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7 Steps To Sin

The battle is the Lord's, but He needs your help. He needs you to participate with Him and then, as you move ahead, He moves with you. That's the scriptural pattern. Every problem you have, you had before you were born again. You are more aware of sin because the Holy Spirit is convicting you of sin. The object of Satan's work in your life as a Christian, through everything that goes on, is to steal your faith.
You cannot enter into a place of rest in Christ if you hang onto the problems, if you hang onto the fear, and you hang onto the unbelief and doubt, and you say in your heart that this is greater than God.

1- Temptation
- Temptation comes as a thought, through the realm of our physical existence (our five senses), but it begins in our heart. - Temptation is the first step to sinning. Temptation is not sin!

2. Being Drawn Away

- Being drawn away is a strong imagination of what the temptation represents.
- Being drawn away is still not sin.

3. Personal Lust
- The third step to sinning is personal lust: delighting in viewing what the temptation represents.

- At this stage, temptation is starting to form a reality in you. Now it's not just an idle thought that went through your mind of temptation; it's starting to take form. That's the third step, the forming of sin.
- You think it's you because you've fallen into agreement with it and you start to become one with it. That is the process of you being prepared to sin.

4. Enticement
- The fourth step is the enticement: the weakening of the will. - If Satan can get you to the place that you no longer are resisting him, then he's got you in motion to do it.

5. Lust Conceived
- Lust conceived is the entrance into the physical of what is spiritual. - At this stage it is very difficult not to sin because your total will has now yielded itself to what the temptation represents and all that's left now is for it to happen, to be finished, to be set in place.

6. Actual Sin - When you have finally come into full agreement with sin and it has fully become part of your heart, then it becomes sin.

7.The Consequences of Sin

- The seventh step to sin is very critical. The result of sin is death. Unrepented sin brings spiritual death. - It also opens the door to curses in your spirit, curses in your soul and curses in your physical body.

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