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The bride should not sew her own wedding dress because it is an omen of unhappiness.

When a horse should not be wallowing tread marks left on the ground, because it brings bad luck to whoever does. Before a shooting star across the sky ends its route , must be expressed three wishes and those need to be met . Finding a four leaf clover or a horseshoe nail seven means good omen. To ward off the devil in stormy nights sandals should be placed flat on their tips. Do not whistle at night because it can be answered the devil. Broom hours shortens the life of the mother who do the clean.

JAPAN You should cover your mirrors every night or a woman can come from another world, take your energy and you will die . 11 - Cut your nails at night is ominous . Apparently if you do, you will not be with your parents on his deathbed , or you will die earlier. 12 Dont user new shoes in the night hours, attracts bad luck 13 - When you're nervous , type " human" in Japanese ( " ningen " ) and pretend that you swallow . It will help you keep calm

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