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Black Hole Presentation Vineeth (V): Hello, Im Vineeth and this is Hetav and we did our project on black

holes, what they are and the information paradox

Hetav (H): Black Holes are formed by the collapse of a dead star. Many people believe that black holes are created in supernovae. There is an ongoing debate on whether or not this is true because of new computer simulations that show that there is no explosion, just a collapse of all the matter to an extremely dense object about the size of the sun.

V: In a normal star, the outward pressure of the thermonuclear reactions balance the gravity that the outer layers of the stars are drawn towards the dense core of the star. In an unnova, the star can no longer fuse the iron and as a result the fusion reactions stop therefore the outward pressure stops and the star collapses to a point where the only things keeping it from becoming a singularity, an infinitely dense and massive point, is the repulsion of the electrons in the object.

H: At this point the speed required to leave the surface of the object exceeds the speed of light and nothing can resist the pull of gravity that it exerts. At this time a black hole is formed.

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