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Questions I 1. If you were Patty, what concerns would you have about being a rescue worker? .Infections. Deceases.

Toxics. 2. Are any of your concerns health-related? Order your health-related concerns from highest concern to lowest. She can get infected if she has any cuts, also the chemicals in the water, bacterias, or creatures. Cuts, bacterias, creatures. 3. How many of these concerns exist only in the fl ood conditions present in New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina? Toxic spilled, the accumulation of toxic that every house have. Questions II 1. What are some possible sources for the lead in the flood water? Pigments, batteries, cars, paint. 2. How could you determine where the lead comes from? From point of sources, paint color or battery type. 3. What populations/individuals are at the highest risk from the lead in the flood waters and why? The ones that's are closer to waste or dumps or factories because it had more chemicals and bacterias. Questions II 1. What are some reasons why the concentration of lead is so high in New Orleans soil? Because of the pesticide that has lead. 2. Would you expect a difference between New Orleans and New York City soil? Yes, because NY doesn't have so many farms. 3. Would you expect a difference between New Orleans and the soil in a very small, rural town? Because they need farm, so yeah I'm expecting a differ niece because they need more soils. 4. What precautions could Patty take to minimize her exposure to lead? Don't drink the water, and make sure she wears a mask and had proper clothing, equipment. 5. Should Patty stay and help the rescue effort or should she quit her job? No, because many people need her and depend on her.

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