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Functions in the Excel Ribbon

is about ...

knowing where to locate the tools and functions found in the Microsoft Excel ribbon.

Main Idea

On the home tab of the excel program, I like to use the font tab on the home tab. Because it can bold your letters, underline, and italicize your words to. On the insert tab, I like to use the chart tab, because it shows you the charts of the numbers you put in and also the title.

Home Tab Insert Tab Page Layout Tab Formulas Tab Data Tab

On the page layout I like to use the page setup tab. Because it can change the sides of your documentary. Like margins and orientation.

In the formulas tab I like to use the function library tab because I really like to use the auto sum to fix my numbers. In the data tab I like to use the sort and filter tab. Because the sort fixes my letters from A-> B.


So what? What is important to understand about this?

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