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New Manchester High School

Library Media Center

Teacher: _________ _______ 5th 6th 7th__ 8th_____

Request for Media Resources/Services

Date of Request: Grade/Level Periods (w/Approx. # of students in each class):1st
Preferred Date(s): Do these days need to be consecutive? Yes_____

Subject: _______________ 2nd ___3rd___4th

__Alternate Date(s): No ____

Time Needed Per Class: 15 min_____30 minutes _____60 minutes_____ All of period______

Objective of this assignment: What GPS standards will be achieved through this research/ assignment? Please copy and paste them into this document and email it back to the media center, so we can assist you better.

Please attach a copy of the assignment sheet the students will receive. We need to know exactly what you want your students to doprocess and products. If you do not have this in an electronic format, please put a paper copy in the media center mailbox in the mailroom along with a copy of this form. Or come brainstorm with us! Media staff assistance requested (please check all that apply) ___I just need room to spread out with studentsDescribe any furniture rearrangement you need:

______ Book talk to go along with _________________________________________________________ ______ Bibliography supplied on this topic: __________________________________ ______ Books on a cart on this topic__________________ ______Please deliver to my classroom.

The following options require advance meetings for planning: _____ Team teaching on computers with Mrs. Norton or Mrs. Renard on Ppt or Movie Maker or Photo Story ______NetTrekker or electronic databases or website evaluation or research practices _____ Collaborative lesson including team teaching with media specialist _____ Equipment: ____digital camera (s) ____caliphones _____video camera(s) ______projector & screen

_____Portable speaker system and microphones

We will make every effort to honor your request. However, from time to time, it may not be possible to schedule your class or classes in the media center. When this occurs, we will work with you to come up with an acceptable alternative. ** We will send you a confirmation email of your times in the media center after we receive this form and your assignment. Print this out and bring a paper copy to us or you can put it in a mailbox. ***Please remember that teachers are not to send classes to the media center with a sub and that it is important for teachers to remain with and assist their classes while they are in the media center. Together we can make a greater instructional difference in our students learning. Please ask for our assistance: We want to help. The Media Team: Rachel and Sarah

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