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Steps for Solving problems involving Manual Operation Symbol (FILE-ORIENTED FLOWCHARTING)

1. Open all database files using keyword OPEN. Separate database files using a comma ( , ) not a semicolon ( ; ) Database files are not case-sensitive 2. Display all the labels enclosed using quotation marks ( ); 3. Get users input; 4. Read the first database file where the fieldnames to be retrieved are located; 5. Determine if EOF, If yes, Print an error message; 6. Match the users input and the primary key of the first database file; 7. Retrieve/Locate/Print/Display the fieldnames that are included in your pseudocodes; In the absence of the input operation, proceed with the second step which is READ 8. Read the first database file where the fieldnames to be retrieved are located; 9. Determine if EOF, If yes, Print an error message; 10. Match the users input and the primary key of the second database file; In the absence of the input operation, match the primary key of the first database file and the second database file 11. Retrieve/Locate/Print/Display the fieldnames that are included in your pseudocodes; 12. Save the changes using the message box representation, asking the user Do you want to Save (Y/N) and then concatenate the variable that will hold your answer (example: ANS); 13. If yes, check the repositories included on your last database file. ( the one with prefix o) ; use the destructive = constructive syntax/format before saving; 14. Apply WRITE together with the name of the last database file (example: WRITE oDiscount) 15. If your answer is no in STEP number 12, Apply Do you want to SEARCH another record (Y/N) and then concatenate the variable that will hold your answer, in this example we have variable ANS; 16. If your answer is YES in STEP number 15, apply Go TOP plus the name of the database file (example: GO TOP iStudent), and then clear all the fieldnames and variables; 17. If your answer is No in STEP number 15, CLOSE all the database files and then STOP.


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