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Part one- Concerns 1.) If you were Patty, what concerns would you have about being a rescue worker? I would be concern about the toxins that is in the water and the amount of it in the water. 2.) Are any of your concerns health-related? Order your health-related concerns from highest concerns to lowest. My concerns are health-related. 1.) what toxin is in the water. 2.) amount of that toxins 3.) How many of these concerns exist only in the flood conditions present in New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina? Both Part two- Lead 1.) What are some possible sources for the lead in the flood water? Batteries, ceramic glazes, projectiles for firearms, radiation shielding, solder, electrodes, old paint, plumbing pipes, and leaded gasoline. 2.) How could you determine where the lead comes from? When people start to react to it. There are many symptoms to lead poisoning, but the most common ones are nausea, abdominal pain, and seizure. 3.) What populations/individuals are at the highest risk from the lead in the flood waters why? People who lives in New Orleans. Part three- Soil 1.) What are some reasons why the concentrations of lead is so high in New Orleans soil? New Orleans is somewhat dome-like, so the water would stay in that place longer than other cities. 2.) Would you expect a difference between New Orleans and New York City soil? New Orleans soil would have more lead contents. 3.) Would you expect a difference between New Orleans and the soil in a very small, rural town? The town would have less lead in their soil. 4.) What precautions could Patty take to minimize her exposure to lead? She could try not to drink water from New Orleans. 5.) Should Patty stay and help the rescue effort or should she quit her job? She should stay and help out because it is a good thing to do.

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