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Notes: For my paper I was thinking of about real life monsters.

. How a person can appear to be a monster but then shinned in a different light could actually been seen as a normal person, not a monster. Theses 1: talks about cultural bodies. Theses 2: Monsters always escape. In my paper criminals would be a great example These 3: Muslims would be a great example. During crises we tend to blame others like the Muslims for 911 Theses 4: We discriminate against people for who they look or act. Jews throughout history, Native Americans. Theses 6: Fear of monsters is a desire.

Reflection After taking the time to think about the thesis, I think my idea is a great one to do a project one. We desire fear so much in our lifes to keep order and structure that sometimes we hide behind lies to keep normal feelings.

Class response: Emily You used theses 1 really well. I liked your paper and that you did the Facebook post (great idea!). I think you did a great job of writing how we actually make the monster sometimes.

Conclusion: Being a Criminal Justice major along with a Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights minor I tend to follow the media really closely and like to learn more about our history. Real life monsters are sometimes created by a branch of lies throughout the media, in which people watching become convinced of their guilt and find them repulsive. The media should be using real facts on real monsters, there are worse people out in this world other than Casey Anthony, and George Zimmerman, the world is just to blind behind lies to realize it.

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