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1. ln Lhe nexL vl, whlch wlll be Lhe execuLlon order (3 polnLs)


2. 1he error clusLer conLalns: (3 polnLs)
a. A number, a sLrlng and a 8oolean
b. An array of numbers, 8oolean and SLrlng
c. A number, a 8oolean and an Lnum 1ype
d. none of Lhe prevlous opLlons

3. Whlch vl wlll you use Lo read an lmage(3 polnLs)
c. d.

4. Lvery uAC vl ls referenced by: (3 polnLs)
b. 8efnum
c. 1ask
d. Waveform
e. node

3. ln Lhe nexL vl, name Lhe ouLpuL daLa 1ype(3 polnLs)

b. LxLended
c. uouble
d. l64
e. l32

6. Comparlng a l16 and a u16 whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue (3 polnLs)
a. 1he l16 sLarLs aL -32,336 and Lhe u16 aL 0.
b. 1he l16 sLarLs aL 0 and Lhe u16 aL -32,336
c. 1he l16 has 17 blLs, one of Lhem for Lhe slgn and Lhe u16 has 16 blLs
d. 8oLh can represenL Lhe same amounL of numbers

7. WhaL ls Lhe resulL for Lhe nexL vl: (3 polnLs)

a. 1u-Array conLalnlng [80,40,20,10,-60}
b. 1u-Array conLalnlng [120,30,-60}
c. 1u-Array conLalnlng [120,30}
d. 2u-Array conLalnlng [80,20}[40,10,-60}

8. WhaL ls every vl composed of (clrcle all LhaL apply)? (3 polnLs)
a. lronL anel
b. lor loops
c. Case sLrucLures
d. 8lock ulagram
e. SLop buLLon conLrol

9. ls used Lo dlsplay a brlef descrlpLlon of a vl(3 polnLs)
b. ConLexL Pelp
c. LabvlLW Pelp
d. Lxample llnder
e. none of Lhem

10. ModularlLy ls relaLed Lo whlch concepL(3 polnLs)
a. Acqulre Pelp easlly
b. Pandllng several uaLa 1ypes wlLh Lhe same vl
c. uslng Subvl's lnLo oLher vl's
d. Modlfy any conLrol or lndlcaLor dependlng on Lhe appllcaLlon

(%)*+,*)- .//-,*)+,$0
8ulld an analog calculaLor Lo Add, SubLracL, MulLlply, ulvlde Lwo analog slgnals. 1he user musL be able Lo selecL
beLween operaLlons and use a consLanL lnsLead of one of Lhe conLrols ln case Lhe user needs lL. 1hls vl musL be
conflgured Lo be used lnLo oLher vl's.

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