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SOF FOLLOWING FILE MATERIAL OL 100 - 223-7 /56 pages Re cere nice s G6 pages ; ASQ lorne [a6ES XXXXNNNXNAXANKNANAY, XSNNNY : g NO DUPLICATION FEE ¥ SNSXSX SAN FOR THIS PAGES SONAARRANARNNARONNN | Naw Lavesri¢anve Fice (Sle pages 3 ‘ f , Gz: 6, TT «/2/:2 Department of Justice, Atten, Mr. G. Edgar Hoover, Washington, D.C, ALL SSFORMATION CONTAINED “IN IS UNCLASSIFIED, Dear ir. Hoovers 22.85 BYLAA em fa? ‘The appended article was printed in sulle Times issue of fu nw) septouver 22, 1940 and Sf based on proven facte yshould be of vital importance to « N ‘War Department as well as to that ef other nations mow esutrollea oy insane dictate! If san the author statesythe telefores has com perfected by MikolaTeslay/ would be a monsure of feresightedness te insure kis constant guarding ageinst his bi aolested ,ponsibly kidnapped and tertured,by alien euenies for the purpose of seit: ‘the secret of such an invaluable instrument ef war ani/er defense ‘The feregeing is offered just in ense the article amt ite inferences have no deen called te your attention, Yery truly yours yD RLS & pe, bo RY Tam ES rv [47 “Death Ray” for Planes ket of Daten ‘would be built round the country Seninet any attempted attace by a8 fgtemy: air fores, wo muatiar’ bow age ae of att Malt pettle ant beat woyie eit ny ence, feaniee Dine or fuaciestae, Eeccpud Se ge ects stacse Sgtiat te coud be Beton, Se ENS a Sat pti ah penertg. : ‘igh Vacoum Eiiminetad de state, votes oon oF oie os epics. wets i sa wordt asa contin th Sonne with ‘ihe euetruction of Sis Aalatorce plant BUCH & Device “Invaluable ara, $2080.00 wold bec Sapo oiaaa Se ode alt Lattaved woudl be tral nat | Not oaly would ft Mow planed for aie Thprernesisagulst tay aretase ut itfwoult alo save euacy or Sona prepay iat would fatter Now trong ta defonoeg 3 fi wtioean curves evente in Bape ne SE Mae ellss Hees oh. Es a Latter dated Septeader 24, 1940, together with Ate 4 ‘maloaure. 7 oe : Your eoortesy sad interest in Winging = this inforsation to ay attention are indeed appreciated, and you may be assured your letter ‘Will receive appropriate consideration. Sincerely youre, et rT aL INFORMATION G CONTAINED “E=FIN IS UNCLA ; “iE Za Langit COMMUNICATIONS SECTION N MAILED * OCT 1 1940 * a 2) @ em ates pit na 4 se : “ Taboncriens sat OF set by oi sma Lapuy 4 alte Oy TeuEryee Fer wyc |” t= 12-43 11-06 PH DIRECTOR VEST UNSUBS ~~~ EQUIPMENT, EXPERIMENTS AND AESEARCH OF CEASED, -aagmmmx ESPIONAGE - M, RETEL ANDER ABOVE HEADING T( BUREAU Fnom This oFFic! D JAN MINE LAST. INQUIRY DEVELOPS THAT TESLA BIE JAN EIGHT, RATHER THAN THURSDAY, JAN SEVEN, AS SOMUOK as STATED IN REFERENCE TELETYPE. ON THE WIGHT OF JAN ELGHT, SA SANOVICH, GEORG CLARK, AND KENNETH-SWEEZEY WISITED TESLA-S ‘HOTEL WITH A’ REPRESENTATIVE OF SHAW WALKER CO. IN ORDER TO OPEN THE SAFE IN THE ROOM OF TESLA, KOSANOVICH LATER REPORTED TO WALTER GORSUCH, OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN, NYC, THAT ME WENT INTO THE ROOM tn ORDER TO SEARCH FOR A WILL OF TESLA. KOSANOVICH AND THE OTHERS MADE THE SEARCH OF THE SAFE IN THE PRESENCE OF THREE ASST MANAGERS OF HOTEL NEW YORKER AS WELL AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE YUGOSLAVIAN CONSULATE, IDENTITIES OF LATTER NOT YET KNOWN. AFTER THE SAFE WAS OPENED, 'SWEEZEY TOOK FROM THE SAFE A BOOK CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS SENT TO TESLA ON fur OCCASION OF HIS SEVE TY FIFTH BIRTHDAY. THIS BOOK WAS ARRANGED FOR TESLA BY SWEEZEY. KOSANOVICH TOOK FROM THE ROOM THREE PICTURES OF TESLA, TWO BEING EN- LARGED NEWSPAPER PICTUREX. ACCORDING TO MANAGERS OF oTEL AND KOSANO- VICH HIMSELF, NOTHING ELSE WAS REMOVED FROM THE ROOM OR SAFE. THE SAFE WAS THEN CLOSED UNDER A NEW COMBINATION, WHICH COMBINATION IS NOW IN POSSESSION OPEBUMINEGEX KOSANOVICH, ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JAN foret TaNn Sie: AND R@M@MMEX FTIZGERALD OF ALIEN PROPERTY CONTROL WENT TO HOTEL AND SEIZED ALL THE PROPERTY OF TESLA, CONSISTING OF ABOUT Two TRUCKLOANDS OF MATERIAL, SEALED ALL ARTICLES AND TRANSFERRED THEM TO THE MANHATTAN STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. NY, WHERE THEY ARE NOW LOCATED AT THAT SaMWBX TIME THERE WERE ALSO IN THIS WAREHOUSE APPROXIMATELY THIRTY BARRELS AND BUNDLES BELONGING TO TESLA WHICH HAD BEEN THERE SIN ABOUT NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR. THESE ae ALSO @MMNMX BEEN SEALED AND ARE NOW UNDER ORDERS OF ALIEN PROPERTYCUSTODIAN, IN VIEW OF FACT TESL IS A US NATURALIZED CITIZEN, ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN FEELS THAT ITS JURISDICTION OVER PROPERTY £5 DOUBTFUL BUT ROMMMK FEELS THAT HO OTHER AGENCY WILL BE ABLE,TO CET @amK TO THIS PROPERTY FOR AT LEAST TWO DAYS COPIES DESTRO’ LP ALL TTORM AT IRLeb end HE BERT IS WOLASSE ETT: es Red [pha Bot 2237 2 coPtt N epaeriews ©: Rep pole JA PAGE TWO AFTER THAT TIME IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR WILL BE APPOINTED FOR THE PROPERTY WHO MAY TAKE THE PROPERTYINTO HIS CuS- TODY. TESLA ALSO HAD SOME PROPERTY, AMQPOGUMNINK ALLEGED BY INFORMANT FITZGERALD IN THIS CASE, To BE A WORKING MODEL OF AN INVENTION IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN GOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL IN NY. INQUIRY SHOWS THAT THIS WAS PLACED KERE BY TESLA IN NINETEEN THIRTY TWO AS SECURITY FOR FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS OWED MOTEL. THIS BILL IS STILL OWED AND HOTEL APPEARS UNWILLING TO RELEASE THIS PROPERTY TO ANYONE AT LEAST UNTIL MMR DEBT IS PAID, BUT THIS OFFICE WILL BE ADVISED IF ANYONE ATTEMPTS TO PAY BILL AND OBTAIN ‘RROPERTY. CONCERNING TESLA HOTEL MANAGERS RE- PORT HE WAS WRX VERY ECCENTRIC IF NOT MMMM MENTALLY DERANGED DURING PAST TEN YEARS AND 1T IS DOUBTFUL IF HE KAS CREATED ANYTHING OF VALUE DURING THAT TIME, ALTHOPRIOR TO THAT RE PROBABLY WAS A VERY BRILLIANT INVENTOR. THEREFORE, ANY NOTES OF VALUE WERE PROBABLY THOSE MADE PRIOR TO THAT TIME. KOSANOVICH IS A NEPHEW OF TESLA WHO DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS FORMERLY QUOTE YUGOSLAV MINISTER OF STATE UNQUOTE AND NOW QUOTE PeBROMNNK PRESIDENT OF EASTERN AND CENTRAL PLANNING BOARD REP- RESENTING YUGOSLOVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND AND GREECE, UNQUOTE. SWEEZEY IS A WRITER FOR POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS ¥HO IS SMMMNEX DESIROUS OF PUBLISHING A BIOGRAPKY OF TESLA AND THERFORE WOULU LIKE To OBTAIN CONTRQL OF HIS NOTES FOR THIS WORK. CLARK IS EMPLOYED BY RCA AND WOULD ALsepROvIDE STORAGE ROOM FOR TESLAS EFFECTS IN ORDER TO USE THEM IN WRITING A BIOGRAPHY. TESLA AT ONE TIME REPORTED TO BE WORKING ON EXPERIMENTS FOR YUGOSLAVIAN GOVERNMENT IN EXILE, IT 1S DESIRED THAT BUREAU ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHETHER IT IS INTERESTED FURTHER IN THIS PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF TAKING CONTROL OF IT, SUGGEST THAT, IN VIEW OF FACT THAT THE NOTES AND OTHER MATERIAL WOULD BE KIGHLY TECH NICAL IN CHARACTER AND FOR THAT REASON WRK COULD NOT BE REVIEWED Fr WHR EXCEPT BY A TRAINED PERSON THE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEVEL- OPMENT MIGHT BE INTERESTED. FOXWORTH END NYC S2 WHS HOLD WA R 2 RSG Le ; Tr ins Pee nee Ne an ;, Re DAT Oe pecersews 11-30 PM D DIRECTOR SOaT UNKNOWN SUBJECTS, AEM EXPERIMENTS ANI TESLA, DECEASED. ESPIONAGE = Ma NIKOLA TESLA, OM! STANDING SCIENTISTS IN THE ELECTRICAL FIELD, DIED ZEEN FORTY THREE AT THE HOTEL NE« YORKER, LIFETIME, HD CONDUCTED MANY TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICAL POwzz AN THE DEATH Ray, tS feo MI KAT ACCORDING TO INFORMATION FURNISHED cE SIX FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, THE NOTES Ad EXPERIMENTS AND FORMULAE TOGETHER WITH DESIGNS OF 4 NITAITIZE THEM ARE ANONG TESLAS PERSONAL EFFECTS, A TAKEN TO PRESERVE THEN OX TO KEEP THEM FROM FALLINGS UNFRIENDLY TO THE WAR EFFORT OF THE UN ING TO SPANEL, A DISTANT RELATIVE OF TESLA, NANED 4 SAS INTENSELY DISLIKED BY TESLA, IS TAKING STEPS Tq THESE IMPORTANT DOCUNNTS AND PLANS, SPANEL BELIEY. STRONG LIMELINGED THAT KOSANOVICH WELL MAKE hy WHO SESSION OF a HERE IS A THIS MATERIAL AVAILAELE To Sekt Re REVISED _S TWO HEADGUARTERS IN WASHINGTO!, AS MORKIN OF THE DEPARTKEN JUSTICE IN WASHINGTON, CoNCERING SPANIEL WAS ALSO IN IC COMMUNICATION WITH QM Di D LO24DO, ONE OF THE ADVISORS Te VICE F ESIDENT WALLACE CONCERNING THIS THAT THE GOVERNNENT WAS VITALLY EQUESTED SPANEL TO LOSE No TI: RM THEM, ELOYCE FiTzgzzeLD, AN CAL ENGINEER WHO HAD BEEN QUITE CLOSE To TESLA DUSTRORTES toe g ADVISED THE NEW YORK OFFICE THAT ON JANUARY SEVENTH, NINETES© Y THREE, ATOR CSANOVICH, GEORGE CLARK, WHC Is IN cuahcr OF THE vus- Heew> EAEORATORY FoR RCA, AND -KENNETK SWEZEY OF ONE S17 THREE MILToR TREET, BROOLKY!, NY, VENT TO TESLAS ROOMS IN THE NEW YORKER WITH ASSISTANCE OF A LOCKSMITH BROKE INTO A SAFE’ WHICH TzSLa ‘AD INKIS ROOMS IN WHICH HE KEPT SOME OF HIS VALUABLE PAPERS, INCLUDING ZRPORTENT MMMM ELECTRICAL FORMULAE, DESIGNS, ET CETERA, we e ST MONTH, TESLA aged $licoepals That HIS EXPERIMENTS IN CONNECT WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF-EL: D_LOZADO TOLD SPAn THE EFFECTS OF T=SLA € ALL HE COULD To PRESERVE L MATTER, GPPLECTRICAL POWER HAD BEEN COMPLETED ANDggguesont arte ito - 2237 3 Tien th PO a be | iyi ain Map . vy gis | ayer’ if! 7 = Nor Penk ReDAcrions i 3 Beet Copy Aves able { — - ee : - toy ee PAGE TWO JELI2ZGERALD ALSO KNOWS THATTESLA HAS CONCEIVED AND A_REVOLUTIO! ARY TYPE OF TORPEDO WHICH IS NOT PRESENTLY IN USE THE NATICNS, IT IS FITZGERALDS BELIEF THAT THIS DESIGN HAS NOT AVAILABLE. TO ANY NATION UP TO THE PRESENT TIME, FROM STATEMW TO FITZ~ GEARLD BY TESLA , HE KNOWS THAT THE COMPLETE PLANS ATIONS AND EXPLANATION OF THE BASIC THEORIES OF THESE THIN PLACE IN THE PERSONAL EFFECTS OF TESLA, HE ALSO KNOWS THAT A_WORKING MODEL OF TESLAS WHICH COST MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND ‘0 BUILD IN A SAPETY corm DEPOSIT BOX BELONGING TO TESLAM EOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL, AND PEMOWWRY FITZGEARLD ¥ ‘HIS MODEL EAS TO DO WITH THE SO GALLEDE DEATH RAY OR THE WI ISSION OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT. TESLA HAS ALSO TOLD FITZGEARL! THAT HE HAS SOME EIGHTY $MM TRUNKS INDIFFER B CONVERSATIOn> BEE CONTAINING TRANSCRIPTS AND PLANS HAVING TO DO WITH EXPERIMENTS D BY HIM. BUREAU IS REQUESTED TO ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHAT, IF ON SHOULD EE TAKEN CONCERNING THIS MATTER BY THE NEW YORK FIE! Oi on. FOXWORTH CORRECTION- THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE TELETYPE THE NAME THAT SHOULD APPEAR 15 sible NOT FITZGERALD agg AS IT SOMETIMES IS SPELLED HOLD et Olt Reoncrions Bee Copy vailable q et Pee reer ere reese Mr. B.A. Tab Mr. Clegg, Mr. Glavin Mr. Ledé Mr, Nickols__ Mr, Rosen, . Mr. Tracy Mr. Carson Mr. Coffey Mr, Hendoo__ Mr. Kramer__ MeGuii Be sworneRaGar HOOVER mpinceron fee OBLied wy i wf Mts. Quine Tost Weed Bae: Room SHIOGSE = Miss Beahm__ Miss Gand; Wikola Tesla, one of the world's ovtets aan lectrical field, died st his residence in th Sty, on January 7, 1943. In the course? neny experinents with respect to # ‘ragga: on avi what ig consonly celled theDDeath Rey respect to the wireless trersnission of electrical boon ort ileted anf perfeated, aid Tesla had alse eo revolutionary type of ternedo which te pot dn use : : tise. Ring models plens havinc to do with his experivents ee well es @ working model of 8 developierts in tie sefetz’ deposit box at the Jevernor C: Isfornetinn soncernirg/Tesla's experinent| York Office bt a Spenel/and Bloyel Sttagerall the latter an electrical woo had heen ofite close to Teslat Bots of these individuels reve indiceted thet ro sters aeve been taxon to presorve Tecla'e records ent models or to keep tuen fron Telling into the hands of individuale sympatnetic to Forensvich is reported to be taking sfeos to cet norsession of these imoortant documents und plans, avi Spare) believes there is a strong Litelitood that Rosanovic! On January 7, 1935, “ose Axis powers. » Tesla hee a distant relative by the name of Savafxosanovich, wion he p) intersety cislixes. will make such information available to the enews vie’, acoompeniad py Jeorse\Clark, in cherge of tre * Museum ard Levoretory for RCA, ani Kenneth Bwezey of Nrooklyn, New Yor, exte Tesla's rooze at she “ovel New Yorker whore, with the aid of a lockenith, ¢, E & Eo broke inse a safe in which Tonle kopt cone of abbombugble papers, ina oEmg @ B g Anmportant elestrice! formulse, designe, ot eeterne HO 40-ga9] -3 wusrters of the Military Intellizefce Division, avr Yorkin of the Dopartuent of Justice in Teshington, efd[>r.JANLAGo1943s of the advicors to Vice President “eLlece, Lozado afvhsed Sparel theyre Governnent was Vitelly interseted in the oftrcte of fosin and requangad cast, 10 Yeucrandux for the Direotor ‘The New York Office was instructed to dis: with the State's Attorney in New York City with the Kopanovich inte custody sm a burglary charge and ob which Kosanovich is reported to have taken from Tee out thet any activities oursued by the State's Atto: e most secret fashion in order to avoid any publics inventions, The New York Of ice wae also instructs, Gourt in order that stops could be plncel egeinst hic hotel and any other voirtr, in particular, the have in order thet no onc may enter tien witout @ Present and every precaution taken to preserve the secrecy Tae New York CPfice is to keer thesBureau adviced of all d kee the matter up ‘possibly taring the varione pevers Me. It was pointed d be hardled in oct to Tesla’s b the Surrogate Pespectfully, Bed Copy AveLable fof Tecia both in abate ‘int son is aa a mn mooven : Lot cee tase ur. Bederal Bureau of Investigation Mr. United States Department of Justice be Bashington, B.C. ue Mr. Me Mr. Mr. MEMORANDUM FOK MR. LADD Mr Mr. Mr Tele. Room__ Mr. Nease. Miss Beabm, On Friday, January @th, Wr. Le Me Co Sasth called me (ies py tn connection with the death of NtkoldTeala. He ad. vised me that he was concerned about the possidilt of eneny agents confiscating some of the trunks 0, Tesla, who had dted on January 7th. He understood the War Department was interested in this matter and that apparently the Alten Property Custodian's office was téking some action. He desired to know whether the Bureau would take some steps to refrain relatives of Tesla from taking the contents of hts trunks and whether the Bureau would setze possesston of the trunke. Ur. Snith indicated that he was talking to the Alien Property Custodtan along the eame lines. I told him that in view of the fact he was going to handle the matter with the Alien Property Custodian's. office, there did not appear to be any action which the Bureau could or should take. EAT: DS January 12, 1963 at Gy w) : (6, 194E ALL UNFORS MATION CONTAINED HEREIN, 2s SSSI D In. ff Hom JED Nah Cs ES Waka aig aici eae iar Me SL oe aoe : an oe sow i iz 2 Bich Gosle, aumdiaeTiodd 7 7 6 5 Lunt BOY a Ko Bow ee eee ene ne nara, wetein Lowe SS Ff Chg fag wets on Bu ene ‘Teee Z 7 a anne BT dE gid a Fr ma, ie war Big een Y Phe : eae r 13 ) ° BE cenipheenE ol ral ALO ake om ete owl Bf at ttn 2 fr foe aoe en of AG coe on ee [OE of arcines Dene LL on™ of bear phate Bk ay LK cee cMneyeee Ee go ae Ue a ae reg fie” aes Ft Z C A A ae ce ert ff Pepe E Set F- wd ae Renee ome lis a aa 4 oi yore Lh HF oA LL riled ofan, Ln EP he gy pe ‘i vie secret ea statten , Pg ra > am! " Sas Ringes a -, Sowes vers. --NMUNIGATIONS SECTION AILED 8 it APR 25 1943 PM, Apet 3, 1950 ae AE.LINFOR MATION CONTAINED “EREINIS UNCLASSI | DATE La £08 ia seeety rary od $e ager 162097 axy'23) 4 . 27 = (@ 437 Base SS oe oye! comm 631 “ ube AE ve WW i. 1 : ge “it jaya EE elt ae 34433 alt ti : Med Sgn < eta stages ial hit a ayatt 3u2h- abbas EE ey er Stel i) Ma ; 2 yatage G4%ed S Spgcsddpet? | i i hk eee Hazy SHS etd yfath: tay, gga SAC, Now York Dixeetor, FBI {Wisse alts: geasgny? ee aa & a es 01 83 Hayate yamination man Wp 3965 fms 's BAVA IDSANOVICH; Experiments & Researeh ‘Sls (Disceased), Rapiomage-te It should be mted that the Puresu was informed of the ¢: toned above by New York letter (with attactments) dated Octeter extitled UNMIONS SUBUECT; i WOT RECORD! MB > 2G / 99-291. nftte’ \ £Ce i TNNED cow XE ATIONC Rg une SS eat ANFOR! 