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Diversity 101

Kevin Bruins

Goals for this seminar

Understand a Social Construct Basic understanding of the Social Constructs of Race Gender And why they are Social Constructs

White guy disclaimer

I am a white upper-middle class male born/raised in 21st century United States I am not an expert, but it is my responsibility to speak, to educate myself and others.

Social Construction
Social Constructs are those society created ideas, categories, and norms that have specific cultural and historical meanings.

Race the Power of Illusion

Social Construct of Race

Race - is a social construction, based off arbitrary distinctions on superficial genetic features. There is more genetic variation within any two people within a race than between two people from different races

Geography as answer

Consequences of the Race Social Construct

Social Construct of Gender

Gender-is a series of social expectations, norms, behaviors usually placed into feminine and masculine categories

Wait a second, gender and sex

Sex-is based off the biological organs, male, female, intersex Gender- is the presentation of feminine, masculine or neither behaviors. Gender presentation is taught and acted out

Genderbread Person

Historical and Cultural meaning

There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy; while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl. -Ladies Home Journal, June 1918

Take away
Race exists as a social construct. Racism from microaggressions to institutional racism is experienced everyday-including Gustavus Gender exists as a social construct Sexism and Homophobia is experienced everyday-including Gustavus

2nd session-Diversity 101 discuss

Potential Topics
-Sexual Orientation -Socio-economic status -Ethnicity -Religion -Ableism Action steps

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