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Name: Han Oel Jake Lee

Date: 10-10-2013

Period: 6

Cornell Notes
Chapter: 8-2
20 Facts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The United States lacked a navy strong enough to challenge Britain with naval force. Madison attempted to attack Canada instead of attacking Britain directly. Most attacks on Canada by the US failed. British troops burned down several buildings in Washington. Negotiations to end the war of 1812 began in august 1914. The greatest US victory occurred after the end of the war, when the British tried to attack New Orleans. The Hartford Convention was a meeting of Federalists that tried to make various changes to the constitution. The Battle of New Orleans boosted Andrew Jackson onto the stage of national politics. The Era of Good Feelings was a short period of political peace. Marshalls decision in the McCulloch case said Marylands tax was unconstitutional. The Missouri Compromise preserved the balance between slave and free states. Adams strengthened the peace with Britain as secretary of state. Jackson attacked Florida without explicit orders, but Adams supported it nevertheless. The Adam-Ons treaty ceded Florida to the US. 2 Themes After the US became an independent country, foreign policy became an important part of the government and politics. Foreign policy not only created international conflicts but also domestic conflicts, as different parts of the US had different interests.

Political parties in the United States created a political crisis, causing politicians to constantly contradict themselves. As the Federalists and Republicans fought against each other, decisions were slowed as politicians bickered.

15. The Monroe Doctrine attempted to prevent European intervention in the new world. 16. The Spanish cared more about handling the situation in South America than the territory in North America 17. Convention of 1818 restored to Americans the fishing rights off Newfoundland. 18. The Missouri Compromise reinforced the principle that Congress could prohibit slavery in some terr. 19. Adams wanted the US to stay away from all European wars. 20. In exchange for Missouri as a slave state, Maine became a free state. Extra Credit Questions At what Latitude was the US divided in the Missouri Compromise? Which general attacked Canada in the War of 1812?

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