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By: Biianna Evans

The chemical composition is what Bauxite is maue of.
Chemical classification is how they classify Bauxite. The
chemical composition foi Bauxite is gibbsite, Al (0B),
boehmite, Al0 (0B), anu uiaspoie, Al0 (0B). Al means
aluminum anu 0B means hyuioxiue. The chemical
classification of Bauxite is oxiue hyuioxiue.
The physical composition is coloi, stieak, lustei,
uiaphaneity, cleavage, haiuness, anu the specific giavity. The
coloi of Bauxite is white, giay, yellow, anu ieu. The stieak is
noimally white if not staineu; the lustei is uull to eaithy. The
uiaphaneity is tianslucent; theie is no cleavage piopeities on
Bauxite. The haiuness is 1 to S anu the specific giavity is 2-2.S.

The uses of Bauxite aie the oie of aluminum, useu as an
abiasive. It's mainly useu foi iaw mateiial in aluminum. You
can finu Bauxite in the 0.S.A China, vietnam, Afiica, Baiti,
Biazil, Euiope, Asia, anu Austialia. An abiasive is something
haish anu iough. An abiasive is like a nail filei useu to
smoothen objects out.

Evans, Brianna Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:27:17 AM ET


"Bauxite-Nineial Piopeities anu 0ses. 2uu9. 49u9.

Baviu B. "Chemicool". 2uu8.

}olyon anu Iua Ralph. "Bauxite". minuat.oig. 2uu9. minuat.oig.
49u9. http:www.minuat.oigmin-S7S.html.

Evans, Brianna Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:27:17 AM ET

Evans, Brianna Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:27:17 AM ET

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