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Knit Dimple Stitch

This is a nifty stitch! While knitting my swatch, the edges were curling so depending on what you are knitting, you may want to consider a border.

Work this stitch over a multiple of 6 stitches, plus 5 Pattern Note: To gather stitches: Slip the right needle under the 3 strands, from bottom to top under the slipped stitches. Row 1: Knit all stitches (This is the right side of the fabric) Row 2: P1 *With yarn held in front, slip 3 stitches purlwise, P3* Repeat from *, end row with P1 Row 3: K1 *With yarn held in back, slip 3 stitches purlwise, K3* Repeat from *, end row with K1 Row 4: Repeat Row 2 Row 5: Knit Row 7: Knit Row 8: P2 *Gather stitches, P5* Repeat from *, end row with P2 Row 9: Knit Row 10: P1 *P3, Slip 3 with yarn in front* Repeat from *, end row with P4 Row 11: K4 *Slip 3 with yarn in back, K3* Repeat from *, end row with K1 Row 12: Repeat Row 10 Row 13: Knit Row 14: Purl Row 15: Knit Row 16: P5 *Gather stitches, P5* Repeat from * Row 6: Purl so that you are in position to knit the next on the left needle. Knit the next stitch, pulling it

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