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The primary objective of my study at _________________to lay down the foundation of training and development.

The objective of my study about employees training and development to improve the current process of employees training and development at _________________.

My another objective is to apply my learning in the area of Human Resources so that I gain significant practical and Understand the nature and importance of training and development and identify the various inputs that should go into any programme.

elineate the different stages in a training and development programme and describe each step. Understand the need for and the ways of training for international assignments.


This research provides me with an opportunity to e!plore in the field of Human Resources. This research also provides the feedbac" of people involved in the Training and development process #part from that it would provide me a great deal of e!posure to interact with the high profile managers of the company.

Training is concerned with imparting developing specific s"ills for a particular purpose. Training is the act of increasing the s"ills of an employees for doing a particular job. Training is the process of learning a se$uence of programmed behaviour. In earlier practice% training programme focused more on preparation for improved performance in particular job. Most of the trainees used to be from operative levels li"e mechanics% machines operators and other "inds of s"illed wor"ers. &hen the problems of supervision increased% the step were ta"en to train supervisors for better supervision.

Management development is all those activities and programme when recogni'ed and controlled have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the individual to perform his assignment better and in going so all li"ely to increase his potential for future assignments. Thus% management development is a combination of various training programme% though some "ind of training is necessary% it is the overall development of the competency of managerial personal in the light of the present re$uirement as well as the future re$uirement. evelopment an activity designed to improve the performance of e!isting managers and to provide for a planned growth of managers to meet future organi'ational re$uirements is management development.

Managemen !e"e#$%men &' (a'e! $n )$##$*&ng $n a''+m% &$n',

(. Management development is a continuous process. It is not one shot programme but continues though out the career of a manager. ). Management development is any "ind of learning% is based on the assumption that there% always e!isting a gape between an individual*s performance and his potential for the performance. +. Management development seldom ta"es place in completely peaceful and rela!ed atmosphere. ,. Management development re$uires clear setting of goals. -. Management development re$uired conducive environment.

T-a&n&ng Nee! I!en &)&.a &$n )$- a .$m%an/

In -$!+. &$n
Training need identification is a tool utili'ed to identify what educational courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their wor" productivity. Here the focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. In order to emphasi'e the importance of training need identification we can focus on the following areas. / To pinpoint if training will ma"e a difference in productivity and the bottom line. To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve his or her job performance. To differentiate between the need for training and organi'ational issues and bring about a match between individual aspirations and organi'ational goals. Identification of training needs 0IT12% if done properly% provides the basis on which all other training activities can be considered. #lso re$uiring careful thought and analysis% it is a process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity as people3s learning is important to them% and the reputation of the organi'ation is also at sta"e. Identification of training needs is important from both the organisational point of view as well as from an individual3s point of view. 4rom an organisation3s point of view it is important because an organisation has objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all sta"eholders or members% including owners% employees% customers% suppliers% and neighbours. These objectives can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities of its people% releasing potential and ma!imising opportunities for development. Therefore people must "now what they need to learn in order to achieve organisational goals. 5imilarly if seen from an individual3s point of view% people have aspirations% they want to develop and in order to learn and use new abilities% people need appropriate opportunities% resources% and conditions. Therefore% to meet people3s aspirations% the organi'ation must provide effective and attractive learning resources and conditions. #nd it is also important to see that there is a suitable match between achieving organi'ational goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.

T-a&n&ng P-$.e''

1eeds #ssessment a2 6rgani'ation 5upport b2 6rgani'ational #nalysis c2 Tas"s and 75# #nalysis d2 8erson #nalysis Instructional 6bjectives evelopment of 9riteria Training :alidity

5election and esign of Instructional 8rograms

Transfer :alidity

Training Use of ;valuation Models

Interorgani'ational :alidity

Interorgani'ational :alidity

T-a&n&ng P-$.e''

De"e#$%men P-$.e''

9ompetitive ;nvironment


6rgani'ational 5trategy

6rgani'ational 6bjective 5tage/)

9ompetency Mapping

Identifying 9ompetency gapes

9areer 8lanning

Training 1eeds #ssessment

#nnual Training 8lan 5tage/+ 9onduct of Training Internal Training 8rogrammes ;!ternal Training 8rogrammes 9ustomised Training 8rogrammes

Review of Training #ctivities


M;#1I1< 64 R;5;#R9H./ Research as = the manipulation of things% concepts of symbols for the purpose of generali'ing to e!tend% correct or verify "nowledge% whether that "nowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art.> The Research Methodology followed for further wor" can be primarily classified into two stages namely ;!ploratory and follows. escriptive. The stepwise details of the research are as

S age 0 I E1%#$-a $-/ S +!/2 5ince we always lac" a clear idea of the problems one will meet
during the study% carrying out an e!ploratory study is particularly useful. It helped develop my concepts more clearly% establish priorities and in improve the final research design. ;!ploratory study will be carried out by conducting. 5econdary data analysis which included studying the website 0www.___________.com2 of the company and also going through the various articles published in different sources 0maga'ines% boo"s% internet% newspapers2 on 5mall and Medium 5cale ;nterprises and Training and development process. ;!perience surveys also conduct with #ssistant/Manager Human Resources and the <eneral Manager and 8ersonnel 6fficer of ________________ to gain "nowledge about the nature of Training and development process followed in the organi'ation.

S age 3 II De'.-&% &"e S +!/2 #fter carrying out initial ;!ploratory studies to bring clarity on the
subject under study% escriptive study will be carried out to "now the actual Training and evelopment method being followed at ____________. The "nowledge of actual training and development process is needed to document the process and suggest improvements in the current system to ma"e it more effective. The tools used to carry out included both monitoring and Interrogation. escriptive study

Sam%#e Se#e. &$n . To "now the Training and development process of the ___________%
for identifying through ;!ploratory and 6bservational studies that the #ssistant Manager Human Resources% the <eneral Manager at Head office and The ;steemed Managing irector of the company are the right persons who provides training to the employees.

