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Radon Guided Viewing Name: _____Claudine Manabat______ 1: How many deaths are caused by Radon per year?

21000 deaths per year 2: What is Radon Gas? Cancer-causing radioactive gas Cant be see, smell, or taste 3: Where is Radon found? Cigarette smoke Breakdown of uranium in soil, rocks and water

4: How does Radon get into your home? Goes up to the air and goes to the gap Cracks in solid floors Construction joints Gaps around service pipes Cavities inside walls The water supply 5: What level of Radon is considered unsafe? (indoors) 4 pCi/L

6: Is Radon in your home water supply considered to be a problem? Explain. It is a problem but it is not as big as radon in the air. You need to inhale and drink the water. 7: How can you lower the Radon levels in your home? Vent pipe system and fan pull the radon outside beneath the vent Sealing crack = cost- efficient

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