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By: Annelisse

Relaxed and satisfied, Honey the bee was sitting on the edge of a fishing boat. She was taking a day off from the Honey Workshop. All of a sudden the boat starts to shake and wobble! Honeys wigs get splashed with water. Now she had a big problem. How was she going to get out of the boat now that she couldn t fly? On the other side of the boat Honey saw a helium filled balloon tied to the rim of the boat. Honey thought that if she tied herself on the balloon it would take her to safety on the shore. Honey carefully crawled to the other side of the boat, holding on tight to the rim so that she wouldnt get carried away with the water. After all it was a human sized boat. Every little splash for a human was big for Honey. Honey untied the balloon and hung on tight. The balloon flew up, up, up until Honey could barely see the humans. Then Honey noticed that she wasn t going to shore. Instead she was going up and didnt stop. Honey started going crazy, wobbling trying to pull the balloon down without letting go. It was a long fall if the balloon popped. Until, POP!!! The balloon had popped. This was bad, really bad. Honey closed her eyes and scram. AHHHH!!!

BOOM!!! Honey opened her eyes. It was all just a crazy dream. Honeys
parents came rushing to her room because they heard Honey scream. Honey explained that it was all just a crazy dream. Honey also thought it was the best dream EVER!!!!!

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