Questions To Consider

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Questions to Consider Directions: For this debate you are going to become experts on the side that you

are assigned. This means you are going to need an immense amount of research in order to back up your claim. I understand that you may disagree with the side that you were assigned to argue for, but a good debater/writer can argue either side, regardless of their actual stance. Here are some questions that you should make notes about to prepare for the debate. I will be asking some, all, or different questions; you will not know until the day of the debate.. Be Prepared. Be Accurate. May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor. Good Luck! 1. Do you think what Rodman did is considered treason? 2. What is treason? 3. If the United States is a free country, why is there so much controversy over someone practicing their rights? 4. What elements are used in order to persuade people to go against/for Rodman? 5. How are these affective or not? 6. Why do you agree/disagree with Rodman? Have a multitude of reasons. 7. Do you think Rodman and his team will go back to North Korea? 8. Was there an underlying plan that may have been happening, or was his travels strictly for basketball? 9. What do you think about Eric Sleepy Floyd? Do you think it was right or wrong of him to leave his team in North Korea? Why or why not? 10. Why is Rodman the only foreigner with access to North Koreas reclusive dictator Kim Jong Un? 11. Do you think its important for American citizens to know what is going on outside of our country? Why or why not? 12. What would happen if Rodman went back to North Korea? 13. What is some background information on Rodman? Is he an alcoholic? How does this information work for/against him? 14. The documentary that was watched last semester, what kind of rhetorical elements were used and how did that affect your view of North Korea? 15. Is there a chance that this story is one sided? How so? 16. Is our government giving us all of the information, or are they merely captivating the negative parts of North Korea and shedding light on only the positive parts of the U.S.? 17. Why is North Korea so closed off? What happened during the Korean War? Whos side were the Americans on? Why?

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