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Questionnaire for Music Magazine;

1) Are you Male or Female? (please tick) Male Female

2) How old are you? (please tick) 16 and Under 17-21 22-29 30+

3) What type of magazines do you already read?(please specify)

4) What do you like about them?(please specify)

5) What 3 words do you associate with the word ROCK? (please specify)

6) How often do you buy a magazine? (please tick) Weekly Monthly Bi-Monthly Other(please specify)

7) How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine? (please tick) 1.00-1.99 2.00-2.99 3.00-3.99 4.00-4.99 5.00+

8) What colours do you most associate with the rock genre?(please tick up to 3) Red Black Yellow Grey Blue White

Other(please specify)

9) Which font style do you prefer?(please tick)

Rock Magazine (BlackOak STD) rock magazine(Charlemange STD)

Rock magazine(Castellar)

10) What would you like to see as regular content within the magazine? (please tick up to 3) News Live reviews This weeks top music Unknown artists Interviews with bands/artists Festivals/Tour information

11) What is your favourite artist/band?(please specify)

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