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Hancock 1 John Hancock 28 February, 2014 Professor Ramjoue Meteorology 1010 Current Event Article Review 2 The U.S.

A Today released an article on their site titled, Nowhere to hide from extreme weather. The article was written by Rick Hampson, on February 26, 2014. The article talks about how no state is safe from extreme weather. He says, Whether there are blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes or mudslides, every place gets a taste of Mother Nature's wrath. To start the article, he talks about an owner of a country club in Georgia that would tell people that he has never had any extreme weather at or near his country club. However, eleven years later, the clubs superintendent had to write a letter to the chairman of the country club letting him know that a severe storm and tidal wave had completely destroyed the country club. That severe storm just happened to be the hurricane of 1898, which happened to be the strongest hurricane to ever hit Georgia. To finish of the article, he talks about how there is no way to avoid extreme weather in this country, whether it is the sink holes and hurricanes in Florida or the tornados in Oklahoma or the wildfires and floods in Utah. My personal opinion is that the writer of this article is right. There is no way to escape extreme weather. With all of the fault lines and our country surrounded by oceans, there is no way you could escape extreme weather. Utah has wildfires, California has mudslides, Louisiana has hurricanes, and the

Hancock 2 Midwest has tornados. It could be worse though, we could have gigantic volcanos. Oh wait, there is one of those in Montana.

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