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Pre-K/Kindergarten News March 7, 2014

This week...

Please return the surveys that were handed out this Monday as soon as possible! I have only received 2 of them back! These will help QISS to serve you better in the future.

We sang a song about the exclamation point and talked about its uses. I had the kids take pictures of their best surprised, excited, or scared faces to help them remember when to use one. We learned about mammals this week and made some mammals to live on our island. We have ocean, desert, grasslands, and forest mammals. We talked about Bossy R this week and how when the R is with a vowel, it doesnt let the vowel say anything (especially er, ur, and ir). We focused on er this week and in honor of er, we made monsters! The kids designed their own monsters and then we wrote some descriptions of our monsters using body part words. They turned out pretty cute! We had an assembly on Tuesday where we recognized the birthdays for the rest of the year as well as some special ESLR awards. Evelyn received a special ESLR award. Congratulations Evie! We continued our talk about money this week and drew out the different ways to make 1, 5, 10, or 25 cents using different coins. Then we practiced making exchanges using replica coins. We have read a lot about plants this week; we have learned about the life cycle of a plant and we practiced sequencing how plants grow. We also learned about the main plant parts and what function they serve. Friday was crazy hair day and the winner of the craziest hair in our classroom award went to Mac. His hair was crazy! Kindergarten worked with a hundreds chart this week. They looked at different patterns and became accustomed to where to find certain numbers. We read a book and a poem about amphibians. The kids chose toads, frogs, salamanders or newts to draw. We learned that amphibians can live on land and in the water.

Help at home! Ask your child to show you the action and tell you the sound of the letter combination we learned this week: er Review the letter combinations weve talked about so far: ai, oa, ie, ee, or, ng, oo, ou, oi, ar, and er. For at least 20 minutes every day, read together! Ask questions about the story and record it on your reading log. Practice our new sight words together: water, many, by, and had. Talk about the plants and animals that you see around you!

As we learned about when to use the exclamation point this week, I chose the best surprised, scared, and excited faces!

These were some of the monsters the kids made and wrote about.

Fridays crazy hair! The kids were hard at work drawing and coloring the mammals that will soon invade different habitats on our island.

Evelyn receiving her ESLR award at the Lower School Assembly on Tuesday.

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