Re'ea-.4 4a' '4$*n '%e.&)&. (ene)& ' 4a a 'ma## (+'&ne'' -e.e&"e' )-$m -a&n&ng an! !e"e#$%&ng & ' *$-5e-'6 &n.#+!&ng2

Increased productivity. Reduced employee turnover. Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains. ecreased need for supervision.

ear 5ir?Madam% I am doing a research wor" on ;mployees Training @ evelopment. I would re$uest you to "indly spare some time to fill up this $uestionnaire. Than" you very much for your cooperation. 1ame ////////////////////////////////////////////////// esignation/////////////////////////////////////////// epartment///////////////////////////////////////////

Section I
A(. 8lease mention your age )B/))-/+B #bove +B A). 5e!. Male 4emale A+. Marital 5tatus. 5ingle Married ivorced A,. 1o. of years of e!perience. Cess than + years + to - years More than - years A-. Is this your first organi'ationD Ees 1o

Section II NOTE2
8lease tic" mar" 02 the option you feel is most appropriate as per the following.

Ra e $n a '.a#e $) 708 $ &n!&.a e /$+- $% &$n6 7 (e&ng ' -$ng#/ !&'ag-ee an! 8 (e&ng ' -$ng#/ ag-ee
A(. Eou "now what is e!pected of you at wor". A). Eou have the materials and ;$uipment that you need to do your everyday wor". A+. The wor" you do has appropriate tas" variety. A,.Eou are performing a job that matches your s"ills. A-.Eou are given ample fle!ibility to perform your job. AF.The organi'ation clarifies how its culture is evident through employee behavior. AG.The organi'ation rewards or recogni'es such employee behavior. AH.Eou feel comfortable wor"ing with your team members. AI.Eour organi'ation has created a professional% attractive wor" area that is functional and promotes productivity A(B.The company provides you a safe wor" environment by accident prevention @ safety programs. A((.Eour wor" interferes with your personal relationships @ family responsibilities. ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F A().Eour salary is fair% e$uitable and competitive. A(+.Eou are offered economically feasible employee benefit programs tailored to individual needs. A(,.Rewards in your organi'ation are immediate and appropriate. A(-.8erformance goals are behavioral% result/oriented and achievable. A(F.8erformance is regularly trac"ed and measured. A(G.8erformance measures are mutually agreed on @ discussed by both the employee @ supervisor. A(H.8erformance is appropriately rewarded with raises% incentives% rewards and recognition. A(I.8erformance measurement is used as criteria for promotions. A)B.Eou are a part of a supportive and productive team. A)(.# variety of training @ development programs are offered to improve s"ills A)).Eou feel attached with your company% team @ other employees. A)+.Eou have the opportunity to grow and prosper with the organi'ation. A),.Eou wor" in a trusting and ethical environment A)-.Eou have a supervisor who is respectful and one who inspires you ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F ( ) + , F

Se. &$n III

A(. Has your company organi'es a training and development programmeD Ees 1o A). If your organisation identifies the training needs for the employeesD Ees 1o A+. 6n an average% how much time did it used to ta"e for training and development programmeD 6ne Month Two Month Three Month A,. How much training programs has been made in the past one yearD 6ne Two Three A-. o you have any training programs in the coming financial yearD Ees 1o AF. o your top management ta"e feed bac"D Ees 1o AG. &hat do you thin" the training programs will be run in futureD Ees 1o AH. o employee development programs raise unrealistic e!pectations about promotionsD Ees 1o A I. o the ;!ecutive irector engage development activities for him?herselfD Ees 1o A(B. o you feel trust in your supervisorsD Ees 1o A((. o the practice3s supervisors use positive attitude with employeesD Ees 1o A(). oes the practice have a consistent% timely and fair method for evaluating individual performanceD Ees 1o A(+. o you feel% you are being paid fairlyD Ees 1o A(,. oes your practice3s e$uipment 0everything from computers to scales2 wor" properlyD Ees 1o A(-. oes your company use a specific training processD Ees 1o A(F. o you re$uire a high degree of technical "nowledge for your jobD Ees 1o A(G. #re office conditions comfortableD Ees 1o A(H. o you satisfy with organi'ational training and development programmmeD Ees 1o

L&m& a &$n'2
In view of the limited time available for the study% only the Training and evelopment process could be studied. The sample si'e is too small to reflect the opinion of the whole organi'ation. The answers given by the respondents have to be believed and have to be ta"en for granted as truly reflecting their perception.

(. Ma"ing performance wor" effectively. / 8hilip Tom. Mc<raw Hill Joo" 9ompany. ;ngland. (IH+. ). 8rinciples and procedures in evaluating performance. Kohn 9. 4lanagan. volume )H. +. 8ublic 8ersonal #dministration. 5 C <oel. 5terling 8ublishers 8vt. Ctd.. 1ew elhi. ,. Training @ evelopment . # Jetter way. Robert Hayden. :olume -).

-. Research Methodology Methods and Techni$ues. 7othari 9. R.. &illey ;aster. 1ew elhi. F. 8. Kyothi% 8.% :en"atesh% .1.% Human Resource Management

G. 7othari% 9. R.% Methods and Techni$ues% 1ew elhi% 1ew #ge International 8ublications H. #swathappa% 7.% Human Resource 8ersonal Management

We('& e' Sea-.4 2 www.wi" This is synopsis of Employees Training & Development Project Report. If you need full project mail us to . (5m9a##%-$:e. -e%$- ',.$m $- Ca## me ;<70<=>><<?=?8

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