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Fainting When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for a short time, the result can be a momentary

loss of consciousness. Fainting can occur suddenly or be preceded by symptoms including dizziness, nausea, paleness, and sweating. A person who feels faint should lie down or bend over with the head down. Follow these first aid directions: 1. Act quic ly to prevent in!ury from a fall. ". #eep the person lying down with legs raised. $oosen any tight clothing. %. &ponge the person's face and forehead with cool water. (. )et medical help if recovery is not rapid. Heart Attack *f sudden constant chest pain occurs, suspect a heart problem. A heart attac is caused by the bloc age of a coronary artery. An attac may be mild or result in sudden death. +o reduce the ris of heart attac , maintain proper weight, eep blood pressure down, get regular e,ercise and medical chec ups, and eat foods low in fats and cholesterol- avoid smo ing. .e alert for the signs of a possible heart attac . +hey include tight, crushing chest pain that can spread to arms, shoulders, or nec - severe shortness of breath- wea ness- sweating- bluish color of s in or lipsand nausea. .e calm and reassure the person. *f there is any history of heart trouble or the chest pain is accompanied by other danger signs, treat the condition as a heart attac . )et immediate medical help and be prepared to give the first aid. Follow these first aid directions: 1. /all for an ambulance. ". 0ave the person sit up or recline on pillows. %. $oosen tight clothing and eep the person warm, 12+ overheat. (. Find out if the person has medicine for this if he or she is conscious. 3. *f the person loses consciousness, lay the person on his or her own bac and chec for signs of breathing. /45 training may be necessary to continue the first aid. 6. &tay with the victim until medical help arrives. Stroke a stro e occur when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or clot restricts circulation. +he type of damage that results depends on the area of the brain affected. &ymptoms of a stro e include speech problems, wea ness or paralysis on one side of the body, confusion, dizziness or unconsciousness . Follow these first aid directions: 1. 4lace the person on his or her side to prevent cho ing. ". eep the person lightly covered. %. chec for breathing. Artificial respiration or /45 may be necessary. (. 72 12+ give fluids 3. )et immediate medical help.

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