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Hochiminh complex + Here is bombing shelter. It was build in 1966, when US start the carpet-bombing in the north Vietnam.

When receiving the information from loudspeaker that US aircraft was about to bomb, Hochiminh came to this house to work and inside this house has a cellar, bombing cellar. This cellar go through to that house. So this house and that house is 2 cover of cellar, enter way and exit way of cellar +But in 1967, so is was called house 67. In 1967, US intensify their bombing in Hanoi and north Vietnam, but HCM only use this house to be place to hold meeting with politburo and government official. But from earlier 1969, president Hochiminh became weaker and weaker , so the doctor advised HCM move to this house to avoid going up and down staircase. So HCM live last months in here and he draw his last breath in this house in September the second 1969

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