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H. R.


24, Hemanta Basu Sarani, 305, Mangalam-A, 3rd Floor, Kolkata 700 001 DIRECTORS REPORT !e "ire#tors o$ %our &om'an% !a(e 'leasure in 'resenting First Annual )e'ort and a##ounts $or t!e 'eriod $rom 17-0*-2011 to 31-03-2012+ ( A ) FINANCIAL RESULTS For t!e 'eriod $rom 17-0*-11 to 31-03-12 )s+ /44,*4*+001 4il /44,*4*+001 4il /446*4*+001 /44,*4*+001

1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+

,ross -ro$it./0oss1 2e$ore de're#iation 0ess3 "e're#iation -ro$it./0oss1 2e$ore a5 0ess 3 -ro(ision $or a5ation &urrent a5 -ro$it./0oss1 A$ter a5 Balan#e &arried to Balan#e S!eet

"uring t!e %ear , as t!e #om'an% !as in#urred a loss , !en#e t!e Board !as not re#ommended an% di(idend $or t!e %ear+

DEPOSIT:!e &om'an% !as not a##e'ted an% de'osit 7it!in t!e meaning o$ se#tion 5*A o$ t!e &om'anies A#t, 1859 and t!e rules made t!ere under+ DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT -ursuant to t!e re:uirement under se#tion 217/2AA1 o$ t!e &om'anies /Amendment1 A#t , 2000, 7it! res'e#t to dire#tors res'onsi2ilit% statement, it is !ere2% #on$irmed : /i1 !at in t!e 're'aration o$ annual a##ounts , t!e a''li#a2le a##ounting standards !ad 2een $ollo7ed+


!at t!e dire#tors !ad sele#ted su#! a##ounting 'oli#ies and a''lied t!em #onsistentl% and made ;udgements and estimates t!at are reasona2le and 'rudent so as to gi(e a true and $air (ie7 o$ t!e state o$ a$$airs o$ t!e #om'an% at t!e end o$ t!e $inan#ial %ear and o$ t!e 0oss o$ t!e #om'an% $or t!at 'eriod+ !at t!e dire#tors !ad taken 'ro'er and su$$i#ient #are $or maintenan#e o$ ade:uate a##ounting re#ords in a##ordan#e 7it! t!e 'ro(isions o$ t!e A#t $or sa$eguarding t!e assets o$ t!e #om'an% and $or 're(enting and dete#ting $raud and ot!er irregularities; !at t!e dire#tors !ad 're'ared t!e annual a##ounts on a going #on#ern 2asis+



AUDITORS !e statutor% auditors M.s+ Agar7al Ma!es7ari < &o+ , Chartered A##ountants 7ere a''ointed as t!e Auditors o$ t!e &om'an% at t!e meeting o$ t!e Board o$ "ire#tors o$ t!e &om'an%+ !e Auditors, M.s+ Agar7al Ma!es7ari < &o+, &!artered A##ountants retires at t!e #on#lusion o$ t!e ensuing annual general meeting and 2eing eligi2le o$$er t!emsel(es $or rea''ointment+ !e #om'an% !as re#ei(ed a letter $rom M.s+ Agar7al Ma!es7ari < &o+, &!artered A##ountants, to t!e e$$e#t t!at t!e a''ointment i$ made , 7ould 2e 7it!in t!e 'res#ri2ed limit under Se#tion 224/1B1 o$ t!e &om'anies A#t 1859. DISCLOSURE IN BOARDS REPORT -arti#ulars re:uired under t!e &om'anies /"is#losure o$ 'arti#ulars in t!e )e'ort o$ Board o$ "ire#tors1 )ules, 18** and t!e dis#losure relating to #onser(ation o$ energ% is not a''li#a2le to t!e &om'an%+ !ere 7as no $oreign e5#!ange earning or outgo and no te#!nolog% a2sor'tion 7!i#! re:uires dis#losure during t!e %ear+ EMPLOYEES !ere 7as no em'lo%ees 7!o 7as in re#ei't o$ remuneration more t!an t!e limit laid do7n under se#tion 217/2A1 o$ t!e &om'anies A#t, 1859 read 7it! t!e &om'anies /-arti#ulars o$ =m'lo%ees1 )ules 1875, as amended+ For !" B#$ %& o& '$# Bo r" P% (#: )o%* ' D '#: C$ +r, !

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