65-1290 93:88 BEM SIC 105-1391 \7 Istter to Diredbr, FAI Wr 15-2992. WR. POTTS stated thet no inquiry had teen received ty Munbatten fren SAVA Ne MOSAMOVICH, wor bad Manhatten informed kia, in any way, that an amination ef the TESIA effecte had been made by anyone. In fact, added POTTS, the only correspondence relating te the TESLA estate hes een in form of bills for storage. ‘Mi, POTTS stated that any personal inquires regarding the estate would af necessity be directed to hia, and to date no such inquiries have been made, sto Interviewing agents explained te MR. PO as mentioned stove, was not instigated ty the Bureau, mor had the Buresu taken part in that examination. ‘Urileen stvised to the contraxy, this investigation is being placed in office. CLOSED. cre Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Records Washington, D. G. Gentlemen: In 8 manner of introduction, I wish to etate that _T am working toward @ degree in Electrical Engineering at the Institute of Technology of the University of Minnesota. For several years, I have been engaged in a study of extensive Compass and detail concerning the researches and writings of the late, world renowned scientiet, Dr. Nikola Tesla. At con— siderable expense, I have acquired an extensive collection of Rateriale relating to Dr. Tesla and his worke which includ 2) Personal lettere written by Tesla to hie close friend. 2) Numeroue periodicals, sone of which are to be found in only a few libraries throughout the United State. 3) A few rare books which have now become “collector! ie items", 4) A collection of issued patents. Although the items listed are considerable in number, the spe- cific information desired is lacking. As I understand 11, because of the nature or Dr. Tesla's role in scientific developments, all research papers, patent applications, etc,, were aecured by the Federal Bureau of Ingest igation at the time of Dr, Tesla's death in January of 3. The puroose of this seizure, as described in numerous article was to determine whether these pavera contained suggeations leading toward advancements in the field of actence. 100 PA8T. RECORDED - 68 | RP oe . ‘ b - - ; Now it seeme that sufficient time has elapsed for an invee— tigation of this kind. If Dr, Tesla'e Estate hae been relessed by the department in charge, any records that can be made available for examination will be welcomed. A letter from Harold I. Baynton, Assistant Attorney General, Director, O:fice of Alien Property, informed me that the Library of Congrees listed @ertain works, writings and research etudies prepared oy the late Dr. Tesla. However, a letter addreased to the Library failed to bring reeulte as the Library "has no files on the researches of Tesla". A eimilar result was obtained from te Bureau of Naval Research and the Department of Commerce, I om egvectally interested in the reeearch work in which Tesla was engaged in his l.ter yeare. ‘There are various unpublished works, such as a l0-page typewritten statement presented in 193? at a meeting of several well-known editors outlining his discoveries and giving a resume! of his work 1n the fields of gravity ané cosmic ray research, etc. Also, Tesla prepared Various papers, one of which was in effort to secure the Pierre Gutzman Prize from the Institute of Rrance. My inquiry 1s in effort to determine whether any of these docunznte, aa well as others, are at this time available. I will greatly aporecitate any information in regard to any records which you may have. Very truly youra, 20 Avquat 36, 1957 With réference to your letter of Auguet 16, 1952, our files diaclose that the effects of Nikola Tesla were taken iato custody at the time of Ata death by the Office of Alten Property, aad not by this Bureau. Consequently, you may wish to communicate further with that agency, which may de addressed as follows: (65-47953) Aaesetant Attorney General Rewlond 7. Kirke Director, Office of Alten Property Unt ted Stotes Department of Justice . 201 Indians Avenue, Yashington 25, D. fe We » Stacerely yours, + Yohn régar Hoover F4eL Director cc ~ 2 = Aastotand a6t8Pndy,deneral (with Rontand F. Eirke Directors “office of Alten Property LK =o (United States Departuent of Justice ] 201 Indiana avenue, H. ¢\ 7008S” ee ap NOTE: Wo reference Bureau files on correap “By $i #0 Wnnesota,, 6-22-52,..per USEF du (dz LETTE fs Ane 0-7 10g ahinoton 25, p. o. -- M3\ gsc i 4 y el oa ‘ @ CEA cb Wid eo g gz a : eoyhe) r ondent a a INDEXFly oe MAK ea rene * Office saetsted + UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT mom thy Ly be eee NIKOLA TESL, TAFCR ATION Ct (Deceased) OLR ING 2 3 outs AME v8 that he had been reading @ book entitled, NG Prodigal Genius - The Life of Nikola Tesla’ by John Je N gue whom described as a science writer for a New rk newsparer (publisher = Ives jashburn) noted in this book that Bureau arents went to Tesla's ro foing his death on Janusry 7, 1943, opened his safe, examined his papers, an took over his personal files. MY 5015 this onveared on rose arr. stated that Tega 48 tic satner of modern powerengineering, beinc responsible sor the invention of the + C. generator, motor transmission, and other electrical engineering fects, He ingutred (1) if the pepets and works of Tesla were in tie posscesion of the fureau, enc (2) if so, were they available for revi-w in view of their Scientific Importance, I told that the statenent concerning the Bureau's my taking Tesla's not seen very logical but that I would cheek on tie matters) i ve @ The Burec:.'s files reflect that shortly ofter the death of Tesla in his hotel room in New York City on January 7, 1943, & Sava Kosanovichy a distant relotive, and other individuals entered iis room and opened the safe, exanining certain mcterials which he possessed. On January 6, 1945, Ur. L. U. C. Snith of the Departnent advised Hr. Tann that he was concerned about the possibility of enemy agents confiscating song of the trunks of L fo Tesla and apoarently the Office of Alien Property Custodian was taking sone action regarding these effects. Since the matter uss! being handled by the Office of Alien froperty Custodian, the Baneau did not maice any inquiries into this situation. (65-47952-6, It is noted also thet the received a letter dated April ec 1948 ‘rom DIcining tae he os ec waukee School of Engineering a JOO“ 7 engineering af ene 2 @ z Q2 tehols em was interested in the 1ife ond vorks of recta, MBPs voree that he underetoce ct tie tine of Tesla's death the Bureau touk Nis nenuseripts und easerivent data for national security. the Bureau on Apri 22, 1948, advised QM that she effects of Tesla were handled b: tne Office of Alten Property anc not by the FSI»(65-47953-18) 1 colies QM: is morning and told hin that it wos the office of Alien Property and not tie F3I uhich took over the effects of Tesla folloving hts death. Accordingly, I suggested that night wish to conaunicate with the office of Alien Property for further informat.on cancerning this matter, The book “Prodigal Genius ~ The Life of Nikole Tesla” is not in the Bureau Library. A cory is being obtained fron the Library of Congress, Ii will be ezanined to deternine specifically te reference ncce to the Bureau's taking these porers, At thst tine a determination cen be nade as to what action should be tazen. pee ADDEND, Lbbpmer 5-14-53 Page 277 of the "Prodigal Genius ~ The Life of Nikola Tesla,” describing Tesla's death, contains the following statement: "Operatives fron the Federal Bureau of Investigation cane and opened the safe in his room and took the papers it contained, to examine then for a reported important secret invention of possible use in the wor.” : Since this work was published in 1944, tt is not felt that any particular purpose would be served by raising an odjection with the publishers at this tine, > the individual who raised the question, has been set straight ana, therefore, tee action is being taka. i t Uffice M.. xoramdeom ~ eves. 18s Governuent To s Direct ‘DATE: : . 7 pres 2. EQRMATION - 4 sumer: "US UNCL kr, GEOROE E, SOREEF, JB. ord Kgs ochelle, Ner York, advised thet he received two letters fran x . 321 Seynaur Avenue Southesst, liinceaoolis, Minnesota, photostatl of mich are Being furniohed the Zuréda ‘and Minneepalis™ oe , Tesia and its aehie SPR RDC eC ST Ue Tae ere ene arene RAE CcE I CUESL Sa See Ot str ar Wit caer el Pane e nee ees ine cer Sec ee ea Cera ene ee Tee aT ts E CeaR eae a SCAU DSR Oc CT SEN Se ered poe Ee CUUeta OCS Men cs aera ee eeN EES Crea SC Se Caen tg ae CSCC ere teCrany ees ee CCE cern eee eres SOC o a Cmts Sara few cases obtained a nuaver of i Sort seater CLE Le os ae SCS ele eee ponerse eee Pera res ceaet Eo eer) RC Ltt oP Cas Onset eT Eee eae Ce ere eer ere ee a cE eee eee rd ACO att a Seer Tae ed eee eat Nee Seer eres Cae Cet phase eRe SCOTT Os Tae Sea Toe a ene aed ie taneee eect Emenee SC a este at renee naner ie eee ze Cs StU Ra aes EPSTEIN nN Potro east ries gear eRe ee i iM hae Le Ens Or RT. Usa N oS 0g- OC Re a ees a PESUAO MRSS Sern arom COC an ee Trel ae Ste a on are SC cor ret eter ar Sereenes Rr Lepe en cre aea tees Poured Rostra! as rere) pit por Cicer Sem ty eae es Ca eer eke as Ce re te ae ee Umss cr Peace cee CTE rs great American for +. eC Cea te Cater anne ae BSC Cetera a Cerner ea ae COs aieeanesde aer eres 10 lesics arma Senn Ste ae pera NL a eve STE Ceeces met Sa 4 ee | Pn Cee rey ues a Ee eeeety Ferrers Pe mma pe eg a ee ee Tesla... I have initiated an uniertaaing © feel tuat tn all right and justice suact! ria es econ a ae SCNT ree Canes eee crs ee aes ese Ure ae eee Leer ences RoC es ters pana eee Rinoe Use SSL oC aT ee eS i ce Le ee Ors a a ars ce Ce a een : ees eer ea Prorct stress Cac aes Tirwe ae Seas per eeersaaores ray Eee Pree eS ee eee es eee erritt, Kenneth Swezey RSS SUer mes Urn we ereas Soe esa cae UT ese a eer irae Ca RE OC ea Serra Poatetsaet PCr era Penta eee Lies aces CL rae ane fi eae mse Stee . ome Cees eae Petters Pore ee ee ete q Rpt eSt S7 Paes Oem cone or Ove an Saes Give Yr. O'Net.i ner sarhied name — eRe Cae a ae or acc Oa ae ses ee es tainly ve lajortant to icsat: can Serr raed aoe we nana Reet Eee Ce et Ta rrr! ccc RUee set eerie Pere eee) ue eae aren tat) crrereury revroduced for fear of eventun! loss. Cte ae CeCe TT ane CeCe eo eter es SE arr Screens Oe SCENT Tara Ta foe ecm Core tecied aan crete) G8. I sare tuts eo.wetion vith Mra, Taree Lae ey Cece aera cate Sent Ter Rone eon css tr eee Se tes ee SS atone ear ae Reset anne ee eens Fehr a tare coamnye ee er erst cass Pe ee 2 = s > = S m s < m z WD I. AXDERSOS ite 1p aay eeeers FAL oe Nor an Fer! at ' _ REDAGIOY MTSCKLLAMOUS, DerEMUL mcr = ry t ir y 4 | meet, Daren ee bree eta f te. the Daren, ony Poon ened tat ware at two lottars fen nadersen org, Feceived and mde available to your offise by George X- ettiee fils, . ie é a yroneTeneng HEREIN “ yD DATE Za so Z, Bea 32 KENNETH M.swizeY Y ‘“RMATION CONTAINED 2163 Milton St; os LINCLASSIF area kr. J. Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. Dear Kr. Hoover: @ ; Back in 1943, the local En ~ Custodian searched through ahe belongings of the late electrical inventor, Nikol: stored in the Manhattan Storage Warehouse in Wew York City. Tesla had been a naturalized American for more than fifty years, so I believe that the search was made on the grounds that the property was to be sent to Yugoslavia, through Tesla's nephew and heir, Mr. Sava Kosanovié ‘thes Kosanovié had been Minister of State under the King's government, later became Ambassador to the United States from the present government, and is now a Minister serving in Belgrade). According to the attorney who handled the x Tesla estate, Hr. PhilipRi the Alien Property Custodian assured hig nothing had been held, I have a letter from the Office of Alien Property, dated March 15, 1955, which confirms this statement. W. In gathering material to help in a nation-wide comemoration of Tesla's hundredth birthday next year-—-which will be participated in by leading scientific and engineering societies, museums, and universities---I have just discovered, however, that Tesla's solid gold Edison Medal somehow vanished during that search. : As a friend who had known Tesla well , during his last twenty years, I was with Mr. Kosanovié Tesla's room in the Hotel Hew Yorker on the day he aicg/A/ ; A safe expert was called in to unlock Tesla's safe. + its contents were several honorary degrees, a volume of ( ) ( greetings which I had gathered for him on his seventy-fitth cr birthday, a bunch of keys, and the Edison Medal. We kept out the book of greetings (I mentioned this at the time 7 i to the assistant manager of the hotel and later to a ir. 4 Gorsuch of the Alien Property Custodian's office), but Bu} | / everything elses including mae ‘and the keys, was replaced and the safe was 1 y, RECORDED - 8 /£0 993 SL Ne (ge Z ‘hy “Qo Bxcept when it Ms sANDEWDa Ry tee Property Custodian, the safe was never reopened engi Ht 4 ClwA. Ondfomo~ A ‘ Mee sey ExXPoBR =sE ] 6c JE 11 1955 ee eo 33 arrived in Belgrade (where Tesla's property was to be installed in a special Tesla Museum) and was there opened by Mr. Kosanovié. According to his former secretary, both the bunch of keys and the medal were missing. The keys were later found in a tin box outside the safe; the medal was never found. I learned of the disappearance of the medal only by accident. lr. Kosanovi¢ had asked his former secretary to get permission from the American institute of Electrica Engineers (who gave Tesla the Medal) to have it duplicated This was given, but the cost, it turned out, would be abou four hundred déllars. in the meantime, the Tesla Museum, in Yugoslavia, is quietly trying to raise the money to pay ‘or it. The irony of this situation is more disturbing than the money involved. By giving us a system which made electric power universally available, Tesla---probably more than any other one man-—helped’ put America on top of the world. At the time he died, his gold Edison ledal was the only material evidence left of this country's appreciation. That this last token should have disappeare =--to have to be replaced by his materially poor countryne: overseas for whom . had done nothing---seems a tragic xq finguenent. PE bs "TER Pegd ind th dicta WIE BS ee Johnse'Nes2: ae Bis biography of Tes4, states that the Fol trond into Resla's saree the day he died, and an article in the current (June) Coronet repeats this. I / {fmow this isn't true. I did hear, however, that the FBI somehow lent a hand to the Alien Property Custodian during the latter's search in the warehouse. If that is so, i thought that perhaps some of your men might remember the conditions under which the search was made and therefore might have a suggestion as to what coul have happened to the medal. After this long time, I have no hope that the medal can actually be restored, and I am already trying to interest Americans in making a replaceme But future biographers might be spared a lot of wild guess and wrong blaming if some hint could be obtained as to whether the original got lost, strayed, or stolen-~-and wh might have been responsible. With best regards and sincere appreciation for any hell you can give, Sincerely, A a + Srna Kenneth M&Swezey h/ P.S. I am enclosing an Kenneth MASWes Yast month's POWER magazine which outlines Tesla's contribution to the electr: power industry. | ae 44 Ao somes enon ay yess eranisnes in Strange Genius AD 89 stour of power mento tame those who laid the foundation for today’s electrical generation and distribution. You'll wind up with an impressive lit—~ Edison, Brush, Thomson, Westinghouse, many others. But there is almost sure to be a significant omission. Yet this forgotien man conceived the polyphase ac mo- tor—still basic—and devised = suitable system of geo- eration and distribution for applying it. To grasp the magnitude of this costribution, we must turn back to the 1880's when the electrical era’ was being bora, and the “battle of the systems” held sway. Arc lights and motors were being operated on constant: ‘current series systems. Edison's Pearl Street generating station had opened in 1882, supplying incandescent lamps and, later, de motors on a constant potential system, Un- der the leadership of Westinghouse and Stanley, the advantages of ac distribution were demonstrated. But there was no successful ae motor. In May, 1889, a young YogoSlay engineer, but four yeara in the United States, rend a paper before the Amer: atitute of Electrical Engineers. In it be described tem. Ite heart was the induction motor with it basic and beautiful concept of the rotating magnetic field. The man was Nikola Teal, the system be described was destined to sweep the field. With characteristic vision, George Westinghouse resl- ized the fundamental importance of the polyphase ac system and acquired the basic patent. Its frst impact on the general public was at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. There a 2phase generator supplied motors and lnrops, and, through rotary converters and motor.gen- cerators, a variety of de equipment. i CONTAINED . tsege A ae But it remained for the Nisgara Falls power project to demonstrate in the most dramatic way possible that poly- phase ac was the system of the future. Since 1886 when a charter to develop its power bad been granted, the eyes ‘of the world hed been on Niagara, An international com- mission, headed by Lord Kelvin, had reviewed 17 pro- posals, found none acceptable. Later, just five years after ‘Teale's ATE. paper, it was officially decided to use the polyphase eystem. In August, 1895, Niagara power was delivered to the first industrial customer and in 1896 ac transinssion to Buffalo, 22 miles away, was begun. By that time, the ‘team turbine had been introduced in America and the modern age of electric power had truly opened. For Nikola Tesla, these far-reaching inventions were but a beginning. Still to come was,briliiant work in high frequencies, thinking basic to much of today’s radio art. Yet by the time of his death in 1943, both he and his ‘work had begun to slip into obscurity. Why? ‘A man of flashing insights and enormous brilliance, ‘Tesla was largely indiferent to the development of his fdeas. This he left to others while he followed the lure of new challenges. In later years, his projects became amore grandiose, his ways more mysterious, his pronounce: ments more Olympian. And working alone, as he did, hhe formed none of the institutional ties that help to per. etunte a record of accomplishment. Next year—luly 10, 1956—will be the 100th anniver: sary of Nikola Tesle’s birth. It would be fiting for our engineering societies to commemorste this occasion, to acknowledge our debt to this strange and lonely genius ‘who changed our world for the better. 