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Article Title: The Truth About Fracking Author/Source: Chris Mooney A: List the major ideas, concepts or key

points- point by point Fracking not allowed in New York City watersheds because of source and citizen water 2 to 4 million gallons of water for fracking 75% of what goes down comes back up Not a risk-free industry Range Resources fined for making water flammable Faulty cementing is the lead suspect EPA examining how fracking is affecting Making companies put chemical tracer can help Fracking technology is being blamed rather than companies

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Fracking is known for bringing natural gas to America. There are numerous signs where fracking can benefit the public for cleaner air and energy. The methods of fracking are flawed however. The amount of going in is not the same expected amount of coming out. There are many people greatly affected by mistakes of fracking. However, companies are not being fined or receiving consequences due to their loop holes. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views I believe that natural gas is much better for the environment. However, their methods of extracting are very worrisome. Companies who are being fined for their mistakes are not

stopping them. There should be a huge consequence of a wrong doing of a company. This would scare other companies who are doing the same and make them change. So What? It is important to know about fracking and its effects. What if..? What if companies changed their methods to cleaner and safer method for natural gas? Says Who? The author and the various sources.

What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of the documentary Gasland.

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