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ends, Secrets, and Magic Green Beans

By Caroline P .

Becca flopped down on her big king sized bed. This would be the perfect day, if only her dad was there. He was at war. Being an only child, Becca never had anyone to play with. Being an only child was usually fun except one fact: she never had anyone to play with. She always wanted a sibling, a girl with long blond hair just like hers. She squeezed her pink fluffy pillow. Her room had pink, fluffy wallpaper. She was what you might call rich. Her bed was on a platform, and her room was quite plain. Everything was white, that is, everything but her wallpaper. In fact, The only things that werent white were her pillows. Being bored, Becca decided to walk around. The rest of her house was cold and all marble. Knock, knock, knock! Becca gracefully walked down the stairs, Is Grace Chandler here? asked a man, this is urgent. Mommy, there is someone here for you! Becca shouted. The man looked at her intently, Oh yeah, I forgot, its urgent! Beccy, go back to your room, her mother calmly said, Ill deal with this. Dont call me Beccy, pouted Becca. Being 6 years old, she had no patience. She played with her dolls and then her momvb gbg came into the room, sobbing. Mommy? What is wrong? Becca asked, cautiously. Your dad was... umm... shot. That man came to tell us. Okay. I MEAN... HES DEAD! Oh... Five Years Later Mommy, I really miss daddy. Me too honey, me too. Her mom calmly replied. Becca tried hard to fight back tears. This war had gotten the best of her. After Dad died, she had no money. She had gone from a life of luxury to a life of war. The war was over, but still, she could not forget what damage it had done to her family. She couldnt even afford a new pair of Uggs. An idea

slowly sprouted in her head.What if what if she made a garden! It would keep her mind off war and provide food for her and her mom! Early the next morning, she set off to town. It was only a 2-mile walk. She went into the market to get some green bean seeds. On her way home, she looked at the packet. It said it would take 1 week too get them to grow the proper size. Thats unusual, she thought, it should take at least a month for them to grow, not 1 week! One week later, her beans were all grown up. She checked the package again; there was very small hand-written print. She squinted this way and that. She finally found what it said: Warning! These beans will make you immortal if you eat them. Keep away from all people under the age of 100. What the heck? Thought Becca. How can I eat them if Im not 100? Maybe I can hide them, just to keep others away from the greed and magic. I can keep them until Im one hundred, then, eat them, and POOF! Im immortal. Thats perfect. A little later, she found the perfect hiding spot, I feel so dumb, here, hiding magic green beans in a tree. Becca had the slightest feeling that she was being watched, but she knew she wasnt. Becca was very tired after she hid her beans. Im going to take a cat nap, Mom, she yawned. Becca was about to fall asleep when she heard the faintest tap, tapping sound. Ah whatever. Its just a woodpecker, she thought. A short while after her nap, she went to check on her beans. They were gone! Becca started to freak out. Beans, where are you? Where? Where? Come out, come out, wherever you are? HELP, HELP, HELP! Charlie, the boy next door, rushed over, panting once he got there. Becca, Becca, are you alive? By this time Becca was on the floor. Of course Im alive, came a voice from the ground. Thank goodness, replied Charlie, Why are you on the ground? Igotrobbed! What was stolen? None of your beeswax. Fine Ill just walk home. Okay, bye. Bye. Even though Charlie was disappointed that Becca didnt want to talk to him, he walked away acting like he didnt care. He didnt know much about her, but he did know she liked mysteries. Meanwhile, Becca searched the house. No one has been here all day. Who couldve done it? She thought. Becca was still searching for evidence of who stole the beans when Charlie came back over. What do you want now? she said coldly. I just wanted to see if you still want help, he said as he tried to smile.

Fine, Im going to question people, starting with you, she said, did you do it? Do what? Charlie mumbled while looking down at his feet. He didnt like being asked questions like that, but Becca didnt know. Oh, he is so guilty! Becca thought as she lay down on the couch. She questioned a few other people, and this is what she had in her detective notebook:

Today I went to my nap, and I heard a tapping noise, obviously a woodpecker. I fell asleep, and woke up: the beans were gone! Suspects: Blind Man Joe: Didnt know who I was, and didnt answer any of my questions. He really is blind! I wonder if he knows something ah, hes probably too old to remember anything anyways. Katie Chinkenhouse: Said she doesnt talk to strangers, Ive known her since 1st grade! Shes too stuck up to care, anyways. Charlie Walkweiler: Mumbled and looked at his feet I wonder what that was about? He must tell me more. Ten Minutes Later Charlie! Where are you? I need you! Come out, Becca yelled when she went to his house. He came out. What do you want? he said grumpily, because whatever it is, I dont care. You are guilty! Becca screamed as he ran into his house, but please come and talk to me. He came back out, Fine. Okay, Ill admit it, I was being harsh and I know it. But prove to me that you arent guilty. Fine, Ill prove that Im not guilty by helping you with this mystery. As they looked over Beccas notes, Charlie said, Its so obvious! It was Blind Man Joe!

How He Did It
Blind Man Joe was blind, right? Well, he was out at a walk, and overheard Becca talking to herself about the immortal green beans. This sounded like a great idea to him, he could live forever! He heard that they were in a hollow tree, but he was blind, so he couldnt see it. Then, he had an idea! He took his cane, and tapped each tree until he found a hollow one. He reached in and grabbed the beans. He didnt think anyone would ever find out...

We need major revenge, snarled Becca No, we need revenge, but in a secret way, Charlie said, I have an idea... we will just let him eat the immortal beans. Theyre a curse, not a gift. Wait, first you must tell me all that you know. Okay. Thisll be weird... Just tell me, Becca urged, But first, I never told you what was stolen. How did you know? Im a detective, too, Charlie said, shrugging, I figured it out. At the end of the day, Becca knew who her friend was. And she and Charlie would be friends forever and ever. Plus, now that she had a friend, she stopped grieving over her dad. And one more thing... Charlie wasnt a detective like Becca, he was a spy.

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