700-225 7-9 (REPRINTED BY PERMISSION) as Power + may 1955 Fy Ameen gancii THE AMERICAN. SRBOBRAN \ Second Claas Mail Privdages Authorized at Pizaburgh, Pa. | 7 ances Sopa ann bany METER ER | ae aah ae panes a TA cs eee ety “RECOGNITION FOR TESLA ~ ' Largely thru a young American engineer's efforts, the é world today is re-scanning the record and achievements of our inventive genius, Nikola Tesla, Of late, even the big-tite magazines have devoted space to the amazing caret and fas- inating character of the pioneering electrical wizard, The man behind this belated recognition for the one-time] Serbian immigrant boy who made millions but died almost a| pauper is Leland & "Andean, head of the ‘Teal Society, which has Readguarters at the University of Minnesota. Thru travels, correspondence and detailed research, Mr. Anderson has dug up many friends of the late genius and in- duced them to join in his noble work. A good.many of these are American-Serbians, They serve Mr. Anderson and he serves them, with information issued thru his TESLIAN pub- lication. This is, at present, a mimeographed publication issued amonthly which caste new light on the known life and record of the late Dr. Tesla The latest issue (March-June) informs of progress plans| to honor Dr. Tesla even more. It also presents an account of al fascinating editorial, “Strange Genius", by the POWER ma azine of the powerful McGraw-Hill publishing line. This edi 4. torial traces the introduction of Dr. Tesla’s polyphase system, described by Mr. Anderson, as the “most tremendous event ___ tll engineering history. Editorialist Louis N\Bowler, according to the TESLIAN. answers the perplexing question why, in view of Tesla’s im- portant discoveries, he fell short of the comparative popularity 4 won by Edison and Bell. Then in closing, he suggests: “It ‘would be fitting for our engineering societies, in commemora- tion of the 100th anniversary of Nikola Tesla's birth (July 10, 1956), to acknowledge our debt to thie etrange and lonely! genius who changed our world for the better.” ‘This appears to be jyst what Mr. Andersan was waiting : for, For now. in the same issue of his TESLIAN, he has pre- pared a form to petition Postmaster General Arthur E. Sum- merfield to issue a Teala commemerative stamp mex? year. aA + % INDEXED-59 138 UL 21 1955, (CAN SRBOBRAN 29, 1955 feburgh, Pennsylvania b» 3b mN. + mbcoros ‘ Office Memorandum + owxrep states GOVERNMENT Tole To 1k. 7. BOARDLAN * -fy Dara: June 29, 1955 ae ALL INFORMATION CONTAI ILE: mom ta. a. BEiybH PERERIS UMoLassi , = pour: p14 0LA TE! Ca ONE ZB ie & “MISCELLANEOUS - INFORMATION COWCERWING (ESPIOWAG: atte. Nikola Tesla, a native of Yugoslavia, was a famous electric inventor who died in Wew York City tn 1943 where he had lived for man; ars, In attacked letter to Bureau dated 6-25-55 Kenneth M. Swezey, rooklyn, New York, advises he te gathering xatertal to help in a nation-wide commemoration of Tesla's hundredth birth anniversary in 1956. Swezey-relates he wos present when Tesla's safe was opened by friends after,hts death and advises the contents were thereafter replaced and then tupounded by the United States Alien Property Custodian, Later the safe was removed to Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to be installed tb Tesla Museum. Missing from Tesla's effects is a gold Edison medal he hod been awarded. Swezey te seeking to locate the medal and has been advised by the Office of Alien Property (OAP) that OAP held none of Tesla's property. Swezey states he has heard the FBI assisted OAP in handling Tesla's effects while in storage, ond accordingly, he asks whether Bureau could asstst him in locating the Edison medal. Ke FBI's assistance to OAP Swezey mentions that in the Tesla biography ("The Prodigal Genius” - 1944) by John O'Neill it was stated FBI broke into Tesla's safe the doy he died (1-8-43 to protect contents from enemy hands}, Swezey notes this some comment appears tn article ("Phe Genius Who Walked Alone”) by Alfred H. Sinks tn the June "Swezey says he knows FBI did not do thi Bureau did not enter into Tesla safe men idvice tt was being handled bj Bureau pre: aware of comment tn O'Neill's book. In 1945 Sinke requested for his use as author data re Bureau's microfilm procedure. Was advised no auch data avatlable for publicati Enclesuretecch 6-90 -5- ace 100-2237 _ i co - 1 = 65-47953 Rosters Oy Sirs b Mr. Belmont RECORD © 19.9 - JAIL = ir, Boardaan sressooptt™ pre teas fy, THR 6. suc Phtibs Pree antes KAS by Memorandum For Mr, Boardman RECOMMENDATION? That the attached letter be sent to Swezey advising Bureau dig not participate tn the handling of Tesla’s effects and that the matter was handled by OAP. Therefore, Bureau unable to be of Gasistance; that no action be taken relative to Sinks’ comment in Vv ago oe 38 Tickler -M. Bird ppd Belmont “We. Boardras June 30, 1955 "FORMATION CONTAINED “IS UNCLTSIFJED tea tien ater” (ornate 22-00 Oye alt tee a ree rent Decr Mr. Swezey: Since me td not partict pete ta the Aendling of Ur, Tesla's effects, we are unable to } supply the taferaation you reques Sincerely yours, Rese dcver 60-2237 Jenn Eégor ‘ 4 Directoy o- Li reete, REDORDD «ES IIS ‘HOTE: WOOD - 2 we JUL 1 1955 = 4A cover menorandun Bion Belmont te-beeifaan wae prepared by ETB: jaa on 6-29-55 TE Eonnection with thie eutgotng mail. » Bufiles contain no derogatory data-ne conges- Pondent; reflect only that he was close friqnd ant vf admirer of Tesla. oS Ao 7 3 © x \ © JUN 3.01955 MABED 25 37 ar: August 1, 1955, Mr. 5, Edgar Hoover, Federal Sureau of Investigation, Washington, D.c. Dear “r, Hoover: oO In his book, "prodigal Genius", The Life of ijtkola Tesla, ur. io’ © Oeil says, on vege 277, thet the F.B.I. went to Tesla's hote room, openeé his steel safe and removed from it, the papers it contained. Yas there ever amy publication of what these papers contained? I inform me where I might obtain a copy of such If there was no publication of the Safe's content, after more th it be improper to publish them? publication of ths safe's content, but there wer no particula> secrets found there in, could you inform me where might learn whet the safe contained? ny information ox this matter “ill be appreciated. Thank you for your trouble. Auguat 11, 1955 the menogay A, : E axineorwnroNconTaNED ue mv & aE: HEREINIS UNCLASS! ey é pare 24-8 : . » Your letter doted Anguet 2, 2985, aaa been receti tn response te your tngetry, 7 would Itte te edvies that our files reflect that Ks on ‘ects of Htkola Peale were taken tate eustedy ta death by the Ofstee af Alten Property ond ae Oy thts Rureau. i fe Since ve did not parttetrate tn the handling ef Wr. Tesla'a effects, we are unable to sunply the taformation you requested. Sincerely yours, John Kigar Heover Director WOTE: Buftles reflect no record en corr type of reply uttltged by Internal Securtt Dtotal Br Tian —] Jcnewering stutlar {ngutryes on 6/30/55. ‘Ybsnarsss-so)” Fontan [Cover weno from Mr. Belmont to Boorduan dated 6/29/55 set out background 4@ matter which concerned the death of Tesla, a famous slettrical taventer, ‘Bureau was not involved tn thts matter, and the epenti 9 the safe men- per ty. ttoned wae done ju the orsice of ten Pro ‘a le 28 a as Vt L ree ion from esla Property Department - File I am told thet office d, ax property 25 1 began > beceuse it s O'neill Ten y i trouble. ° RECORDED-t2 6 /¢¢-2237- G¥o RECOM.» " NDEXED-I2 } % MW (@) 60-BQ37- OKA ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED, 1-2 FD oor a: DATE 22.52 _B aossuk? 7 MUE Teeatved your letter dated September 20, 95565 . 4s you were advised by ay letter ef Auguet 11, 1955, this Bureau wos not connected in cay respect with the acquisition or custody of the effects of Htkola Tesla, and tt ta therefore net posatdle to furated you any Additional tnforaatt 7 Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover Director %e) $y NOTE: By letter 8-11-55) we referrec to the Office of Alien Property, which Office was reported to have aaguned custody of Tesla's effects subsequent to his dea (65-47953-6) 43 — -_* RECOGNITION FOR TESLA ~~ (Please fl out this form and mail to the address appearing belew.) University Staton BOR TSS Minneapolis 14, Minnesota THETESLA SOCIETY (date) (city & state) Hon. Arthur E. Summerfield Postmaster General, Postoftice Dept ‘Washington, D.C. contributions to,seience, induitry, and to his adopted country have greatly inspired engineering progress. His elecirical sys- tems helped create an American conomy of world pre-eminence. ‘We respectfully request ssuance of a 1956 commemorative stamp to be issued on the centenniat of Tesla’s birth (1886-1942), a Gy INDEXED.50 6C 22.13 1985 “¢etgnedy ————____ = AMERICAN SRBOBRAN” dime 29, 1955 Pittsburgh, Fennsylvan! 2237.4 i NOT RECORDED BBE UL 4 1955 44 eta a resis ORS cere et or erate mee en (Oetraze Svea ung. Sees Rae Soren Svcs Poe or Corn ete ant Cera ES Aaa Da LS ea eae TL CL Poe a ee Perera ese an eT Aaron Ane mE ee ae Prot area nant tenet i tirt Rina SIC RG PaaS Ree een ae. arent fed Terr er) ne an ea pericet ce ints Tea Oe ree een ener) Sees rare eee te cece pire aren een Pee eee ccc oer Ta re Wniled Biates Senate Sune 26, 1973 Respectfully referred tot i" Congressional Liaison \ Federal Bureau of Investigation : Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20530 Because of the desire of this office to be responsive to all inguiries and communications, your consideration of the attached is requested. Your findings and views, in duplicate form, along with return of the enclosure, will be appreciated by ; —e | 6 ATTN @ ae az | ENCLOSURE : 20 duns 1973 Bear Senstor QB Thouch in Alaska temporarity wor) ing oi # mi coniragi, I sth07. eonsider ay resident, hence i is to you thay Tort fess ys at WMP correse, t deers inftrobwes ina coves festa, Professor Tesla emicratyi og tet cents dn Teves, eid did some of his most origineU ideo, Tesla hal s pasuliar hen’ of mind, in hs younger days he was often calted : 4, Hid not publish ot US. Host torial 1s in vitrarglatad Ceech, Tesla wot, houaver vance that upon his death, ‘hone of nis Thor. discascin; re Ibs thogit tt miean pesiod oor: \ waet all of Ur, Teslats rates wore eonfiseated i noses on physics pad clectrieity ean in oa, b seems that lr, Noover in his zeal, haa ¢ . anereas: indleation that me) * ecncrracd prroack to tire thesry. wot: 25 that have oven our greatest sc Derg, et ale 33 n 2aches, fic aivonces i codera times, Twaz wondering if your offico nizht be chlo to determine if these papers are still extant, and if so, see to it that the public har acces: to thems It would be a share to see all of Micolai. Teslss work to have boon in vain, Mloace excuse my typing, in all the thousaiis of words I typed trying to get a Liveral education, T never did master tie tyreeriter. ) 00 - ars7- TENCLOSURE 47 July 5, 1973 1.105 REC 15 1287-2 2 400-7 aa Ff TAINED a Undead. States Senate HEREIN 1S Ut py pale (\ , Washington, D.C. 20520 p DATE 228-22 Dear Senator 2 Thie 1 icknowledge receipt of your communication dated June 26th dnclor ‘a letter from your constituent, ae sl Se ae, In response to inquiry, central files cf the Pederal Burea: of Tnvestiga indicate that the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded after his death by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of pr. Tesla's belongings, X am unable to furnish the inforration you desire. I am returning your enclosure as you requested. Sincerely yours, william D. Ruckeisbaus: William D. Rockelshaus Acting Director losures (2) 6 Services Office - Enclosures (2) G rior cordial correspondence with Senator is not identifiable in Bufile Sacre urite 100 x. Tesla was a world~famous iil electrical /invdnfor, and at the time of his death, all of his ‘et—— personal a"effects were believed dangerous to the count iiwee— security e11 into unauthorized hands. The book, "Prodic Tisken—— Genius," J. O'Neill, alleged that the PBI took over a ce ned it, appropriating his property. Bufiles clearl’ t was the Office of Alien Property of the Depar’ @ the above reply ig forwarded in answer to r+ i= WammmaQ Oy we ¢, SR ps Fem ASR MRR Shape te pm oe sees FEDERAL BUREAU OF messrveaTich Washingten, D.C. “i300 Dear Sire, — eieeeclm hee sone 8 by atrencten sper Miketéfeata, the Founder of modern 4.0 ment eines hie death. 1 would Lite te unos’ wer, te be informed as te whe was, and is responsible for keeping the 11d on these recerde, K weuld alae 1iké te ney vhere they are osy, : T de bepe you enjoy a geod Laugh ever the aparent’ nitevicy cre Sf auch a request as this, but te te « rather ecrange sicuscien a te exiee in a country Like thie, thet a man ef such genius and Achievement eould be systematically eut out of biecery desks, fand that the facts abeut his werks seuld be eonsesied te the degree they have been. I wish te ebtain aeons te ell these eld recerds which have ‘doen “eenceated fez ‘thirey appreciate yeur kind “eena ideation and attontlen te this. ers 23 bene! Go ~~ duly 19, 1973 RY 4 - DABIP- B) . , een cna ae " FIED CEREALS UNCLES ei ie OM ‘ire 7-3-2 8 £X-105 Dear Sy : Your letter was received on July 16th. In response to your inquiry, the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the PBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of or, Tesla‘s belongings, I am unable to furnish the information you desire. A copy of your communication and of this reply have been referred to the Department of Justice. Sincerely yours, D..M. Kelley WANED @ 1 291973 Fat Clarence M. Kelley Director NOTE: Bufiles contain no record of correspondent. (Bufile 100-22: reflects that Dr. Tesla was a world-famous electrical inventor, anc at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the country's security if they fell intc unauthorized hands. The book, “Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil leged that the FBI took over a certain safe and opened it, appropriating hif property. Bufiles clearly indicate that it was the Office of Alien Property of the Department which did so, and the above ry is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. Copy of letter fefttsed to the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Divisic of Dear bent.) hu x @ @ : saw oon ere wr 2 o £0 ik cennected, I wish te underotand that! extent ongmeg LM FRE ET AORN I RY eo Ge RR EEE SIN ee te whole, Hev would you like te be able te drav wlinited pever out of the air te run sey a Lightbulb’ with ONE vire! Be At, and mush mere. My sineere thanks fer yeur theught 1 / yn 8/20 - 72 37- AG sugust, 1973 si? “AL ERMATION CONTAINED 8 HEREIN IS LTC -f £ 23-80 ~ ad fo ‘Your letter, which was received on July 30th, has been reviewed and I would like to point out that FBI Agents were not involved in removal of papers from the safe of Dr. Nikola Tesla, nor did we at any time have custody of his property. T realize there have been some written accounts that our Agents acquired Dr, Tesla's belongings; however, these accounts are simply not true. You can be assured we were abso- Intely not responsible and there was no impersonation involved. Sincerely yours, GM. Kelley, Clarence M, Kelley Director NOTE: Correspondent had written in mid-July and asked about the effects of Dr. Tesla and he was advised that the Office of Alien Property had participated in removing his effects from his hotel room. A copy of his communication was referred to the Department of Justice. Bufiles indicate clearly that after Dr. Tesla's death some relatives opened the safe in his hotel room with the help of a locksmith and, thereafter, the Office of Alien Property confiscated all of his belongings. Bufile 100-2237 mentions : that the FBI was advised of the existence of this property; however, inasmuc as the Office of Alien Property was handling Dr. Tesla's effects, the Bureau had absolutely no hand in the entire matter, b ese 53 June 9, 1975 Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. Department of Justice Washington D.C, 20535 Sirs: We recently contacted the San Francisco "St office and a review of their files revesied.