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Using vocabulary in sentences

From HIST-125 class:

Unlike white people, Douglass and Jacobs suffered from a harsh childhood in different terms, which shaped their life to be outrageous and rough. For instance, Douglass grew up, like all the slaves that he met, without knowing his birthday and he was unable to know his exact age as a result, I have no accurate knowledge of my age. Because he wasnt allowed to inquire his master, he only new his age when he heard his master saying that he was seventeen during 1835. In addition, since newborn babies are separated from their mothers when they reach the first year, which is a rule in slavery life, Douglass didnt new his mother first and knew her after that from different sources. He lived far away from his mother and didnt have the chance to know her more as he only saw her few times in his life, I never saw my mother, to know her as much, more than four or five times in my life.1

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