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What is socialism?

The wonders of Socialism Socialism entails a society with mixed economy- some owned the government (run by the people) and some owned by individuals. Socialists advocate a classless society and believe that this control is fundamental in creating equality and eliminating competition. Socialism involves common ownership, in which assets are shared equally among a community. Provides health and education services to everyone, thus improving the quality of life for the WHOLE NATION. A better, healthier, educated population will make for a nicer working environment. This affects YOU. Socialism is focused around equality

What brought about the idea? Socialism had its main origins in the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. Imagine a world where railways and trains suddenly started popping up. Its a foreign world, and a step into the future. But suddenly whilst the owner of the company is extremely rich, YOU, the worker are sent into poverty. Imagine being only 13 years old, and having to tirelessly work 12 hour days, whilst earning meagre amounts. You have no legal rights to complain, no sick pay, no anything. Would you be happy under this circumstance? NO. So with the Industrial Revolution came the above conditions and people grew fearful and started to yearn a society of equality. Thus the idea of socialism emerged. Socialism emerged as a reaction to the unregulated Capitalism of the time, inspired by the harsh working conditions.

Socialism in Australia and the World Ever heard of the health service Medicare? Ever wondered why you have access to free education? The answer is socialism. Did you know: That the Australian Labour party was the first elected socialist party? Socialism plays a very important part in YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE. Did you know: Countries such as Denmark and Norway are rated in the top three of the best countries to live in, with near perfect literacy rate? Socialism is relevant in all corners of the world, and is continuing to have positive impacts.

Supporting Socialism is supporting a better world. Many things you take for granted are there because of socialism.

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