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The Help
The Help, which is Kathryn Stocketts first novelpartly based on her own experience-, draws an accurate portrayal of black aids workin! for white people in Southern states in the "#$%s, the a!es of the early civil ri!ht ove ents& 'ot only is it a powerful and co pellin! story about the stru!!le for social inte!ration a on! races, but also a fascinatin! story of three coura!eous wo en who dare to stand up to their fears in their search for freedo and drea achieve ent& The !rippin! plot revolves around writin! a secret collaborative book about real experiences of black servants& (t is an alto!ether risky endeavour, even thou!h they all have stron! otivation behind the ) *n the one hand, Skeeter, the +ust-!raduated white wo an, who wants both to be a writer and to recount the intense relationship with her beloved aid ,onstantine, althou!h !ivin! voice to hushed black people i!ht ean bein! isolated fro the co unity in which she was raised& *n the other hand, -ibileen, who wants to fulfil her dead sons aspirations of writin! about .what it is like to be colored workin! for white people in /ississipi0, despite the fact that it ay well lead to be sacked and even to ha1ard her life& -nd yet, it is the outspoken and wary /inny, the third ain character in the book, who could have found the key to protectin! the a!ainst reprisals in the end& ( stron!ly reco end readin! this thou!ht-provokin! and witty novel, which, with so e strokes of hu our and heart-wrenchin! circu stances, sheds li!ht on the way of pushin! away unfair social boundaries& 2eatri1 34 , 5%"6- /arch- 7th

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