- Perera information concerning the scientist Nikol@resla — or his papers which we understand to have een impounded. If you could make a thorough investigation Of 311 files and materials available to you, we would greatly appreciate the correspondence of any information that might be discovered. Thank you, ~ 100 - BABT- 26 CLG I &, 54 Suly 7, 1975 mean MATION ea \TAINED it, “4§ UNCLAS ae , ry 100-2237 - 26X owt 2 —_ % ‘This will acknowledge your letter of June 9th. In response to your inquiry, the 2 of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, efter his Otzice of Alien Propacty'ef tim Departumt ef scotia” Sincerely yours, QM Kelley Clarence M. Kelley Director ~Metention:—susen—HrHewser NOTE: Bufile 100-2237 indicates that Dr. Tesla was a world famous electrical inventor, and at the time of his death his personal papers and effects were impounded by Office of Alien Property for national security reasons. Since Tesla's death in 1943 the Bureau has received numerous inquiries about the disposition of his technical papers. The above reply is forwarded in answer to these inquiries. Bufiles tain no information identifiable with requesters. aun, vw SS 3 sro ss WanEDT JUL? 1975 % 13 November 1975 @ Mrs Clarence Kelley al Fector SEAR ATION 0-9, FAB. IF TIO: CONTA D Washington, D.C. 20535 ONS UCLASSITIED ATE 2580 BY lat Deer Mr. Kelley: - In reply to the letter of 10 November from your offiee: I restate that I was not asking about the existen Ron-existenee of any investigative information but on his teshnical papers seized on his death ‘in 1943 ana reported in the p Jour effiee, the P tion en Tesla's papers makea ni in reply te my inquiry, The thttd paragraph stating the conditions under which a search will be 1a 2 clear bureaueratie circumvention ef the Freedom ef Informetion Act and an ei og,the part of the individual handling my request forsdoing any work b: yond the drafting of @ letter. will it be the decision of your office to let the situation stand like this? As I stated in my first letter, I am following up the Tesie data for a magazine article, I am tempted to have Hi your reply of the 16th printed and run nationally os ’ an example of how bureaucratic manceuring 1s used to get around the FOIA. Does the bureau need more of this type of publicity? It 1a disheartening to see an agency entrusted to uphold the law using its resources to moek the law. " Sincerely, y< @ is ap! -Be 7 é, “A; thesy a Ge -2ABI-BT7 “Hf MEORMATION CONTAINED 8 » TT ERLS UNCLASS'FIED = g DATE 23-04 B) Doar CE: ©) ‘his will acknowledge receipt ef your letter ‘to the Bureau on Movember 1éth. . In response to your inquiry, the papers of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by fhe office of Alien Proparty of’ the Department of justice. Sovember 26, 1975 Sincerely yours, c. M, Belles Clarence M. Kelley Director 1 - the ity Attorney General - Enclosure Attention: Susan M, Hauser NOTE: Bufile 100-2237 indicates that Dr. a World famous electrical inventor, and at of his death his personal papers and effects were impounded by Office of Alien Property for National Security reasons. Since Tesla's death in 1943 the Bureau has received numerous inquiries about the disposition of his technical papers. The above tories — reply is forwarded in answer to these inquiries. ‘ : : 4 i4soONC teurrvre unre a cro: assert i J SY FE THe, Sey, —-_! “ROUTING AND TRANSMPLTAL SLIP Alan McCreight Rm. $435 - JEH Do NOT wee this form as « RECORD of isapprovals, clearances, and similar ections ne ee "70/21/78 Susan M. Hauser Pt 2145 5% I~ Freedom of Information Act Recuest Deputy Attorney General U.S, Depertment of Justice eerrrenenes: Washington, 2 D.C. 20535 Gentlemen: I am writing an article for a magazine on early twentieth century inventorg end want to obtain information on some Papers of Nil that were seized by the FBI on his a+) YA. TH Tesla invented a number of elecfrical devices and because /? of the war and because Tesla was born » Yugoslavian national, it was probably considered a measure of preventitive safety / to hold in safekeeping papers that might have any bearing on national security. I would like to find out: 1) if the PBI still has the papers; 2) if they do have the papers, what must be done to see them; 3) if they do not have the papers, who does have them or what happened to them? 100-2237- 28 I would be very grateful for your help with thii Reg Sincerely, ET FORMATION on ) PT TIS UNCLASS! y pate 23:00 BYP 4Yinpiee —_ 54 nn Se rn nin : Pe Fo na ore ae oe or aL CORN nee heat cee Seem en TG Wok be ne mass protect ob eee) Sebi eects Cee ree orien ene Peer Eee ee Spee een a NL ee ne ee Sian Se ee anes eh RS Ons TCR oe Selene Tl So eae eae Core rearenr eet erm aren ee a carr ioe ea see Corona eee nena) coe ane tea a RCD RL oS RCT ana UO Scrat ee cn Se A ee oe Peet fl eS oe a ON ar ar er a i eee Screen tan ra en a ATOR er Le ee ee ea ee COR Sn Sea rN Caan See eee eT PO i UE eT ee ea crn AD San RCL oe ET Saver mena Sc Ber Coe a CRD eT Oa fa oer ie Eihersik ie anche conn ; fe Rn ec ae ee ee a aR a Sra Cn ene et Ten Sener aac otra a Ee eRe er ee ea ee ea ean Torna PUR Tea ra H i cer ran ae ee PCC RSL NTR 5 \ Oe en nee rt f a SURTOC Ean ata] tha coe Nae 5 hameelen r een) enc oe cree meee eT cee ins eee Seo eeeea tee Re ee et | ent cee Penna fe heen anti vn eS ir aera er Sere ME EN Renta en Ce aT een ane ee Mens Lalgon stat at Sree ee erat in ME te es ree ena nto ; Se Mee cco oe Pere ee ear ee Cea ets ee rec ce Rota OD Soran no cea ere POs ao aT ce re Dae cits ee ee LS TRON near reat ee i SUSE a a an a SORE Tce Lee Te Pear prea neet ma ah iecrt Dee See a eee eee) cn Peer een en ACEP TIS ASO oe a ae Ne eR MCU Oe mene Eres er bue) sc MN Teena ee ae PL OC OR eC Pens ear eS Ce Seen eee tt ee Co HA eI OO OO aL Le nem ene Retire epee ee petra Aare ee eMC eC eee RATER) Senna encnere a! ae eames ra ree eer oer earteneh mre Ne ea erer re rence ee ee orn ne are ORT Sco es Oren Seem Conner cern) rear pore) eR EETTS ce ne Reet ee ee CS eae nen OER EY Pa ee ren nae OTe ee LS one ere GAMO Ce UCC ny eee eC Toee e eee een oe Oa Ay era ame reese POENR rs a oman ran etna SOO Pere ECeran es rcs rh ee Re e a Peeters EE re te enn eer Cre CT rence me ca Re eee eee ee ee La Pere er itets NRMIeS FerraR eed eo ees mm ( Freres tamara ere OE See eee [ eatin Tee ee eT rereeeiantes MURR nce Ta Seta cornea i eer ear ce Oe ork a eee Pe cnenearet ea Perth tea Scare aie acon Pree naan rr f c _ a rans Loran a este cars FP vinnenun we a ee eee ny F an rn ear in } ‘ "RECOGNITION FOR TESLA | At long Inst Serbiaris—American and |. acted to honor the memory and achievements of one of , "Bis aretet vo sons, ci 7 Nina sed bate ea ork sour Serbs on this Continent lan to-erect a bust statue of ‘Steps Igoking towards that end were talen at the resent SNFgenvention following the reading af by President adakovich from His Grace, Bi icolai. Ae the yai- : Tena churchman stat wie = monument, by Serbians, would forever nemiod other Serbs of the honor and glory of Dr. Nikola Tesla ...c..And that he -was a SERBIAN, son of a SERBIAN ORTHODOX. dargy- man, born in the SERBIAN SELO of Smiljam in Lika. Further, His Grace urged that the undertaking be a joint * . one and’ representative of ALL the Serbian orgaillieatic the United States and Canada® He naturally looked to the SF | for leadership, and the greatest monetary contribution. Buifhe| alto besought the help of the Serbian Nat'-Defense and Jedinstvo beneficial society. Y2S The Convention voted $1000 for the project nda | WZ hand collection was taken wp among the: delegates. ae = te, Mil jevich of Joliet; HL, giving cod feo, inwmen Mian eh. bee ~ Will be raised thru public good-will offerings and 3 cash gifts of the other two organizations mentioned. ‘ 3 And after a suitable bust has been erected for'Dr. Tesla, oO Bishop Nicolai suggest¢dsrvimilar-like monument honor the 2 \ | memory of Dr, ise fopin, also n world-renowned sciehtiat, é puthor and educator Bt ' “This is a subject near and dear to all good Serbian hearts! + — & te ae yo 22374 Soptenter 28, 1955, INDEXED . 35 Pittebargh, Pas "ae meow * TE - pe LOE FU CO ocr? toce 0 . F Opens Drive for Tesla Memorial at a —— 2000 PUBLIC AID SOUG PITTSBURGH, PA. — The Serb INat Federation Executive Board acted quickly to implement = jAvention decision to honor the of the illustrious Dr. Nik sla ‘At its ficst meeting of Octo- ber 8, the Board drafted a resolu- lon calling eu all SNF members ‘and good Serblam to help fi- {| Rance a memorial project fer the ate selepiist-inventor genius. ‘This would stand be'ore the entrance of the Monastery in marreat 27h tempted poe ‘that Or. Tesla was a Serbian. is ‘estimated at $2000. The Convention| voted $1000 to the cause and a hand wide Centennial celebration for ‘the genius next fear. ical admirer of i Tesla, Mr. Anderson right now is con- ducting a search for a famous por-| ‘trait of the Serbian electrical wiz- jard done at the turn of the century, in New York Goer seca 1 ystcapaaat#o"| CONTAINED = we! "7S ao aot complete the world: ‘Spearheeding, the movement for rerognition, espécially among ‘American elements, is the {TESL Fentist sénat- ‘Seek Missing Portrait In his Current TESLATAN oub- [Eeation, Mr, Andgrson revesied the work, by Prineess Vitma Lwoft- Tate Dr. Nikole ae oe Ubi in it and the much. North exposure was missing. “sat the miggestion of Mr. Testa, a cluster of powerful incandescents was put up in the corner of the apartment and the rays, filtered shru blue glass, were just the right ‘quality. The portrait was shown under the same illumination, ‘At Base for Biting : ‘Mr. Tesla, having sfived the. problem af the artifical a fell to ‘thinking about other parts of the ‘universe, and there he sat oblivious to his surroundings. ‘The painter was able to duce a likeness in which there no evidence that the subject wal | conscious that anybedy : watching him, much lees wtedy- ac his features from the ether | collection among . yielded several Parleghy, is missing. side of the easel. ‘more Reviewing developments, Mr.| ‘Among those who attended the [Kingman atilos \Konjevich of Anderson wrote: |reception were Mrs. C. B. Alex- “On March 1, 1916, the Princess| ander. ‘Jollet, I, gave $2 Henry P.. Davison. the ve a reception in her new studio |Countiess de Rittenburg and Mrs Dees in New York especially to exhibit) E. 7. Isham." ™ Balance of the needed sum is now her latest protrait of Nikola Tesla.| After the Princess led. in 1628, foeing sought thru good-will offer- An article in the NFW YORK |ner studio and all objects of art,| ings of the general Serbian poou- TIMES for March 2. 1916. sated—| was sold rt wuction ace in the United States and Can- conducted to belo defray ‘xpernes on Shadetand, sheen etzbliahed. 1% b hoped to raise the neces- ton, similar the one v= | INDEXED - 14 eat Pe 3 NOV 8 1958 + was one of the beliefs «F Mr, Tesla that there was some- thing antacky whont posine for 2 pictore and he never nat to anv hel-re he entergg the rtntio al he Pri rm which she | bed chosen did not have a sky- The portrait, 5§xtk wiht pind oe ee Soot atta eta Iie xereas Be Hunted Boer | tinder of AMERICAN SRBOBRAN October 26, 1955 /- Pittsburgh, Pa. /00 - 2337 Half of $3000 Costs For Statue Pledged . Cadiz, 0.,Serb Gives $100 For Bust Image of Inventor To Be Placed at Monastery Pa.—Half of the $3000 fund gosl for a statue iorial of the late Dr. Nikola Tesla has been realized, = Pittsburgh, m SIF announced today. In fact, total contributions counted eo far come to The Fund is an outgrowth of a plea by Bishop Nicolai 8 ‘$1580. = for Serbians to do honor for the EZ OAY A memory of the noted clectrical hkstoriams, writers, edvcators, S82 wizard during the world-wide’ selentite, ate, woold mot be ss Centennial celebration planned, ihisled, Bishop Nicolai bplieves. SEM ei ewenentyen [ater por ens Sz Jqoa! is to amasa the neaded mon- el . In the wake of the ples, jes in ti : a ” ‘ies in time to erect and dedicate => voiced at the recent 7th Con- Ssy "at Ni Falls, Can. {He memorial before the Tesla se aS! decided a grant, the balance of $2000. gp $ 1000.00 Pa A hand collection among the Delegate M. Konjevich 200.00 d “| Rede Dra “$0.00 firet meeting October 5, the SNF Counsel N. Stee 5. ly-elected Executive. Board of Delegate N bership at large to fulfill the bal-) yance required. First Contribution $100 ‘A scant 24 hours after the ap- peal was published in the Society 14 “Srbobran™ organ last Wednes- T 1+ day, Sime Zelich of Cadiz, save $100. . ‘The proposed memorial, 2) statue image. would be placed be-, Hore the entrance of the St. Sava |Serbian Monastery in Libertyville, in.» | o> oo 1 {i ‘SNF appealed to. the mam-| "Mazin Jakovas, : ship at large to fulfill the bal-| [hija Janjade 5, Sipesaiedee cures Low Bales. %s/ First Conteibation $100 feet ee : Milan Kajganovieh 10: 4 scant 24 hours after te ap- Stevan Rogue. 10.00 5 «I weas published in the Society” Borda Drewisieh | 5.00 ! ibobran” organ last Wednes-, “Milan Tomieh' "| 5.00 +, Sime Zelich of Cadiz, 0. Todor ‘Vuieich 5.00 12 $100. +L Djuro Lukich 500 5 The propored memorial, &| “ G. Stoisavijevich 5.00 sue image: would be placed be; R. Vukadinowieh 5.00 e the entrance of the St. Sava Tanko Mrmich. 5.00 bian Monastery in Libertyville, Petar Maravich 5.00 Mirko Baranin 5.00 “There ® would proclaim to Stanko Jolich 5.00 ma of thomands of Serbia Cy sheet eneeel Fiof. Anthony Tomevich ala was of Serbien immierant (Edmonton, Alberta, ock and son of a Serbian ¢.0) 10.00 rthodox clerrvman,” BSLOP Teta Andia Mamula ieoiah decierett: (Pittabursh) 5.00 For half century and more, Martha Mamula Bjelosh American public has (Pittsburgh) 10.00" tn misled anent the nationality Sime Zelich (Cadiz, 0.) 100.0" «the man who foretold thé com- Minko Alexich, war invalid 1 of atomic energy power. (Omaha, Nebr.) Only recently, a prominent | American magazine listed him, correctly, of Croatian tock. The mistake was subse- uently publicly corrected with eee He eee coe the pene ned | —the honoring, forever, of two of Serbia's best-known imr lacking an imaze reference. grant sons who contributed so greatly to the welfare and eee aie eee prosperity of their adopted America. \ ; We hope to report developments as soon as they take pl\ce, remembering Bishop Nikolai’s concluding remarks: “Nikola Teala, in the field of science, brought the | Serbian name great glory—juot as did the greatest Serbian \ knights on the field of battle.”” Tota Old References Poor sre was never challenzed by re and other intercated ities before, the maxazine losi- Vy assumed it was factual. Erection oF a host statue. hn Vstinwe De. Tesle’s date of icth. bintholace. patents, ete. vonld counter the old wvhde nd make certain that future NY | 67 23 June 56 Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington 25, D.c, Gentlemen: During my senior year at Georgetown University, read J.J.0'Niel. Biography of Nikoli Tesla the book, entitled “Frodigal ‘Geniuer described quite a few of fesla's expe: of which I tried _ myself in the pl la ted in reviewing Tesla's experiments in wireless electric power transaission. Unfortunately, Tesla dled in 1945 just at the time he supp had developed a systen of wireless power transmi War 11 was then in progress hi F.B.I. I suppose that by a's pape: publication, but a call to the Library of Congress prodilee results, Therefore, I have two questions: aly on Bince World 1) Does the F.B.I. now have Tesla's scientific papers? 