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Keiths Marvelous Visit to the Galapagos


Hi everybody! As you know, I have always wanted to visit the beautiful Galapagos Islands. At last, my dream came true!

First of all, I flew to the islands on AeroGal, the very nice airline devoted to taking excited people like me to their beautiful destination. We were welcomed at the luxurious Hotel Galapagos, which, as you can tell from the name, is in the Galapagos Islands!

The Hotel Galapagos, in the Galapagos Islands

Just as soon as I got there, I couldnt wait to go out and see the animals that Alfred Russel Wallace, I mean Charles Darwin, made famous as part of his idea that the earth was created 6,000 years ago.

First, the big tortoise!

Next, more big tortoises playing with each other!

What could this game possibly be? It looks very difficult.

More tortoises!

The eagle ready to swoop down on a tortoise and take it back to its nest.

My friend Gustav from Sweden. They dont have any tortoises in Sweden.

More fun in the sun!

One day I went snorkeling and got this great picture of some kind of fish.

Another day I was very tired and just lay on the beach and relaxed.

Arent they cute?!

Just as Alfred Russel Wallace, I mean Charles Darwin, saw them in 1800 something.

My friend Yakov from Uzbekistan greets a seal. They dont have any seals in Uzbekistan.

One of those scary things . . .

I risked life and limb to get close enough for this picture.

At last! The Blue Footed Boobies!

But then my wonderful trip came to an end, all too soon. Bye bye Galapagos! Perhaps one day you will get to go, too!

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