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ALGEBRA If a+b+c=3, a^2 +b^2 +c^2= 6 and 1/a +1/b +1/c= 1 where a,b,c are all non-zero, then

what is the value of abc? a^2+b^2+c^2+2(ab+bc+ca)=9 put value of a^2+b^2+c^2, ab+bc+ca=3/2 aur third equation se nikal jaega ki ab+bc+ca=abc So, abc=3/2 The moment I see a^2 and three variables addition immediately think of (a^2 + b^2 + c^2) ALSO HERE IF I ASSUME A=B=C=1, MY FUNDA WONT WORK FOR THE REST OF EQUATIONS.SO IMMEDIATELY CHANGE YOUR APPROACH

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