2) If so, are they available for public inspection? If they were released, who has them? 1 Will certainly appreciate any help you can give Tosla published very little of his findings: 7 fact that wireless power i¢ connected by most people with "Death Rays" and crack-pots has made it nearly impossible for me to find anything on the subject, coupled wi © les rezoned 86° 0 -937-‘] me 3956 ® (2 vo) ua oo ; 00-9337. Pommonn a9 7 7 : INFORMATION CONTAINED 880 29, 1988 jpriae TEIN IS UNCLASSIFJED = L5 a ee yA amas co. 45 8 oe ‘ a “ NiKali Feske: a Tour letter daiod June's, 1904, has bone received, LF Hles retiect that the Qtleets of reals wege taken into eabtody after his death by tha Office af Alien opert and pot by this Bureau. Wines we Aid not participate in the handling ef Mr. Tesla’s effects, we are unable to supply the information you requested. oo Gincersly yours, don Edgar Hoover 3 2 wEw i - 3 = —TET) NOTE: Bufiles reflect no record on vorrespondent and revea) the Fortec JUN2 9 1956 | spelling of Tesla's name as "Nikdja." Bufiles reflect this type of Seni b MAILED 24. | been utilized by the Domestic Int gence Division in answering ingiries. (65-47953; 100-2237) Cover memo from Mr. Belmont _, Boardman 6-29-55, set out background of this matter which concerned th * death of Heels, a famous electrical inventor, Bureau was not involved in this matter, and the opening of the safe containing his effects was done by the Office of Alien Property. Gees Office Mem. v::idum < unvtep +. GOVERNMENT roo: DIRECTOR, FBI pave 7/25/57 OE ; sac, NEW YOR (65-12280) i oR wee RCT: wrxoua Bota (Deceased) epi Is -Y cHye EEE street, New York fy, * 2h, New York, @ oitizen of Yugoslav an : extraction, who on occasion, volun LZ Gieaee Vere orice with intormetion he considers to Te be in the interestsof the Security of eae States Government, furnished Special Agt BIGHOLAS, 9 WASTROVICE the following inf mation on . au an > 3 eee MAA Ati, DIAM ated’ that a certain woman named (4X20) Mrs. MARG/ aoneat who lives with her husband, JOHN, at the ‘ Hotal,_ ae West Sist Street, New York 24, New York, eonae been issuing newsletters which a armation pertaining to aaa ‘saucers anctary maUtere. yf Ae Cem a Mews te MR eeccec oo tas cater oe cas \ Mrs. STORM are exploiting the reputation and genius of NIXOLA TESLA, deceased,inventor of Yugoslav extraction who ahleved world wide fame as a result of his inventions in the United States. any oo TESLA was born in Smiljan, Yugoslavia in on July, 1859 and came to the United States in 1894 and became a naturalized United States citizen. In 1686 TESLA designed the arc-lighting system and two Jears later he invented the Tesla motor and designed 7 @ plan for the transmission of alternating current. —“~.. In subsequent years, TESLA's discoveries and inventiame™ Andided such flelds and appliances as wireless, ~ : communication, eleptribal) 65 tion, radiant” power and : radio active matter, After 1900, communications 4 3 and wireless power transmisgfon = a most of er his research. |. oo ged” @: Pes ina oe (enone ) (ee ) A beasy-\ j 1 2 Hen You (05-1820) ‘agCORD! be va sue 29187 a ee geese a wo 1957 te fi 70 WY 65-12290 TESLA'S only military invention was « to which he once siuded but-neer fully gescribed.* Tois invention was a means whereby an Anpenetrable "wall of force" can be erected around the United States' borders which would render helpless any military attack. TESLA disclosed the existence of his plan in 1934 and stated he intended to present .1t to the Geneva Conference but seldom.referred to it afterward. . The "New York Times" dated 9/; carried an article setting forth "Death Ray". This article Incl plan for e ‘Oration to the effect that TESLA, on his Sith birthday, July 10, 1940, ICE advised New York Times reporter WILLIAM that he was ready to divulge to the United States Government the secret of his "teleforce", with which he said airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles so that an invisible Chinese wall of defense would be built around the country against any attempted attack by an enemy airforce no matter how large. ‘Aecording to TESLA, this "teleforce" was based on an entirely new printtple of Physics that "no one has ever dreamed about” and was different from te grinciple embodied in his inventions relating to the transmission ¢ electrical power froma distance, for which he received a number of basic patents. TESLA stated that this new type of force would operate through a beam one hundredth millionth of a square c-ggegimeter in diameter and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than two million dollars and would take only about three months to castruct. TESLA stated thet a dren ; é Plants located at strategic points Wleng the thast, according to TESLA, wouldube enough to defand the United States against all possible aerial attacks. TESLA stated that this beam would melt any engine and would also ignite explosives aboard any bomber. TESLA stated that no possible defense against it could be devised and he asserted that the beam would be all penetrating. 4 NY 65-12290 ‘TESLA stated to Mr. LAWRENCE that he “makes one important stipulation before he would i divulge this secret to United states Gove: : ; and that was that should the United Stats Gov. at ecide to take up his offer, he would go to work at... ‘once but that the United States Government would have to trust him. TRSLA stated that he would #1 no interference from experts." a ‘Th thin "New York Times" article ©. TANRENCE comented that wien conditions as they were in 1940, and with the United States getting ready to spend - millions of dollars for National Defense, Mr. TESLA's y great reputation as an inventor, who was mary years ahead of his time, should be gives careful Zonsideration, Nr. LAWRENCE sited, in his opinion, the United States Government should take Mr. TESLA at his word and commission him to go ahead with the construction of his "teleforce" plant. The New York file of Me. TESLA bears no indication that any tional developments were earried on in Sonmeetion with ‘TRSA's invention and whether or not TESLA fully divulged his new plan to the United States Government. TESLA died at the age of 85 on January 7, 1943. we. MD provicea 2 two page ony of the YO above mentioned Mewsletter which Mr. and Nes. STORM 6 Ebvo been dictribucing in oonasotuon with the io Atleged invention by TESLA, which, acoording to Mr. ed Mrs. STORM, consists of a radio type machine rig as the Tesla S8t which was invented by Mr. TESLA in 1938 for interplanetary communication, Mr. and Mrs, STORM claim that TESLA's engineers did not complete the Mesla Set until-after TESLA's @eath in 1943. Mr. axid Mrs. STORM claim that this Set was placed in.opextion in 1950 and since that time TESLA engineers’ have been in close touch with space ships. etc. ial Td NY 65-12290 ‘The Rewsletter furnished by mr.QQRBE included 300 ) the following names: taines . no pertinent information regarding any of the HO VW above mentioned individuals. ia Pwo photostatic copies of ‘this newsletter are being sent to the Bureau for purposes of Anformation while one copy is being submitted to a the Los Angeles Officer information purposes. 1B urs J. Edgar Hoover 4 INFORMATION C0 a Lear Sir: Sue - 7-380 L8 anf I an hopeful thet you cu: ee me cbtain certain pfermetion | em records and data, which belongea to Dr, Nixole"Tesla. de was an Electrical Engineer unc prolific inventor.” He wos born in Yugoslavia in 1856 and died in the United States, New York City, Junuary 7th, 1943. He wes u natur..lized citizen of tais country Tae only inforaetion I eculd find of nis recerds was & report thet the F.5.I, reaovea als papers for exaainetion, and thet the recorus were sealed by the custodian of alien property. 1 neve, Ueen oing soue taeoreticn] research of ay. own, waich I Lelieve wey be along @ same lines he folloi in certuin of nis exveriments. TI so believe the deveios cient of nis idecs vould be in tue interest of cur country regnrcless of sho Gevelopes them. fit is at all possivie for me to neve access to ot tecet soue of iis exverizert2 sora, T sould certainty appreciats it. I Lmnot cble, tg reason cf the vast fincaces, waich would te remired, to conauct such experiments uysel?, so the cata ne mace and collectec would be invaluable. Of course, it is possille thet nis records ao not eontiin materiz] pertinent to nis electronics work, because from whet I uncerstanc frea reccing ebcut him, he kept acct of his reccrds in his heué end wrote dow very little of his dete. It is also sossivle thut souwe of his iceas are Aupractical, tut I fel sure tnat certain of ais ices will be of imuense value to our country uithin the next several Gecuces cr even before, if they ere Gevelopec at a rapic rate. I would appreciate hearing from you on tne subject, if you have any infeanction pertaining to it, waieh ycu could make available to me. M0_= 2.237 - g we Sincere ys. 16 MAR Gide ol a . @ —_ & . OTE: Batiles reflect no recotd on corres tm the past in answering Belmont Of eect Silogl Pri ea a f Sng "INFORMATION CONTAINED IN 2 ~ . Pea ea ae oe Mewr Cresé— | and dine fi Sf “Procligal ania” Tht Ar, Giclee papers were aise tron Lis Maw Atel oom yin hia diaZl cin ia th FOL. SF my en Tei on Due aol eerie b might ole jot nn te r IN : o Aemetily pranter. 1 te |: ==. , ot 76 ieee taclered diagercas'sg the beastry's security f . The ‘tt, apereprinting kis Sen frvardad baa aa reply Me: , ery re yy VEbL ut Nes _ BT TJUL9 1959S fr sn noo] teuetver ut cf i t VW UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum ~ TO MR. TROTTE) ta From: A. Ky Bowidh\s Qo sugjecr; NIKOLA TESLA (DECEASED) [ON CONCERNING by swit because he wanted to talk with someone in charge of records of deceased. pen: he is making a research study for U. S. Air Forcd on subject of geophysics. His deadline is ten days from ow. Aaa? s=3 he just discovered a sentence in a book by John WO'Neill eat he (Prodigal Genius -- The Life of Nikola Tesla," whith states the FBI took iy of papers from Tesla's safe after his death it New York City in . Tesla was a world-famous Yugoslav scientist anq inventor in the electrical field who died January 7, 1943, in New York City. - gue, ediate access to Tesla's scientific works which may shed light on research study, I told ‘we would have somebody from our Office contact him imi ye fae @ Bureau file 100-2237 shows no investigation of Tesla has been con~ ducted by Bureau. Since erroneous statement concerning FBI's taking custody of papers from Tesla's safe after his death appeared in O'Neill's (@) book published in 1944, Bureau has received numerous inquiries from scientists desiring to review Tesla's writings. Each inguiry has been answered by stating FBI did not participate in handling Tesla's effects, but information has come to our attention that Office of Alien Property of Depart- ment of Justice may have examined Tesla’s effects. (File indicates that representatives of Office of Alien Property did actually review Tesla's é. possessions, including his writings, but file does not show what final dispost@ tion was made of Tesla's possessions.) teletype to Boston Division was prepared, but before it was sent elephoned again to furnish me the exact, e in O'Neill's book in which he refers to the FBI. At that time I ‘oe statement in the book was untrue -- that the FBI had not examined or taken custody of Tesla's papers. I suggested that he might contact Office of Alien Property. (Therefore, teletype to Boston was not necessary.)/¢0- 2 257- P ACTION: ggscec 8 350 pybee 13 960. ag eR — ee Bu file 400-2297 , 1% () Y B February 14, 1961 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1 eQRMATION CONTAINED Department of information 4 Washington 25, D. C. -=2]3" 1S UNCLATSIFIED ae ate 7-2-8 BL ba te I ama college student who is doing a research paper on Nikola Festa, As I was collecting the material for ny paner, I discovered that at the time of Tesia's death, the devartment of the F.B.1, confiscated the data and papers that Tesla had celigcted from his research in the field of electricity, This confiscation of his material was stated rn SO Nel > published in 1944 at in the PRODIGAL GENIUS by J.JMO'Ne: New York city by Hasnburn inc, T have developed an interest in the discoveries and a. accomolishments of Tesla that is presently limited by the shortage of factual material, If in your files, you have any information concerning Nikola Tesla that you are per- mitted to release, I will sincerly appreciate your co- operation in helping me give the proper gcognd tion te this REC: 95. 100- 9 37- — Breat scientist and American. lelow I have listed 8 FEB2S 1961 facts that may be helpful to you; mH. /O# fo aaa 1, Born in 1856 at smitjan, Crotia, now YU@Slavia 2 @ 2, Came to America in 1884’and was employed for a short time with the Edison Co. at Orange, N.J. 3, vied on Janvary 7, 1942 at New York city Thanking you for your time and co-operation that I have @> € cerly Yours, g c * your letter of February 24, 1961, Niasbeen received, Sete eee appreciated, In response to your a I wish to advise that our files reflect that the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla Property of te Dapartweat of Sition Sidi te Since we did not participate in the handiiag of Dr. Tesia’s ‘effects, we are unable to supply the igformation you Gesire, iw FEB 2 31961 COMME : NOTE: "No record could be located in Befilgs Adentifiabte with * % correspondent. Butile 100-2237 peflects that Dr. Tesla wasa * 24 i ¢ world-famous electrical inventor, and a the the ime of agen death, a of his personal papers and Py Femi secur UC thet ioe = “Prodigal Genius," by Jakat.’ Mee arash alleges att ‘that ‘BI took, over & Certain safe and opened it, xppropriating his Prope: Bi, we Bufiles clearly indicate that it was the Office of Alien Pro] the Department who did so, and the above reply is — answer to related inquiries. south a ao ) “® ey 4 0 Hovember 21, 1962 Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington 25, De. Gentlemen: Tam making a stuly, mtivated out of personal curinsity, into the Lite ant rors of Hiroieteniae Mes Tesla diet on Jamsary 7, 1943 in the Hotel New Yorker. Since P.Bsl. Operatives opened his safe and took his papers for examination, I wonter if these papers are available for perusal? If they are aveiinble, where would they be located, and are copies available to the public? Tama citizen of the Unite? States, ent have been cleared for security: ‘Thank you very much for any information or help you my be able to Respectfully yours, ¢ D nn NED &, zg) - ne atic Pe ves Se the Latest one deine for w five me in this matte: 41 In response to our tir, {win ka t ott ow out that the offsets of Dr. Nilsia Tesla fore impounded, afte . his death, ‘as Oities of Allen Property of the Departzment of Justice and not by the FBI. Since this Bureau did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesia's effects, I am unable to supply the information you desire. : ot Bincerely youra, J. Eagar Hoover By John Bégar Boover | Director ‘NOTE: ‘Bufiles contain no record identifiable with correspondent. | Bufile 100-2237 shows that Dr. Tesla was one of the worlds a outstanding scientists in the electrical field, and at the time of ‘his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the country's security, it they fell into unauthorized “hands. The book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. CNeil, alleges _ that the FBI took over a certain safe and opened it, appropriating Dr. Tesla's property. Bufiles clearly indicafe ghabit was the Office of Alien Property of the Departmen: rhe ‘@id 80, and the above reply has been forwarded in answer to re rea inguiries. Dr. Tesla was bo: ! Yugostavia and died in New York City 1-7-43. a 8 ae Sai Fea to Zin Ban ee ~ wees. hod Rh oe The 6 eid tne Mpa hal om. ate. Dahl, Tick, Ho tliat, Ae bed harvey Ladi, a ey COME eh te ee dt 4é Mele Ms or Li Abe oy ae ba, wh HK bboy, Grp ube) te TRUE COPY 2 7) 10 March 1964. Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington 25, D. C. Dear Sirs, For some time, have beep wondering about the matter of what was reported on the late Nikola"Tesla, the inventor, He died during early January 1943, while in residence at the Hotel New Yorker, New York City, Accounts have it that his belingings (papers, etc.) were studied, Would appreciate learning if anything can be learned about this. Am hoping to be on leave, and in Washington, along the third week of April, This is mentioned, in case it is possible to view anything relating to the question. » 1o92337-14 fo MAR 1B 1964 — & Sincerely, —_— $4 ey &/ /20 soe March 18, 1904 mR . : | eenRNATION CONTAINED B ---pxiSUNCSY o ame Se cor y ‘Your letter of March 10th has been recetved. Is respouse to your inquiry, I would like to point ext that the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, ‘by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Teala's effects, Iam unable to supply the information you desire. _ a —— aor SB Etgar Roos NES John Edgar Boover 2 Director ig a MAR 18 1 MFBL IOTE: No record could be located in Bufiles identifiable with correspondent. