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Lundquist 1 Molly Lundquist Ms Gardner English 10 Period 1 24 January 2014 The Truth Behind the Eyes What you

see: colors !aces "right lights dar# and starry nights all are ca$tured "y t%o eyes& 'ccording to %e"(d&co( )The eye is a slightly asy((etrical glo"e a"out an inch in dia(eter&* +t is that one inch that ca$tures e,ery (o(ent e,ery tear and e,ery (e(ory& 'l"ert Einstein once said )-e %ho can no longer $ause to %onder and stand ra$t in a%e is as good as dead. his eyes are closed&* /tories are told through %ith and a(ong the eyes& We can tell each our stories %ith one loo# $assed "et%een e0$ressions instead o! %ords& )We1re seeing it eye to eye* We co((unicate through the uns$o#en %ords through our eye e0$ressions& Without eyes hu(ans could not co($lete daily tas#s& The eyes are necessary !or e,eryday li!e o! ,ie%ing the %orld& The eyes ha,e "een a tool !or $eo$le to use against one another to $ro!it& The $u$ils in our eyes e0$and %hen %e are e0cited scared or sudden "urst or a"sence o! light& To hide their e0cite(ent o! a good hand Po#er $layers %ear sunglasses %hile $laying& Magicians %atch the eyes !or a reaction %hile choosing your card& Bas#et"all $layers %atch the eyes ready to interce$t a $ass& To $erce$t a lie the liar a,oids the eyes %hile in a con,ersation& The eyes sli$ the truth !ro( our $ast !ro( our (e(ories and !ro( our secrets& The (e(ories that sli$ through can "e ones %e en2oy or they can "e the (e(ories that recreate a $ain once !orgotten& )3n your (ar#&&&& get set&&& G3 * said Paul (y assistant "as#et"all coach& 3nce + heard the %ord + s$rinted to the "all that lied in the (iddle o! the court& + loo#ed u$ to see (y !riend

Lundquist 2 Jordan also s$rinting to get the "all& E,en though %e s(iled at each other %e "oth #ne% neither o! us %ould sto$ s$rinting& 4eter(ination !illed our eyes& + got close enough to the "all that + hurtled (ysel! to gra" the "all "ut little did + #no% Jordan also thre% her "ody to the "all and got lo%er to the ground& 's she rose u$ "all in hand + !elt the to$ o! her head s(ac# into (y eye& )-ahaha ugh* + laughed lying on the ground clutching (y eye& )3h (y goodness Molly& 're you o#ay5* as#ed Jordan %al#ed to%ards (e ru""ing her head& )+1( good * + said still holding (y eye )6an %e get so(e ice5 My eye is thro""ing and it1s really hard&* May"e the #ey to a$$reciating sight is not actually seeing "ut the lac# o! ,ision& 's + sat on the ground %ith (y (a#e7shi!t ice$ac# !ro( (y $eri$heral ,ision + sa% a "u($ !or(ing around (y eye& + #ne% the ne0t day + %ould not "e a"le to see out o! it 8 and + %as correct& -u(ans are ,ulnera"le %ithout their ,ision& They are hesitant to close their eyes "ecause o! the !ear o! "eco(ing hurt& We "uild trust through our actions and e0$ressions: trust co(es !ro( the eyes& )Just ta#e a loo# through (y eyes& There1s a "etter $lace so(e%here out there&* This trust can co(e in di!!erent !or(s: eye contact a reassuring s(ile in the eyes and a loo# o! sincerity& )BL369 3:T * yelled 4an (y coach !ro( the sideline& The s%eltering heat in the 6ardinal ;e%(an gy( drained (y energy& + got lo% to try to $ush a si0 !oot girl out o! the %ay& The "all ca(e "ouncing o!! the ri( and + 2u($ed to reach the "all& My !ingers "arely s#i((ed the "all "e!ore the si0 !oot girl gra""ed it and $ulled it do%n to her chest& 'll + sa% %as an el"o% co(ing right to (y !ace&

Lundquist < )'hh * + yelled clutching (y eye and %al#ing a%ay !ro( the "all& + ran do%n the court trying to "lin# the tears a%ay& + stu("led o!! the court to the "ench and sat do%n tears !alling and chest hea,ing& The su((er heat %as too (uch !or (y lungs to ta#e in& + !elt a hand on (y shoulder& + loo#ed u$ to see it "elonged to (y coach and in his other hand %as an ice $ac#& )-ere you go Molly * 4an says )Just rest&* )3#&* is the only %ord that esca$es (y (outh& 'ny (ore tal#ing %ould "lo% the da( that %as holding "ac# (y tears& 's + sat on the "ench (y eyes dri!ted to esca$e the $ain in (y head& + #e$t staring at the !loor a,oiding any questions !ro( (y tea((ates and !a(ily& /taring at an o"2ect !or too long (a#es the eyes "lurry crossing the line "et%een drea(ing and reality& Going o,er each (o(ent in the ga(e + tried to thin# + so(eho% + could a,oided (y second "lac# eye "ut no si(ulation %as satis!actory& /$acing out gi,es $eo$le an esca$e route in the day %hen the day has "eco(e to rough& We can create a "etter day %ithin a !e% (o(ents o! total silence in the (ind& )9ee$ your eyes on the stars and your !eet on the ground&* 7 Theodore =oose,elt& We loo# !or%ard to the un#no%n and to%ards our drea(s "ut %e (ust re(e("er that these drea(s are only drea(s& 'll o! our drea(s secrets and (e(ories are held in our (ind& Eyes ha,e "een #no%n to "e the door%ay to our soul: e,en though %e (ay try to hide the( the stories o! our $ast are seen through the eyes& They esca$e !ro( the trigger o! a certain (e(ory& E,ery "lac# eye + see triggers (y o%n (e(ories and + esca$e !or a !e% (o(ents to re!lect on the $ast& )>ou1ll "e a(a?ed %hat you !ind i! you loo# through (y eyes&*

Lundquist 4 Wor#s 6ited @Eye Auotes&@ BrainyQuote& B$lore n&d& We"& 22 Jan& 2014& @The Eyes C-u(an 'nato(yD: 4iagra( 3$tic ;er,e +ris 6ornea Pu$il E More&@ WebMD& We"M4 n&d& We"& 20 Jan& 2014& @' Goo!y Mo,ie 7 Eye To Eye Lyrics&@ A Goofy Movie& ;&$& n&d& We"& 22 Jan& 2014& @@Loo# Through My Eyes@ Lyrics&@ PHIL COLLINS LYRICS& ;&$& n&d& We"& 22 Jan& 2014&

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