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The Mark of Athena Chapter 1 Annabeth looked over at Percy.

It had been a week since the Argo II had landed. She could still remember it, the feelings. The sky had been this perfect shade of blue. She could still here the birds chirping and Ella squawking Theyre come, theyre coming as she circled overhead. In the distance though they could see storm clouds rolling towards them. None of this registered in her mind until after, because at that moment they had landed they were at the roman camp. She stood at the bow of the ship hoping to get glimpse of Percy. She half expected him to be standing on the shore about to do something stupid. Then she saw him. He had this ridiculously happy grin on his face that stretched ear to ear. She couldnt help smiling herself, and when the ship had finally docked she was one of the first off; sprinting on to the shore and jumping into his arms. He stumbled a bit from the force of the jump and held her tight. They didnt say a word, they didnt need to. They held each other like this for a long time, drinking in each others presence. She quickly let go of him and glanced around sheepishly. When she looked at Percys face all the question started boiling to the surface. She started asking Where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I was how worried your mom was? she paused for breath then continued Perseus Jackson if you ever do this to me again I swear on the river Styx I will chain you to my side. The last part elicited a few chuckles from the crowd. Percy answered I was kinda kidnapped by Hera/Juno who stole my memory, and then I went on a quest to free Thanatos. Now Im a Praetor, here. As an afterthought he added Sorry. Annabeth exploded again Sorry, really, again do you know how worried your mother and I were, and all you have to say for yourself is sorry!? What he said next though was something she would never forget. He said Yeah, Im sorry I didnt know who or where I was. I was lost, but you know the only thing I remembered was you. You were the only person I remembered not my mom, not Tyson, not Grover, you. Before she could reply he bent forward and kissed her. The kiss lasted from anywhere between a second and an eternity.

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