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that Dr. Tesla was a world-famous électrical inventor hands. The and at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believe overa dangerous to the country's security if they fell into book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges that the FBI took certain safe and opened it, appropriating his property. Buflles clearly indicat that {t was the Office of Alien Property of the Department wha\did so, and the above reply is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. $5 TRUE COPY Sir, Teslo According to "Prodical Genius, Nikola Festa” by J. J, O'Neil (a book) some papers were taken from the safe of Mr. Festa about 1945 yr. Is this true. If so are the papers declasified yet? If so may I obtain a copy? m6) » die, it (re a tihkele Full, ff Ogu (a Look) sort J Bipte wt tah fro th sale of & War Tiber about 1945 yn Ly Has trie, i “ Ate art the paper hecheufidayt? o-aasr- [5 bese ey L obteda ; a bye ¢ i LL WMFORMATION CONTAINED yi “eae iS ey ke pate 2-384 von 4b June 23, 1964 ches pana oe & ue ob Your card of June 16th bas been received. In response ti ir inquiry, I would like to point out that the effects Nu were impounded, after his death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's effects, Iam unable to furnish the information you desire. Sincerely yours, 3. Edgar Hoover NOTE: No record could be located in Bufiles identifiable with correspondent. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that Dr. Tesla was a world-famous electrical invent: and at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the country's security if they fell into unauthorized han The book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges that the FBI took ov a certain safe and opened it, appropriating his property. Butiles clearly 7 indicate that it was the Office of Alien Property of the Department which did s and the above reply is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. %, PHSS qo Bia a #* ‘ OREGON STAT. JNIVERSITY " CORVAUIS, OREGON 97331 iy fo: DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SCIENCE [SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. B March 28, 1967 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Department of Information fl INFOR“AATION CONTAINED Cn ey NO alae I am a student of the history of science at Oregon State University, and I am attempting to write a research paper on a very eccentric scientist who died in 1943, His name was Nikole Tesla, a naturalized American of Serbian extraction, and he died in his hotel room in New York City on January 8, 1943. { During the years leading up to World War II, Nikola Tesla supposedly invented a "Death Ray" which could destroy several hundred aircraft. Mr. Tesla was a very prolific and creative genius during his early years but gradually decane something of a crackpot in his old age. As a student of the history of science, it is important to determine whether or not Tesla had any valid ideas in the plans for his death ray. Tesla invented the fluorescent light and also was one of the first scientists to discover X-Rays--hence there may be some possibility that his death ray might actually have been sone crude type of laser. q In Tesla's biography, "Prodigal Genius", by John J. O'Neill, the author states on page 277: i “Operatives from the F.B.I. came to Tesla's hotel & room shortly after his death and opened the safe in his room. They took the papers that it con- tained in order to examine them for a reported secret invention of possible use in the war..." I am trying to locate Tesla's secret and unpublished writings concerning his death ray. I have searched the literature quite thoroughly and’ have found nothing. Does the F.B.1. still have these papers or can you tell where I might be able to obtain these writings for examination? Any assistance or information that you may lend me will be very much appre- ciated. cf 100° PIBT~ fg am —— ) , 1 lt cam len, Sincerely yours, a yt 4 1087 “| np April 3, 1967 "eM 06-4257- I, TAINED LL irorMaTion COW “ee IS UNOLASS 9 DATE ZS: Mya ot Dear CS co ‘Your letter of March 28th has been recetved. In response to your inquiry, the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBL Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla‘s effects, I am unable to furnish the information you desire. Sincerely yours, 14. Eagar FlOover John Edgar Hoover i @ a Director v /) gy NOTE: No record could be located in Buftles identifiable with (@ correspondent. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that Dr. Tesla was a (. ae world-famous electrical inventor, and at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the the country ‘8 securit fell into unauthoriz is, The book, "Prodigal Senior ee ‘John J. O'Neil, cae init the FBI took over a cerégin safe amd opened it, aprons iting his pr: ty. Bufiles clearly inditate that it was the Offic lien Proge! the Department which did so, and the above\ 4 is forwarded a er to related inquiries, ye? % a 5 & $4 feverere owe I Tea et al : Ene Becsten of Smet: Sor waking ten Dc. ‘TRUE COPY ORATION, 57 HEBIEBS, 1969 LEREU IS UNCLASS tr Dear Mr, Hoover, DATE_2.3. By.s4 ¢ L Lev. In the year 1943 the F.B.1. corifiscateg all of the papers and maybe some of the machines of physicist, Nikold“Tesla. These papers were his experiments and ideas at the time of his death. Accord- ing to the books I've read, these papers were confiscated on the grounds of the enemy getting ahold of his ideas and apply them to war machines. Ihave studied ali of the material on this man and have found him to be more intelligent than the great "Brain" of his tine, Thomas Edison, Why without Nikola Tesla there would be Westinghouse Company as we know today. This is the man who harnessed Niagara j Falls, and was the one and only man who could see the possibilities of Alternating Current when men like Edison said "it would never work, " What I am wondering is, maybe these papers could be reclassified from whatever "Top Secret" classification they now have and be made available for study by the people who understand and can gain knowledge from them. I would be willing to pay for reproductions of his experiments if nothing else. He still has a great many ideas that have never been tried. ’ It disturbs me to think that everyone has forgotten about the ideas of this man when he was so advanced for his time. 1 can say with assurance that no man alive can say that he knows all of Tesla's ideas. And studying other men's ideas is the way to advance in science faster. . 100-2. T hope something can be done to get these papers xeleased. 9 Thank You, joo 207 /s/ >" Qi «@ 40 Bel AS, 1969 e ATCT Q TON: 4 k bs i eas and cer (gain Aenewtedys from Ahem. (ame) ae ; i ENCE 4l 2 weld ee of oS ee i ene idea gl Rane maven MH datnte me te Mek : terete £ Fevgettin on iat Ran ews , Se ere a March @, 1969 A 160-2237- 1/7 we « poroesagrion CONTAINED SEIS UNCLE yg le & pate 23-828 be: ST ® . Your letter of February 25th has been received. In response to your inquiry, the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the Office of Alien Prop- erty of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's belongings, 1 am unable to furnish the information you desire. @-popy¥ of your eommanication has been referred to the Department of Justice, Sincerely yours, MAILED 10° J. Edgar Hoover MAR 4 = 1969 suten it NOTE: Bufiles contain no record of correspondent. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that Dr. Tesla was a world-famous electrical inventor, and at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were L Qy believed dangerous to the country's security if they fell into unauthor - ized hands. The book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges that the FBI took over a certain safe and opened it, appropriating his property. Bufiles clearly indicate that it was the Office of Alien Prop- erty of the Department which did so, and the above reply is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. Copy of letter referred to Assistant Attorgey General, Civil Divisi the Department. @) April 8, 1970 Z Federal Bureau of Investigation Director of Central Records Washington, D.c. Dear Si Nikole i am doing @ reocarch paper on NidKola Tesla and would appreciate it if you could please provide me with the following information. That information being why did your Bureau impouns his onal erfects immediately after his death on January 7, 1943. Secondly, could you provide a list of those effects, and lastly, when were they released to whom were they giv: Thanking you for t information ae Bie) STAINED scoreanint COUTAINE ue gut NST Ohm ale wig ed 8ORV worm 24228 37 “§ c APR 15 BH be igo Z : Y April 14, 11 - fog A397 / 8 (ie . “1 I FORMIATION CONTAINED Po" TINLIS UNCLASSIF] 2 PATE ZS-62_B ce) Des E or > In reply to your inquiry of April 8th, the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the ‘Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's belongings, I am unable to furnish the information you desire. ‘A copy af your communication has been referred to the Depart- ment of Justice for any help it may be able to offer. Sincerely yours, 1 Bagar Hoover! MAILED 8 John Edgar Hoover APR 14 1970 Director @ Xj ¢ coun ra 9 . NH NOTE: Bufiles contain no information identifiable with correspondent. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that Dr. Yesla was a world-famous electrical inventor, and at the time of his death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the country's security if they fell into unauthorized hands. The book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges that the FBI took over a certain safe and opened it, appropriating his property. Bufiles clearly indicate that it was the e of Alien Property of the Department which did so, and the above SGAP PR is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. Copy of letter referred “ o< General, a Division of jh rtment. &%, 7° Your letter was received on July 13th and the interest which prompted you to write to me is appreciated. With respect to your inquiry, the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after July 15, 1970 RECS (00 -“2237- | 7 - yap ATION CLTAINED “Dear | OVO sus SI a bite, hgh his death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice \ andthe Ft eid wot participate tn the banding of Dr. Tesla's belong- ings, - John Edgar Hoover Yr Director NOTE: Bufiles contain no record correspondent. Dr. Tesla was world-famous electrical inventor, and at death, his effects believed dangerous to country's security. ' "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges FBI took safe and appro- priated his property. Above reply previously given to same inguiries. (100-2237) Material sent to the Assistant xtorney, Civil Division, of the Department, 20 44 BB 0EC 24 197; ee cette MAM, Room TeLeWPE UNITo attained hin = Federal Bureau Of Investigation Ninth Street and Pennsylvania Northeast washington D, C. 20535 Dear Sirs, Upon rea ding a biography on MikoldTesla, I founé the read more on hin and his works. At the end of the woon Stated that the F.B.1. went to his hotel room gatherdd Papers ang locked them in a vault. The thing I would 1i know is the real reason they were locked up and 1f 1t we urge to it was up his. ke to ould be Possible to see some of these records and any other works of his. I can think of only one possible reason as to cause of records being locked up ani that 1s because he was too advanced for his time, This s ems to be the only logica: Solution, but, with technolo.y much more advanced now ¢) his time it would seem likely that scientists take over he left off, his far 1 han in where Please let me know If I can look at the records and if you can pi-ase answer mR question of the real reason his records were locked up. Thank You, 100 REC43 October 31, 1972 [09- ARP PAL “"" TFORMATION CONTAINED HUIS UieCL/SSIFL & pitas eed fae ¢ ) received on October aa. Your ee wv In response to your inquiry, the effects of Dr. Kikola Tesla were impounced, after his death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the PBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's belongings I am unable to furnish the information you desire. I am forward- ing a copy of your communication and of this reply to the Department of Justice. Sincerely yours, L. Patrick Gray III « L. Patrick Gray, III Acting Director NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles, Bufile 100-2237 reflects, that + Tesla was a world-famous electrical inventor, and at the tlhe of hib death, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangeroys to the country's security if they fell into unauthdHiged Shey “the book, "Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neil, alleges that fay tgok ound, certain, sfe aid opened it) appropriating © tpperty. Bufiles clearly indicate that it was the Office of rae roperty of the Department which did so, and the tenn —— above reply is forwarded in answer to related inquiries. Copy of vmsr— letter referred to Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division of aoe the Department. (mama 0, @ @ iol “+4 FORMATION CONTAINED 27" eiCu RSSIFIED # & ‘ Vo Dd VEREINNS, ! ‘April 20, 19; Mr. Clarence Kelly Director FBI. Washington, DG Dear Mr. Kelly: Mr. Allen and Mr. Ruchlehaus, former acting Director of the FBI, contacted me in 1973 regarding ghe unavailability of Anoticen microfiln records cf llkaisvestars onpublished dary (now in the Belgrade museum, arranged by month per folder). ‘At the time I discounted the possibility thet these unpublished Siscoveries had military significance. But because of experiments now under way at Hill AFB, I now suspect such military applications exist and feel it imperative that you be notified, particularly in view of the fact that the Soviets have primary access to the entire collection. ‘Two photos of each page exist. 7 After Tesla's death, scientists from the Navy and OSS performed @ cursory examination of the diary and notes, which if my —) memory serves me correctly, was one month long, hardly enough time to decipher Tesla's torturous handwriting. Though Tesla wrote in English, his penmanship was email, blurred, and as difficult to translate as a foreign language. According to the museum director (1971), the Soviets had made copies of some portions, but not the Colorado Springs diary, which numbers 500 pages, 20 that directly pertain to ball Lightning, and 20 or so relevant to the equipment construction. (We copied the most significant portions, but feel more exist: Fan areictet eerine, EDN (an electrics é of an unpublished manuscript from John J. O'Neill's book to milj¢aty applications. Incidentally, some of O'Neill's descraptions were inaccurate and exagerated, as we have exceeded, Teolg-a Pesulte and are feniliar with the experiments. At any rote, tere, mre three possible military applications. First, Tesle claimed that the lightning balle (which destroyed ‘Ms equipment) could be used to destroy atzeraft. 