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Haleh Popal 3/4/14 History 7 Period 7 Hetalias belief system In an effort to create a successful civilization the people of Hetalia

have established their own belied system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps the people of Hetalia have happiness and hope. Here are some examples. The first tenet in Hetalia is Pret. This tenet means for people to let go of their problems and get together and having a good time. Pret in Dutch also means fun, so this tenet is mostly about being happy and having hope and doing the things that make you happy. To practice Pret, everyone would have to make a trip to the Hetalia state house and enjoy themselves by having a feast and playing games. Pret is similar to the Eightfold Path of Buddhism that teaches Right Effort which according to Frey means to, promote good actions and prevent evil actions.(159). For example, if a citizen puts energy into fencing, then he wont have time to commit robbery. Pret helps the people of Hetalia focus on the positive aspects of life and forget about the evil.

The second tenet in Hetalia is Varga. This tenet means for people to show their loyalty to Otakuisms polytheistic community. Although the word Varga doesnt really have a meaning, people still know it stands for the sacrifices made to the head god. To practice Varga you have to be loyal to the gods and know their names or you would offend the head god by not knowing the names of his children. They pray five times, every Sunday. The people of Hetalia have to go to the head gods temple and sacrifice items and pray for a good life. Every other month, you pray to all the gods and sacrifice food for them. This tenet is based a little off Greek mythology but it also relates to the second pillar of Islam, Salat. According to Frey, Throughout Muslim communities, people are called to prayer five times a day: at dawn, noon,

Haleh Popal 3/4/14 History 7 Period 7 midday, sunset and after nightfall (97). This prayer makes people take time out of their personal lives and give to the higher beings. If everyone contributes, then the civilization will prosper. This tenet helps people realize how important it is to worship their gods.

The third tenet made in Hetalia is Chane. This tenet means for people to have intelligence and be educated. Chane is the goddess of wisdom in the religion Otakuism. To practice Chane you have to be a loyal follower of the goddess and have a passion for education. Citizens must take a class about the gods and goddesses of Otakuism at the age of six. This is similar to the practices of Christianity, because you learn about the religion. According to Frey, One of Jesus favorite ways of teaching was through parables, simple stories with moral or religious meaning (353). Basically, this practice helps people focus on academics and learning. This will help the people be more successful and knowledgeable. For a society to be successful, people have to be educated, so this tenet, Chane, teaches people to be educated about their religion and in general.

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