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Macomb Mathematics Science Technology

The Number Devil And The Thirteenth Night

Keegan Laporte Functions Statistics and Trigonometry Mrs. Dewey June 6, 2013

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Thirteenth Night Robert was sure he would never see the number devil again; it had been six years since his last dream with the mathematician when he had been inducted into the order of Pythagoras. He missed the old devils tricks and mathematical short cuts. These days Robert was top of his class in algebra 2 with a new teacher named Mrs. Charteryzki, an old lady who over explained most topics but made sure every student understood the subject. Robert had put his triangle numbers and hopping skills to use over the years but he almost wished he the number devil would come back and teacher him a new math trick, drawing shapes all day was getting boring. Robert was sitting at his desk in his room doing a math assignment that required all his attention to focus on the pesky circles and squares when he began dowsing off with his head on his text book. Wakey wakey, Robert we have things to do!! said a jubilant voice that seemed far too excited for whatever time it was. Robert lifted his head out of the soft surface to see a library of magnificent size, the ceiling stretched miles high and the rows of shelves seemed to go for ever and ever until the cows go home. Is that you Teplotaxl? Robert exclaimed It is I said the sly old devil. Teplotaxl, 2th class of the Order of Pythagoras he said proudly, I was just inducted yesterday Thats great! Robert said, What did you do to earn it? Well why do you think Im here tonight? Tonight youll learn a great mathematical trick! said the number devil, they began walking the halls of the great library. They came to a row filled with pillows lining the bookshelves bottom to top, and at the end of the hallway was an open door that stretched out into a setting sun.

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The number devil went to the odd pillows and he took out two labeled series and problem solving and placed in on floor next what looked to be a large whiteboard that took up the entire back wall of the hallway. What are the pillows for? Robert asked, as the number devil began writing numbers on the white board with his green pencil.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

The pillows are to assist in the learning process said the number devil, teaching by osmosis Osmosis learning? Robert said I thought such things couldnt exist! You never questioned my teacher methods before. Said the number devil, Look lively now; tell me, what do you know about this sequence of numbers? Well he began, they are all two times the previous number, and oh! My teacher taught me this; its called a rock measured sequence! Precisely, Robert, if we kept this going, we would never end and this pattern would go on and on till the cows go home. But what if we just took out this little section and tried to find its

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sum? Robert looked at the white board and began counting, 1 plus 2 is 3, plus 4 is 7, plus 8, 16 and 32, this is getting confusing, is there and easier way? Well of course there is! The number devil exclaimed excitedly, To count up a section of a rock measured sequence, you must find the sum of a rock measured series, and we have a great way to do this.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
The first number times product of one minus the constant rate to the rutabaga of the number of values all divided by one minus the constant rate. 1 (1 ) 1

So Robert if you could please use the calculator behind you to find the sum of this series that would be splendid. Robert stood up and looked around behind him and only saw more pillows on the walls. Where is it? Robert asked, On the bottom shelf, chop chop Robert no need to dawdle in such an important lesson! The devil said impatiently waiting as Robert pulled a pillow out labeled Calculator in blue embroidery from the bottom shelf, the calculator face was sown into the fabric and felt soft to the touch as Robert put in the formula. The answer read out 63.
(1*(1-(2^6))/ (1-2)

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Well there you are Robert, how did you like THAT little piece of numbers eh? said Teplotaxl. Now are you ready to hear what earned me my new title as Order of Pythagoras Second Class? Oh yes said Robert, he was very interested in a brand new math topic. Suddenly a train pulled through tracks that had suddenly appeared in the central hall began blaring its horn. The number devil turned to Robert and explained his great success that awarded him his new title. Robert smiled and congratulated him again for the promotion. The train gave one last sound of its horn and faded off into the sunset that was faintly visible through the opening in the building. Well Robert began the number devil Our lesson is over, till next time. But wait, when will I see you again? Robert asked as the number devil turned to follow the train into the coming night. I promise, Teplotaxl said, waving his hand back towards Robert, his pencil swinging in his hand, It will be before the cows come home.

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