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com Essence of Os and As

Exam-Focused Tuition by Ex-RI(JC) Students for O/ A-Levels

O Level Math - Don't Go Around In Circles Solving A Circles Question

Dont get thrown off by seemingly complicated diagrams.

You start by first observing for ALL the shapes and structures that relate to the properties of a circle they are there for a reason: to guide you.

It is very likely that the question setter's suggested solution to the question makes use of ALL the hints available (of course there may be more elegant solutions that exist). Hence, note down ALL the hints, then start to manipulate the equations and you'll arrive at your answer.


Relevant Properties

Radius & Tangent

Radius perpendicular to tangent


Angles in same segment

Angle at centre

Angle at centre = Twice angle at circumference


Angles in semicircle

Chords from contact with tangent

Angle in alternate segment


Bisector of Chord & Perpendicular of Chord; Equal Chords & Chords equidistant from centre
Opposite Angles of cyclic quad; External angle of cyclic quad

Cyclic quadrilaterals


Tangent perpendicular to radius; Tangents from external point: Equal Tangents & Angle between tangents equal; Angles between radii equal; Angles in alternate segment (Alternate Segment Theorem)

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