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Article Title: Wading in Waste Author/Source: Michael A.

Mallin A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point 85% of beach closures/advisories are of excessive fecal bacteria Because of growth, are near shoreline are by parking lots, roads, and sidewalks Microbes have triggered disease in U.S and Canada Sediments at shallow waters are reservoirs for fecal bacteria Poorly designed sanitation systems in coastal regions contribute to pollution Sandy soils are wet, bacteria and viruses travel through them Livestock farms also contribute People can build better and cleaner to lessen microbial pollution Preserving wetlands can guard microbial pollution

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Due to recent developments, coastal waters are now in trouble. The sand and soil are now subject to microbial bacteria. These bacteria can cause many problems and can cause beach closures. Contributors to this problem include not well enough design of roads, sanitation systems, and farms. It can be easily solved by better designing, fixing sanitation systems, and preserving wetlands. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views Microbial pollution could be solved by better design. I think many people are too focused on other problems that they ignore their beautiful coast. The coast provides serenity and peace

for many and should not be closed because of us. The problem can be resolved if approached right. Better designing and cleaner systems can help put an end to waste in the wades. So What? It is important to know about the microbial pollution in the water. What if..? What if there was a better design for our public water waste rather than dumping in the ocean? Says Who? The author and the various sources.

What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of eutrophication.

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