLeln for non-pregnanL adulLs age
18+ ls 0.8 g/kg/day
o 30 year old male welghs 78.2 kg
o 78.2 kg x 0.8 grams proLeln/kg/day = 63 g pro
What does 63g protein l ook l ike?
1&2*, 3 4'256, 7$8#&%'
8reakfasL: 1 Lgg, hard-bolled (6g) + 1 sllce whole wheaL LoasL (2g) + 1 pear (1g) 9 grams
Lunch: 1 cup lenul soup (9g) + 1 cup long graln rlce (4g) + 1 cup bolled greens (3g) 16 grams
Snack: 1 cup lowfaL yogurL (11g) + 1 cup berrles (1g) 12 grams
ulnner: 2 oz chlcken breasL (17g) + x cup soba noodles (3g) + 1 cup carroLs (1g) 23 grams
Snack: x cup lce cream (3g) 3 grams
98#2*: ;< .$2=,
What does W pro intake l ook l ike?
1&2*, 3 4'256, 7$8#&%'
8reakfasL: 2 Mcuonald's Sausage McMumn wlLh Lgg (42g) 42 grams
Lunch: uell Club Sandwlch wlLh Cheese (37g) 37 grams
Snack: nacho 1orulla Chlps wlLh Cheese (10g) 10 grams
ulnner: 8 oz chlcken breasL (68g) + 1 cup rlce (4g) + 1 cup broccoll (3g) 73 grams
Snack: 1 x cup corn akes cereal (2g) + 1 cup sklm mllk (8g) 10 grams
98#2*: >?@ .$2=,
Research: Protein Perceptions
2012 lllC lood & PealLh Survey found:
48 consumers pooled sald Lhey are Lrylng Lo eaL
more proLeln - up from 39 Lhe prevlous year
69 say lncrease Lo help you feel full"
60 say lncrease because hlgh proLeln dleLs can
help wlLh welghL loss"
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Research: Protein & Satiety
2012 sLudy by lrench researchers ln Cell proved saueLy:
When you dlgesL dleLary proLeln, Lhls modulaLes acuvlLy of
molecules called mu-oplold recepLors (MC8s)
Same recepLors used ln body's response Lo morphlne
MC8s send slgnals Lo braln Lelllng lnLesune Lo release
Clucose suppresses your hunger, appeuLe, lnLake
SLudy: mlce geneucally englneered Lo lack MC8s fall Lo
show slgns of feellng full when fed hlgh-proLeln meals
Research: Protein Intake & Heal th
2010 analysls of nurses' PealLh SLudy
n=84,136 women, age 30-33 yrs, no known cancer,
dlabeLes, anglna, Ml, sLroke or Cvu, 26 yr f/u perlod
8ed meaL lnLake assoclaLed wlLh hlgher rlsk of
coronary hearL dlsease
Shllng sources of proLeln ln dleL lowers rlsk from
13-30 per dally servlng
Shl" was less red meaL and more nuLs, low-faL dalry,
poulLry and sh
Research: Protein Intake & Heal th
2010 analysls of low-carb, hlgh-proLeln dleL:
n=43,396 Swedlsh women, age 30-49 yrs, 13.7 yr f/u
wlLh exLenslve dleLary quesuonnalre compleLed
Lach 1-polnL ^ ln proLeln consumpuon (10-pL scale)
assoclaLed w/ 4 ^ rlsk cardlovascular evenL
Lach 2-polnL ^ on 20-pL pro/carb scale (=+3g pro &
-20g carb/day) assoclaLed w/ 3 hlgher rlsk
Assoclauons sLronger ln women where proLeln was
mosLly from anlmal sources

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For More Infor mation
o Medllnelus, roLeln:
o CuC, nuLrluon for Lveryone, roLeln:
o lAC, Lnergy and roLeln 8equlremenLs:
o uCSl auenL Lducauon, PealLhy Ways Lo lncrease Calorles &

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