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Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

-----------------------------------------01. Introduction and Orientation --------------------------------------------02. Linux History and Redhat Certification --------------------------------------------------------03. Linux Installation I - Graphical Installation ------------------------------------------------------------You'll get a quick overview from screenshot given in following link:

04. Introduction to vi/vim editor --------------------------------------------- vi (pronounced vee-EYE, short for visual) provides basic text editing capabilities. - Two Mode - Insert Mode and Command Mode - Insert mode by pressing "Insert". Command mode by pressing escape - You can type whatever you want in Insert Mode - Command mode by its name indicate you can command the vi editor to perform something save,search and replace,move cursor,quit without saving,cut,copy,paste,remove etc - Being in Command Mode you can switch to Insert mode by simply pressing "i" - in command mode type: :q! --> to exit without saving :wq --> save and exit :w --> save

More detail about vi will be shown in our LAB Class when we will work with various files. Students are encouraged to visit:

05. Getting started with Bash --------------------------------------------------------------Command = 1st on command line Option = starts with - or --


Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

Argument = additional parameters For example with the command "yum install httpd* -y" yum = command install = argument httpd* = argument -y = option (which means my answer is always "yes") Basic Linux Commands: - pwd --> print working directory. to know in which directory you are in and the detail path (Absolute Path of working directory) - ls --> show the list of files and directories of current directory. - cd --> change directory - cat filename--> read a file - adduser username--> user add - passwd username --> set/change password for user and root - suusername --> change user (only su for super user, i.e root) - mkdir --> make directory - touch --> create file - rm --> remove file and directory - whereis, man and info --> information about command - cat -> to read a file - date --> show, edit date and time - history - id - !number For more Basic commands students are encouraged to visit:


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