1 have to AF personnel --such as Oe er reall —_ who saw one inside his plane in £light--and found AF personnel fear these “rf balls," as they call them. Second, it is a suspicion of mine that ball lightning, if injected with lithium, could produce a cheap fusion bomb. Third--and this may be no more than a suspicion--the propulsion mode of ball lightning involves electro-gravitic interaction, by which means air vehicles of revolutionary configuration may be constructed. There are no presently-known laws of physics that can account for the propulsion (400 mph or so when following ‘on airliner). Other hitherto unsuspected applications may 6 exist. None of these applications were the goal of Project Tesla, which centered on producing ball Lightning as Tesla did and studying it as a plasma confinement technique for fusion reactors. Incidentally, Tesla’s claim to setting up standing waves on the earth's surface (wireless power) was erroneous and involved techniques similar to Project Sanguine, that 8, using the earth's atmosphere as 2 veveguide QUID dare of out research). cor : | P.S. By a copy of this letter, along with the enclosur T am notifying the C.1.A. Enclosures: 2 10% ee ce SIGN NEWS, Fusion energy: will experiments n bali lightning provide the key? i Paul Srigier, Associate Editor cheap and endless energy Higheu vole coniaveulyoxiting source—fusion powre, or the #smped-wave lighining penevator ever sche stand empty hangar energy source used bythe stars Pinedo martina ees sehere the frst toric bomb was and sun, The fucl is deuterium, Inprovonene saci aly Sueaeauet assembled, a man-made light- or heavy water, that can be current of 22004 Z aes Further fing orm now Being un- ineapensivey extracted from ‘DEMSTN, culvert pe: leashed. The voltages of these ocean water to provide mankind 2a tal lightning bolts—20 million volts—are the highest discharge voltages ever produced by man Project Tasla, headed. by Robert K. Golka and Dr. Robert W. Bass, is an attempt to arlificially duplicate one of nature's rarest and inos! teri ing phenomena—ball lighining, The experiments are based upon the unpublished notes of Nikola Tesla, who, in 1859 at his Colorado Springs laboratory used a secret magni iter to produce 1.5-in. lights ‘ing balls that floated for 30sec. The energy surplus Many physicists, including the: eminent Dr. James Tuck, found- ¢F of the US. fusion program, believe that the lightning ball holds whe bey toa toniasic. LOO — 2. 3 L=. Hecate uae with mitfions af yearsah Unfortunately, prog. -ss in fusion research, which has centered on magnetic confine- ‘ment and laser implosions, has been frustratingly slow and full of unpleasant surprises; and scientists warn that success could be as far off as four decades! But if these promising experiments under way 2 Wen- dover, UT, are successfu, ew =nexpecied confinement technique could unleash this energy source In search of nature's secrets... Ball lightning, a glowing sphere of red, orange ot yellow plasma, often materializes dur- ing lightning storms and floats about, often against a. strong wind. The bali may bounce along the floor and, on occa- sion, the sphere will “slip” through glass without breaking it. (The author recently investi= gated one such case in a hospital, in which the fights were damaged.) At times it materializes inside or even outside aircraft in flight, seem ingly impervious to deformation from the wind force. Witnesses of ball lightnir have included such notables as Niels Bohr and Victor Weiss- kopf, the Director of the MIT Physics Department. Another witness was Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who reported secing it cross the breakfast table aboard the presidential plane. The accidental formation of ball lightning has been observed about once per year for the past decade inside building 985 at Hill AF Missile Radiographic Facility, UT. The volleyball-size fireballs drop out of the space adjacent to the high voltage supply of the 25, Mev linear accclerator. The ball of blue fire floats down to the floor, rolls around randomly and then rises again to the power-supply area where it dissipates without detectable damage. Despite toubleshoot- ing, no explanation can be found for this occurrence, On one occasion, lightning, struck the building—a large concrete structure with 3 69-11 coiling inside—and, simuitane- ‘ously, an intense sphere of fire the size of a tennis ball formed above the conduit on the wall at b1 ly shoulder level, It mover! atong the wall for a distance « some 30 ft., floated out ani around the neck and shoulder. of a person standing near the wall, moved back to the wall and continued along for several fev! until it intercepted a duples outlet on the conduit, At this th ball exploded, causing elec trical damage throughout ‘Anew state of matter? No presently known laws of physics can account for the Stability and bouncing of fire- balls unless it intludes surface tension, This hitherto unob- served state of matter is a ne concept, since plasmas have never previously exhibited such strong surface tension. Also, presently known laws cannot account for the propulsion, Project Testa has developed a rigorous mathematical model of the lighining ball’s absolute, asymptotic, fluid-dynamical sta- bility. tnitial computer studies indicated a density range of 10-10" cm", with a tempera- 11a tw 10%10" *K—or seven times hot. 2. sun! ager ene et a Ohaptor 24 * 1 mot ol) peterrie de tal Watt etee, wes ‘wet publi thed “as TEC A TRIES TO PREVENT WoRED rit, “* P Vthed 7 i ‘ Moby Ta egile besk ONL sett Whon Tosh was talking as a sciontist Ye ‘tias‘opposed to fone veco wars on moral, economic and all practical and theorctical grounds. = disro. But, like most scientists, whon ho stopped thinking as a sciontist,~-rie and let bis emotions rule his thouchts, he found exceptions in ts which he felt somo wars end situations were justifiable. As a c'eint, bat scientist he was unwilling to have tho discoveries of scientists +. ‘sit. applied to the pruposes of wer mers, but when the emotional phase ov of his nature took the ruling position he waa then willing to apply--stree nis geniwto devising measures that would prevent wars by supplying-+¢,! protective devices. thee Semeteicy tha This attitude 4s exemplified in the following statement anne. which he propared in the twenties but did not publish: sfier ol "At present many of tho ablest minds are trying to devise expedients for preventing a repetition of the evful conflict which is only thooretically enéed ani the duration and rain issues of which I correctly predicted in en article printed in the Sun of December 20, 1914, The League is not a remedy but, on the contrary, in the opinion of a number of competent men, may bring about results, just the oppo- site, It 19 particulerly regreticbic that a punitive policy was adoptod in framing the terms of peace because a few years hence it will be possible for mations to fight without armies, ships or guns, by weapons far more terriple, to the destructive action and rango of which there is virtually no limit. any city at any distance vhatso- ever from the onemy ean be destroyed by bh: and no power on earth can stop hin fron doing co. If we want to avert on inpemfing ealenity and a stato of things which may traneorm this gloce ‘nto en inferno, «ce should push the Gevelopuent o.” flying machines and wireless transuission of. energy without an instant's delay and with all the power and re- wources of the nation." Tesla saw proventative possibilities in his new invention which ombodied "death ray" characteristics and which was made several years after the foregoing statement was written. He saw it: providing a curtain of protection which any country, no matter how small, could uso as a protection against invasion. ‘hile he wight offer it as a efonsive weapon, however, there would be nothing to stop military non from using 1t es a weapon of offense. While I did not know the nature of Tesla's plan I was con- vinced that it did embody many discoveries that would be of éozmer- efol value, and these were the angles he should soek to develop. I folt thet if he could be induced to devolop some minor phase of his work that would have immediate commercial use he could derive an in~ cone from it which would enable him to. proceed with his more elavccrate Plans. To this end I sought to gain sone insight into his thoughts, that would ensble mo to get a proctical plan in operation. Taiz was no sccret :to Tesla and he successfully parried every thrust 1 made. Tho clearest conception I got, and that was lergoly from scattered remarks, ana oy making deductions fro: them, concerned A possiblo manner in which ono phase of his curtain of protection might operate. This vas a "wer" angle and ag such4, i‘ not interest [60 - 2H B37 — Cy it mo, dut! since Lt inve"ved "Lightning balls,” or "firo balls," I was / very curious. Fis lla hod always fascina . 0, and I had read everything I could “iuy my hands on about thems A five ball is a strango phonomenon associated with light~ ‘ning. Some of the energy of the Lightning atroke appears to become Locked into a ball shaped structure which may be of any size froma couple of inches to a foot in diameter. It looks like a perfect : sphere, brightly incandescent end floats like a bubble, being easily carried by air currents. They may last for a short time, froma fraction Of a’sccona to many scconds. in this interval, during which they stuy fairly close to the ground, they may como close to many objects without Gomaging them or being damaged by them. Sud~ donly, for no knozm reason, the ball explodes doing as much denage as a bomb, if close to structures, and no damage if in the open. he fire ball looked to mo Like e gicantically enlarged model of the tiny electron, one of the building blocks of matter, which acts as if it vere just a spherical erea of space in which en amount of encrgy vas crystallized to give it structure, I felt that 4f At were possible to discover how -a:large amount of enorgy ves stored in this fairy bubble structure of a fire bell a new insight might be gaincd into the structure of the electron and other funda- mental particles,of matter. Also this method of storing energy could bo applied to a thouscnd uscful purposes. Woen I approached Tesla with pleas along this line to de- velop this possible phase of his discovery he would evade direct ro~ ply by indulging 4n a, not always, tolorant lecture on my gullability in belicving theories about the complex structure of the atom, Wile . he bad in carlier yeers discussed som of his experi’ aces with fire balls in his laboratory at Colorado Springe and expleincd uis theory of their formation, he would not in tho later years permit himsel? to be drawn into a discussion of then as a possible part of his sys~ tom. This, of course, made me suspicious that the clue wes "hot" but I could bo completcly wrong in my conclusionse Tesla was very quick in detecting my technique when I sought to narrow down a field by trying to cet him to deny statements when’ he was adamant to direct questions. of fire balls in his experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899. Be produced then quite by accident and saw them, more than once, explode end shatter his tall mast and also destroy apparatus within his lnboratory. Tho destructive action accompanying the disintegration of a fire ball, he declared, takes place with inconceivabel violence. i Tesla became familiar with the destructive characteristics ‘He studied the process by which they vere produced, not Decause he wanted to producé them but in oraer to eliminate the con- Gitions in which they were ereated. It is not pleasant, ho relatod, \ to bave a fire ball explcde in your vicinity for they will destroy \__ enything they como in contact with. It will bo noecesery to roconstruct his statements from vory fraguentary notes and a long distunce uemory. WW "Parasitcoscillat a, or cireuits, within tl main cir- evit wore a source ° wanger from this.cause. Fvants of resistance 4n tho main circuit, could result in minor os. .llating circuits be- tween terminale or between two points..ol resistance and these minor circuits would havo a very much higher period of oscillation than the main circuit and could be set into oscillation by the main cur- rent of lower frequency. "Even when the principal oscillating circuit was adjusted for the greatest efficiency of operetion by the dimination of all sources of losses the fire balls continued so occur but these were due to stray high frequency charges from random earth currents. “Prom these experiences it became apparent that the fire palls resulted fron tho interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequoncy wave imposcd on the lover frequency free oscilla- tion or the main circuit. ‘ : "As the free oscillation of the circuit builds up from the zero point to the quarter wave length node it passes through various rates of change. In a current of shorter wavelength the rates of change will be stecper. When the two currents react on each other the resultant complex will contain a wave in which there is an extremely steep rate of change, and for the bricfest instant currents may move at a tremcndous rate, at the rate of millions of horsepower. "This condition acts as a trigger which may causo’ the total energy of the powerful longer wave to be diecherged in an infinitos- melly sm2ll interval of tino and at e proportionately tremendously great rate of energy movement which cannot confinc itself to the mete: circnit and is released into surrounding space with incon- ceivadlo violence." : It is but a step, from learning how a high frequency cur- rent can explosively discharge e lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these explosions can be produced by intont. The following process appears a possible one but no eviconce is available that it is the one Tesla evolved: An oscillator, such as he used to send power wirelessly around the certh at Colorado Springs, is éet in operation at a frequency to which a given warship 4s resonant. The complex structure of a ship would provide a great number of spots in which electrical oscillations vill be set up of a mich higher frequency then those coursing through the ship as a whole. Tnese parssiste-currents will react on the main current causing the production of fireballs woich by thoir explosions Will destroy the ship, even more effectively than the explosion of tho magazine which would also take place. A second oscillator may be used to transmit the shorter wavelength current. Somewhat Inter I learned the reason for Tesla's reticence to discuss details. This came shortly after Stanley Baldwin re- placed Neville Chamberlin as Prime iinister of Great Britains Tesla revealed that he had carried on negotiations with Prime Minister Chamberlin for tho sale of his ray system to Great Britain for $30,000,000 on the basis of his prosentation that tho Gevice would provide complete protection for the British Islos against any enemy approaching by sea or air, and would provide an 13 offensive voupon to + ‘ich inere hye Celene. He was convinced, - he deckereé, of th -ncorsty of hr. Chamuer’*: nd his intent to adopt-the devico u 1t would have proventeé © outbreak of the them threatening war, and would have made possible the continuation~ undor tho duress which this weapon would meke possible - of the working agreement involving France, Germany end Britain to maintain the status quo in 4urope. thon Chamberlin failed, at the Munich conteronce, to retain this state of European equilibrium it was nocessory to get rid of Chamberlin and install a new Prime Minister who could make tho effort to shift ono corner of the triangle from Germany to Russia. Baldvin found no virt'v in Tesla's plan and procmptorially ended the negotiations. Tesla was greatly disappointed by the collapse of his ne= gotiations with the British Government. ‘ith it there collapsed his hopes of providing a demonstration of his most recent, and, what he considerec, his most importcnt discoverics, He did not, however, roll on the jubject; beyond the single conversation ho did not mon- tion the mtter again, ho did not get anoticy chance to financo the demonstration of these discoveries. During the period in which the negotiations were being earricd on, Tesla declared, cfforts had been made to steal the in- vention. His room had been entered and his prcrs exeminod but the thioves, or spies, left empty handed. There wes no danger, he said, that his invention stolen for he had ut no time comiticd any part of it to vapor. He could trust bis noxory to preserve every fino detail of his investigations. This“wes true, he said, of all of his later major discoveries. The neture of his system r-kes Mttle difference now; he bas gone and bas taken it with him, Perhaps, if there is any com- munication from beyond the veil that separates this 1ife from what~ ever exists hereafter, Tesla may look down upen earth's struggling mortals and find somo way of dropping a bint concerning what be accomplished; but, 4f the situation is euch that this cannot teve Pleco, then wo must anait until the bunan rece produces another ealde 000 BE Ste cep ican Tint CONTAINED 13 UNCLASSIFIED, No 72008 { 2387-24 & ear Thank you for your letter of April 20th, with April 30, 197, eis enclosures. It was certainly most thoughtful of you to furnish us this information, and your interest and courtesy are indeed appreciated. Sincerely yours, . MAID 6 ©. M, Kelley ete p . bins 351975 : Clarence M. Kelley 7 | ‘i a Director eee i NOTE: Bufiles indicate limited correspondence last outgoing 6-27-73, in reply to his request papers of Dr. Nikola fesla» Dr. Tesla was a world-famous electrical inventor, and at the time of his death in 1943, all of his personal papers and effects were believed dangerous to the country's security if they fell into unauthorized hands. “SitmcThe book, “Prodigal Genius," by John J. O'Neill, alleged that tthe FBI took over a certain safe and opened it, appropriating his «Property. Bufiles indicated the Office of Alien Property of coh aacthe Department of Justice did so. _Bufile 100-2237-23. Coen (3) ‘TELETYPE ust] Ws / ENCLOSU ius : f eee ep. AD Adm 3 dd, sare a JUNIE United Slates Senate To ensure proper handling picase return al! correspondence TO THE ATTENTION OF: ea Respectfully referred to: FBI Please respord to tne attached inguiry in quslicate ax return the enclosure. Thank you £9" your cooperation. \6 Deen Srv al apn : sube Lae bay _ Pilar a Pebls Scholl Syot, de seers tag Gyan B on nb chtick, 1 hee stoelad al the oe witergs t the head geen Wi kola Tesla MOS 61 - Gerster 7 > /9¢3) ‘ When {i co be eS 7 the Jee lena Brats of L T alveatga ae Ca. (' i me Od eos | th. & Sa a bees boom ae is ee Kpamel Me, TLE @ aN oes 7) } % So GURL Z Wace 2 \ in sf the (Pogetea oc fer Ce ¥ € Yetta’ © u Coad we Uy LILLE. A \ 5 4 i hoger + a / p oT DP é SL eo bid ? a chu du thos te np Ld, BL [apres fepe of ferdingy yoo oz ei frbieige Lied fete of pee or ele eh row abot amd beranan of be vpn Pe! ee, rte to devin aby « wobog Ce ae haba. - Lb th baw oe The be ie f ery Sy J00 —~2237-30 June 23, 1976 sence United States Senai Washington, S10 +B. C, Dear senato My respond ©) will ae of Jane léth fhe effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the Office of Allen Property of the Departeent of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we aid not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's belongiags, I an mable to farnieh the information you desire. A copy of your commmication and ef this reply are being referred to the Department of Justice and the enclosure to your communication ig being returned as requested. Sincerely yours, ©. M, Kelley Clarence N. Kelley Director Mnclosure . 