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Notes: All in all, I had a difficult time reading this passage.

. It referenced a lot of things such as different monster theories but never went into detail about what each theory meant I think thought that the chapter was trying to show why monster are portrayed a certain way or how things like vampires became monsters and why they where created.

Reflection: What I really found interesting was all the historical references they gave, and how they were seen as monsters, like during the Middle Ages Jew where considered monsters because it was believed they ate Christian children, which helped leave things open for The Holocaust and WWII.

Class Response: Sydney I also really liked how they used the historical references. It made it more interesting to read for me. Honestly, I didnt really get all the references so props to you girl! =). I also found it interesting that they referenced monsters to sexuality and race because I watch a lot of True Blood and I can see why they linked monsters to sexuality and lust. I also agree this piece was very difficult to read.

Conclusion: Thesis Five The monster policies and boarders of the possible Curiosity is often punished rather than rewarded Example: Santa Pushing away social normal in away geographical, spiritual, and in everyday lifestyle

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