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San Isidros True Grit Determination, perseverance, true grit, gung-ho, single minded target more might very

well best describe the emergence of the Coronel Club in Barangay San Isidro here in the town of Macabebe. In 1981, this Coronel Club was born solely for the continuity of a solemn tradition in which to relieve the sacrifices of Jesus Christ on his way to Calvary to His death by Cruxification. The hardy boys of the 1981 San Isidro were only to select among themselves in Purok Coronel a set of officers that would lead the commemoration for the next year. Years before, the observance of the Holy week was staged in tandem with the residents in Purok Everybodys. However, in 1980 Purok Coronel entertained the idea to breakaway from the partnership with the Everybodys Club not for anything else but only to prove to themselves that they can do it alone. That is to up an observance of the most Holy Sacrifices of Jesus Christ. For sure there were birth pains in the initial stages of going it alone. But the Coronels overcame the trials and tribulations of the enterprises - Now the rest is history in so far a San Isidros Coronel Clubs quest is concerned. Today let us all be reminded of the first group that put substance to this worthy Christian endeavor. They were Roberto and Ignacio Gutierrez, Feliciano Yumang, Pantaleon Balingit, Victoriano Yumang, Peng Pineda, Zenando Gumabon, Lazaro Jimenez, Francisco Sarmiento, Nardo Dela Cruz, Labrador Gutierrez, and many other intrepid young men residing in Purok Coronel. The lesson that can be learned from the pioneering breakaway of Purok Coronel of Barangay San Isidro for the observance of Semana Santa is that one can make it and overcome tribulation and hardships if one is really determined to hack it for the better and win over impossible dreams. If only the people of our town can be as persevering, determined and truly intrepid to do things on their own two feet to achieve progress and prosperity then it is not far fetch for the Macabebe to occupy the pedestal of a truly emerging and blooming small town in the country. Let a thousand and one Coronel Club bloom.

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