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Chapter 3 Study Guide

Section 1

What is culture? What makes up culture?

-language (most important)
-Religion – 5 major world religions
-Direct Democracy- all citizens vote on all issues
-Representative Democracy- citizens vote for reps./ reps vote on issues
-Constitutional Monarchy- Monarch inherits right to rule, however is
limited by law making elected officials
-Absolute Monarchy- inherits right to rule and rules with unlimited power
-Dictatorship- makes all laws and suppresses opposition
-cultural diffusion
-culture regions

Section 2 Population

-death rate
-birth rate
-growth rate
-population density

Section 3 Resources and Trade

-natural resources
-renewable resources
-non-renewable resources
economic systems
Traditional- determined by customs and traditions
Command- Gov't owns all business/ More socialist or communist
Market- people own and operate business, free enterprise
Mixed- people own, but gov't regulates
-import and export
-tariff and quota – barriers to trade

Section 4

How is technology shrinking the world?

-rights and responsibilities

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