1 - Assistant Attorney General - Enclosures (2) Civil Division 1 - Milwaukee - Enclosures (2) 1 - Office of Congressional Affairs - Enclosures (2) NOTE: This response is consistent with past responses to iries of a similar nature. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that the Office of Alien Property took possession of Dr. Tesla re following hia death. a \V4revecs y Assee. Dw ‘Dm AD Ade — Ory AD len UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES DEPANTMENT OF JUSTICE Ant 6 Memorandum To : Mr. Bresson pare: 2/25/80 SuBJeCT: FREEDOM OF INFCRMATIQY ACT DISCLOSURE 2) CONTAINED REGARDING DR. NIKOLA“fESLA +y FORMAT! Mo y vr yculesile \- PCE S Us py e# } To reduce time spent on handling of requests for t information on captioned subject and to promote uniformity of disclosure. DETAILS A search of PBIHQ central records indices reflects that Dr, Nikola Tesla is carried as the subject of Bufile 100-2237. Virtually all information in this file is inquiry- type correspondence. For purposes of FOIA releases, copies of this material have not been made and requesters have been $0 advised. Copies of the remaining material in the file totalling 29 pages, however, has been processed for disclosure. Numerous requesters have sought information relating to Dr. Tesla under the FOIA. Therefore, it is recommended that the disclosure documents maintained in Bufile 190-16504-4 be considered the preprocessed release appropriate for responses by the Initial Processing Unit for any further requests for information on this subject. \ RECOMMENDATION: ; That the Initial Processing Unit, FOIPA Branch, Records Management Division, add captioned case to their list of preprocessed cases and ng begaye any future requests for such information. J e-k i 100-223 7 41p0<16504300 = Vay Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savinas Plan Fev cos 27 1980 ur recent letter requesting information concerning Dr has been received. death, by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. We have no preprinted material available for public distribution regarding Dr. Tesla. How- ever, uncer the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (Title 5, United States Code, Section 552), requests have been made in the past regarding your topic and there may be docu- ments available to you under Title 28--Code of Federal Regulations. If you are interested in seeking such documents under the Freedom of Information Act, you should make a parate inquiry, clearly marking the envelope and letter as a reedom of information Act request, and direct it to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C, 20535. In the a must request documents regarding the specific topic “gf [interest to you. REC: 79 i The effects of Dr. Tesla were impounded, after his Sincerely yourey wal /d2~ 2237- William L. Bailey . Assistant Director 2 AUG 7 1979 Enclosure ae HH (this correspondence response Sisy engender » future FOIA in- @ —auiry.) © a ne Based upon available, information, iSigiidentifiable in Bufiles. VoL 1." eh) VOR ily @ peer OEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU INTERNAL ROUTH Ae Dr RECOMMENDATION/ COMMENT D ie (Or NECESSARY ACTION G_SEEREWARKS ON REVERSE O FLe 1D cooroinate MAKE COPIES (No, ) O SteMe © PER NquiRY _RETURN (BY ) D_CALL ME o THCHAS H, 2: \Xd que unvePcWRETARY OF DE ,SE 7 - WASHINGTON. OC. 20301 RESEARCH AND ‘FEDERAL GOVERN, 9 FEB isat ENGINEERING 3 Bi MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION SUBJECT: Papers Recovered on the Death of Nicola Tesla (U) 2 {U) We understand that the FBI may have possession of za number of papers found after the death of Nicola Tesla in 1943. Nicola7Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer (i.e. the Tesla Coil) who was a pioneer in various aspects of electrical transmission phenomena. (C) We believe that certain of Tesla's papers may contain basic principles which would be of considerable value to certain ongoing research within the DoD. It would be very helpful to have access to his papers. (U) Since we have really no idea of the possible volume of these papers, we would be happy to provide a researcher who could assist you in reducing ‘the magnitude of the Search. If there are further questions, I am the Point of contact within the DoD and can be reached at 695-6364 or 695-7417: \ a a espa ¢ Lek. f- oa Bas i Allan J. Macl3ren RESISTERED LtColonel, USAF rh Nilitary Assistant 1059638 niainronuanion cowie © 2" aera = centaer oe HEREIN 1S UNGLASSFIED DF Te = 2-94 che 4-2-0) 61-2202 NN f IL RaEPA Heft jt 40 37 Pev-deD Stor bates "TCO - PAD O— nests iasthis ~ 272. Au Dad Dep. ; 18 QF v7 Classifed by: DUSDRE/S&SS Declassify on: February 1987 BORA Te reg — ; OMAR 30 rag” ee 10, 22-2 Strategic ant Space Syatens Office of the Uncer Gecretary poms, coment of Defense Washincton, D.C. 20301 i : sTOHt cota pear colone MacLaren: Hee 2 WCU Rosa Your renoranaur of eae, 9 regiestin: access to the scientific Pcr@ Of Dr. a which night be in our files has been referred to -y office for reply. A preiirdrary review of cur files indicates that tac Pi ede not participate in the handling of Mr. Tealc's belon:- fis followin; hie feath da ‘iew Yor). City 4m January, 1943. cds parere were exarine! by representatives cf the Office Sf tlden Pronerey, the Hawy Department an’ the Offt2e of Scieutizic hesearch an Bevelopeent, In Februery, 194 payere apparently were relesss? to fr. Sava. Row br. Tealats nephew anc the acministrator of bis estate egshoviety eccresa at tare the wer M1, Fe erst Bard) hcocglere paren of ocr Aruices ds bodng made to Quter dae If we nave any infornetion that right be useful te you. You will be notifde” ef the resulta of this search at in: earliest possible date. DEMO og _ 22374 Sincerely, eat i /.. Sf Boker 32 py Royer £, Youny eee Assistant Director in Charge Office of Congressional anc Puniie Affairs (PCIPA) ~ Ence : (27) mag Rw, who Ras hanclec si | concerning Dr. Teala, In nu- Ymve wold that the Office of Alier Pro:erty Tesle'e pzrers ober hie Moudtdertdon, Civil Divisicn, dnjtest edn their poasearton p cet. Aa gpMactaren itary Ba aie T2DERAL GoveRMaEN Strategic aas Zags fyste7s “Cilisc “of the Shier sosretery i 2p eee at the thie of Miz were placei in the custely o: the ALL woul by the Jute: Luster ave never Seca 42 the ned at the t S2ai and Tel, ware taker aft ee tativee fro: the 1 oe fhen Lior Propert. Suttodtin, the eseares an® evelop-eat at the Massa- < Office of aval Intel- i the FUT E14 not aainaticn. (65-47953 section 1) use ani Sturaze So: rk, where they a> tigijatine La bate York a: Oifiee of Sch chugetts Inst. Mijerce, ar} Unite! 5 perticipste dn thie 0 fare It woe the consilere< orinion of 3 of those oxasiners “that there exist aun Dz, Tezia’s papers and possos- #ions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unreveale’ is or devices, or actual apparates which could be of idcent valuc to this country or wilch woul! constitute e ¢ in unfrionily hands." Thare vat thought to be no technical or “ilitary reazon why further custo: of the property shoul: Pe cotainct. “wowver, our tiles indicate that cartain = Ho. {5 eB SIS7- oe” wen 25 1031 R23 196i wa —_— ee + Col. 3. mackaran A meno dated October 17, 1945, from our Nev York Office said that at that time Dr. Tesla 's effects remained aC the Manhattan Storage Warshayse in some 75 packing boves and trunks under seal by the Wew York oepertuent of Taxation. The rental for this storage, approximately $15 pér month, wea being pad by Charlotte Metar, 134 cast 63rd Street, Mew Tork, Row York, who was Listed as aq agent for Sava Xosanovich, De. TesTe's nophew anc administrator of hls estate. (65-47953-14) On October 26, 1945, ti who had been T lel} Office oy the bearers of the eela. (65-47953-15) 9 It was exploines to that the 0 FEI hat no Jurisdiction over Tosla's effects wore referrod to the office of the Allen Promerty Custodian, Bureau files co not indicate whether the men ever exanine! Tesla's belongings. (65-47953-15) The Tesla effects remained tn reome 35 ant 32 of the Manhattan Storage Company. In the 1950s, 78I Agents were told by company management that the only recorded visit had been sada by “rederal authorities” in January, 1943. rocalle} that the mn ha! taken numsrous pho tes description of the equipment ase! would ten. to ahow that 8 alerofils reyroduction was rade of the papers af the deceased. (65~47953-27) Sur files do not reflect any pertinent information on the Tesla materials since that date, Their currest whereabouts er condition are not reflectel in our files. For further information reyarding this matter, you cay wist to contact the Office of the Alien Property Custofian and the other Peteral agencies mentione) above. I hope that vo have been.of asnistenop to you. soph f. Yorry at d4rector in Charge niressional pgotic Atfaies (corre = \o7 — tt. Col. A, J. Nacharan WOTE: On February 9, 198), Col. NacLaran wrote to us inquiring about the scientific papers of Dr. Nikola Tesla. In 2 return letter of daron 9, we {aforaod hia that a thorough review of ocr files would be mate in wearc!: of the information he requested. Thiz vas done ant he is being inforasd of the results. Texla's papers have been the wabject of numerous inquiries by various individuals an? erjanizations since his death. PRI receives over 20 701A requests on this matter during the period 2973- 1920. Xatter coordinated with POTA Section, RID. \a8 OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON. 0. 20301 —— RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING "DAPR 1981 FEDERAL GOVERMENT : y Mr. Roger S. Young Assistant Director in Charge He Office of Congressional and Public Affairs (f Federal Bureau of Investigation (Ah Washington, D.C, 20535 bear we. Yours, eo ES Thank you very much for your letters of March 10 and March 20, 1981," in response to our request re ve.Gesta. We very much apprectate the effort that must have gone Bate ver of the Deputy Under Secretary (Strategic and Space Systems), Dr. S. L. Zefberg, I would like to thank you and the people who spent their time searching out the relevant data. Sincerely, Ct}: Wa bane Allan ‘MatLaren “Colonel, USAF Military asstecanc Perpap tutiew latel. glrofng peno /00 -A2a9 1-5b _— a With ENelosures | apd 2 el ALL DOD site sh, wu i VAL se per 3° Dar vite rdne 5,08 ancl 362,001 —_——n (stairs affomaro CONTAINED. o7C- HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED we He erPA No. 366,608 © 362,00} dea 1 BEE» css oF Gr OA Director of the FBI Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: — aes While attending college, I came gcross,an article about the 7 ' electrical genius, Nicolai Tésla. “Mr, Tesla was an electrical (/ ) genius with such peers as EDISON and WESTINGHOUSE. Tesla ourster = designed the basic generator and was the first man to introduce alternating current to the people. The article, written in an underground SanFrancisco newspaper, stated that Tesla also worked with electromagnetic waves and supposedly built e plant that could harness the electromagnetic waves out of the earth's atmosphere sufficiently enough to use them as a source of elec- tricity. The article stated that Tesla built such a plant and lit up a city street 150 miles away by sending the electromag- netism via radio waves. This method is presently being used in electronic warfare. After that, the article stated that the FBI confiscated his plans and buried them in your archives. Their reasoning was that such a free form of energy would knock out a big chunk of the oil, coal, and nuclear forms of energy and their contributions to the economy(money for research and employment). All I want to know is if there is any truth to this story and if so what was the FB1's reasons and when are the archives opened again so that Tesla's work could come to light again. Now bear in mind that this man was an, egtrical genius and even had a unit of electrical measure Le ddd BD he did figure oyt Gay to utilize the earth's electromagnetic oe waves then I belfeve that we are ready to gradually phase out our dependence on oil, ease the volatile tension in the Middle East and put all that money presently going to the Arabs into t (Woke \%0 Sd reel = a A ct ll space research, joint international research and deep-sea research to help solve our population problem. 1 am talking about huge eums of money being released that could speed up the experts present projected times of producing significant gains in these still relatively new fields. You could at least take the time to check out what I am saying and judge for yourself whether or not the archives should be opened now to put the world back on a more secure heading Sincerely, ohne) {3} Dear q Judge Webster has referred letter of July 21st to me for a reply. A check of our files indicates Dr. Nikola Tesla's effects vere impounded after his death by the Office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the PBI. While your interest is indeed appreciated, the FBI is unable to answer your questions as we did not participate in the handling or have anything to do with the storage of Dr. Tesla's belongings. To be as helpful as possible, I am forwarding a copy of this communication to the Department ef Justice. aa ~ Acting Absistantsgttormepicensralssameclosure = = Beal btvietsn ee 2 x NOTE: beac is not identifiable in Bufiles. oe. Fee | died on 1/7/43 and we have received yppmh correspondence” \\ regarding his belongings whii re dmpounded by the Office of Alien Property of the Departitent of Justice. = VOLS © hoe Beall 2237-3 ws Wee 13a : een ee 5 ee eee Fo00 Rev 6-20-82) - TRANSMIT VIA: PIECEDENCE: (CLASSIFICATION: r D Teletype OD immediate OO TOP SECRET 0 J Fegipie DD Priority O SECRET ie g —_— D Routine CONFIDENTIAL OD UNCLASEFTO DD UNCLAS Date _A/18/84 | TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ‘ATTN: "ENTD, soreviscr iT ) ¢ FROM: $ACx CINCINNATI} wou Sw 41 This communicatien is classified woo" in ite entirety. Re telephone ¢, Cincinnati Division, to Supervisor THQ, on 8/11/83. Enclosed for the Bureau and New York is one copy each of pertinent pages from the 1981 book titled "Tesla: Man Out of Time" by Margaret Cheney, with important paseages underlined. B, have botn been in contact with SA at the Dayton, Ohio RA regarding possible FBI SECRET cited by lee cemy Classifie\py: 8262 Dectacgity on: QADR Declassifyhen; OADR Wistece mim 9/00 — 223] > 09 1) : : Bureau (Enc. 1)! oo ~ New York (Enc. ©] 2 Cincinnati ~o—— 9 é 17 AUG 22 1983 a ; a Approved: ‘Tre (Number) (Time) SSKey _i9E> 133

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