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Test B Complete the conversations 1.Will you have a holiday this year? a.Yes,Im going. .I pro a ly !ill c.

Yes,I did. ".What !ill you uy #or $nnas irthday? a.Ill pro a ly uy a oo% .I uy a oo%. c.&hell uy a oo%. '.It is very hot in (enya. a.You pro a ly dont li%e the country. .You pro a ly !ont li%e the country. c.You dont li%e the country. Choose the right !ords. 1.I# you ********hard,youll #ail your e+am. a.ll !or%. .dont !or% c.couldnt !or%. ".I# !e go home no!,!e******see the eginning o# the #ilm on T,. a.ll e a le to . e a le to c.can e -ut the !ords in the right order and ma%e sentences. 1.!atch/pro a ly/0iam/on/to/!ant/T,/#ilm/!ill/the . poens ) poens 9 poens

".might/year/I /study/ne+t/1rench

'.ll/shopping/go/pro a ly/on/!e/&aturday


3atch 145 !ith a4# and ma%e complete sentences

5 poens

-resent per#ect 1.Irena ***********6 rea%7her arm. ".&teve **********6!atch7this video. '.They**************6#inish7 their !or%. 2.3y mum*********6ma%e7a ca%e. ).$le+8 You*************6not ta%e7your ta lets. 5.9e is in hospital.9e**********6 ro%e 7his arm. :ranslate in 3acedonian. 5 poens

5 poens

-ut in, unplug,ta%e out,turn o##.polluted air,e+pensive

Total 2; poens

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